Councils and Commission
The Academic and Student Affairs (ASA) Councils and Commission were created with the purpose of reducing the historic number of system-level task forces. The result allows Academic and Student Affairs to provide venues where issues of mutual interest might be addressed, improve our ability to communicate with our constituents, and allow our faculty, student, and professional staff leadership to work in ways that are solution-oriented.
In addition, we have a shared interest in working to assure greater efficiencies in how we communicate ASA work plans. In the respective advisory roles, each of the councils plays an important part in helping staff identify and refine policies and procedures as well as work with the Academic and Student Affairs division to address system wide issues in ways that positively impact learner experiences.
The Academic Affairs Council is an ongoing council with an advisory role to the senior vice chancellor for academic and student affairs and the Academic and Student Affairs Coordinating Commission.
The council will be the principal group responsible for advising the senior vice chancellor for academic and student affairs on academic initiatives and programs that are planned, piloted, adopted, and/or implemented for
Undergraduate and graduate teaching and learning,
Jesse Mason, PhD
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Committees and Ad-hocs
The Academic Affairs Council has the following committees and ad-
- Academic Equity Committee
- Educational Development Committee
- Graduate Education Committee
- Teacher Education Committee
- Assessment for Course Placement Committee
The Academic and Student Affairs Policy Council provides constituent advice and consultation on proposed Board of Trustees academic and student affairs policies and chancellor's procedures.
The work of this council supports Strategic Direction:
- To increase access and opportunity; Strategic Direction
- To promote and measure high-quality learning programs and services; and Strategic Direction
- To provide programs and services integral for state and regional economic needs.
Gary Hunter
System Director for Policy and Procedures
The Student Affairs Council provides advice and consultation to the vice chancellor for academic and student affairs on emerging student affairs issues as they are received from its related subcommittees and user groups.
Paul Shephard
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
The Academic and Student Affairs Technology Council is an ongoing council with an advisory role to the vice chancellor of academic and student affairs and the Academic and Student Affairs Coordinating Commission.
The council will be the principal group responsible for advising the vice chancellor of academic affairs on all academic technologies that are piloted, adopted, and/or licensed for systemwide use.
They will advise and make recommendations on academic technologies including instructional related tools, online learning technologies, instructional media delivery, library technologies, degree audit and graduation planning technologies, transfer support tools, and other instructional academic technologies that have systemwide application.
Kim Lynch, PhD
Associate Vice Chancellor for Educational Development and Technology
ASA Connect
Employees can access the internal pages on using your and password.
ASA Newsletter
The is used as the primary communication tool delivering ASA news to 亚洲无码 faculty and staff, Senior Academic and Student Affairs Officers, Deans, Quality Matters Coordinators, system office staff, and others. Information is posted about current projects, upcoming events, meetings, conferences, division news, and deadline alerts. to receive email notifications.