Toolkits and Guides
This toolkit is designed to be a practical collection of resources and wisdom from the field, to be used by new and existing partnerships aiming to increase the success of adult learners. It arises out of collaborative efforts from around Minnesota and was driven by the work of 亚洲无码’s All Learning Counts, Minnesota initiative, funded by The Lumina Foundation, MSPWin, and the Center for Economic Inclusion. Specifically:
- Who: The toolkit is primarily intended to serve community-based organizations (CBOs), Adult Basic Education (ABE) providers, and colleges involved in helping adult learners prepare for and succeed at their college and career goals. Other partners, such as employers and labor unions (who operate apprenticeship programs) may also find the toolkit helpful.
- What: Specifically, the toolkit is aimed at helping these partners develop successful “adult pathways partnerships.” Definitions and activities vary, but generally adult pathway partnerships involve deep and ongoing collaboration between partners to provide adult learners a coordinated set of education, training, and support services that support an on-ramp to college and lead to college credentials and career success.
Partnerships serving adult learners are not new. Many committed employees of colleges and community partners have been supporting under-represented adult learners. But much of this work was done quietly and in the shadows of our organizations without intentional policy and procedure support. Each effort was in isolation. The toolkit is an attempt to bring a spotlight to these innovative strategies and to create a 2 community of practice in serving under-represented adult learners. 亚洲无码 cannot provide learner-centered solutions without partners.
- Why: The overarching goal of this work is to foster and strengthen partnerships that increase adult learner success and eliminate disparities in outcomes. This means taking a “learner-first” perspective dedicated to meeting adult learners where they are, understanding their needs and strengths, and helping them to navigate their own unique journey toward their educational and career goals.
- Where: The tools and best practices gathered in this document come from work being done around Minnesota in rural communities, small cities, and larger metropolitan areas. While some elements of the toolkit are Minnesota-specific, much of the toolkit will be relevant to partners across the country.
Download the Building Partnerships for Adult Learner Success Toolkit
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