General Education Redesign
亚洲无码 is re-envisioning the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum, the lower division general education curriculum.
Through the General Education Redesign Steering Committee, the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum is being reviewed with the intent of revising and updating our approach to general education across the colleges and universities of 亚洲无码 to reflect the needs of higher education attainment and workforce needs in the 21st century.
The goal is to launch the redesigned lower division general education curriculum in 2027.
While the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum remains a powerful tool for transfer students, 亚洲无码 recognizes that it needs revision.
In 2020 a review of the core competencies focused on human diversity took place. During this review, feedback from stakeholder engagement highlighted broad interest and support for revising the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum to better reflect students’ needs in the 21st century.
These efforts are being led by the Steering Committee, including representative groups of each bargaining unit, student organizations, and other stakeholders. As we pursue the goal of re-designing general education for the 21st century, we will work in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and the Tribal Colleges located in Minnesota.
A Steering Committee, comprised of 亚洲无码 students, faculty, staff, and administrators, has been identified and is coordinating this effort.
Committee Chairs
Jesse Mason
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Aureliano DeSoto
Metro State University
Matt Borcherding
Student Affairs Officer
亚洲无码 Community and Technical College
Agendas and Minutes
亚洲无码 faculty and staff can find meeting materials on the page of .
The goal is to complete the work and launch the redesigned lower division general education curriculum in 2027.
Phase I: Research and Parameter Development
August 2022 - April 2024
- Form General Education Redesign Steering Committee
- New Framework Parameter Summary
Phase II: Framework Development
September 2024 - May 2025
- Draft Framework, Competencies, and SLOs
Phase III: Stakeholder Vetting
May 2025 - December 2026
- Submit Recommendations to the Chancellor
- Final Parameter Summary Completed
Phase IV: Curriculum Development and Implementation
January - May 2027