Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum is a framework for students completing an associate’s degree or planning to transfer from a two-year public college to a four-year public university in Minnesota. The framework outlines educational expectations, student outcome goals, and core competencies that are to be addressed in courses included in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum was designed to offer students high-quality general education and seamless progress toward a baccalaureate degree regardless of where they begin their education. The ten goal areas focus on core liberal arts and sciences competencies, and are designed to transfer as a complete package of credits to meet the first two years of general education requirements to any public Minnesota college or university.

While the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum remains a powerful tool for transfer students, 亚洲无码 recognizes that it needs revision.

In 2020 a review of the core competencies focused on human diversity took place. During this review, feedback from stakeholder engagement highlighted broad interest and support for revising the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum to better reflect students’ needs in the 21st century. 

These efforts are being led by the Steering Committee, including representative groups of each bargaining unit, student organizations, and other stakeholders. As we pursue the goal of re-designing general education for the 21st century, we will work in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and the Tribal Colleges located in Minnesota.

Learn about the General Education Redesign Project

亚洲无码 employees can learn more on the of  (sign in with StarID@MinnState.edu).