Online Learning Resource Center (OLRC) for CTE

Online Learning Instructional Content for Family and Consumer Sciences Post-Secondary Educators


Videos and articles related to various education topics including assessment, integrated studies, project-based learning, social emotional learning, teacher development, etc.

The IRIS Center is supported by the U.S. Department of Education and located at Vanderbilt University. The IRIS Center develops and disseminates free resources about evidence-based instructional and behavioral practices to support the education of all students, particularly struggling learners and those with disabilities. Resources include modules, case studies, information briefs, course/PD activities, a high-leverage practices alignment tool, and an online glossary of disability-related terms as well as supporting products to enhance their use in coursework and PD activities.

Site for National Council for Teachers of Mathematics; includes classroom resources and NCTM publications.

Offers free materials in the areas of reading and Language Arts (K-12), including classroom resources and lesson plans, professional development guides and materials, and a video library of teaching strategies.

Includes full, uncut video lessons (K-12) and lesson clips focused on specific topics including assessment, class culture, new teachers, technology, etc. Recommended for illustrating specific teaching competencies or reviewing full lessons.

Site includes video lessons and series focused on relevant topics in education. Students can create their own video lessons as well.

Website created by Institute of Education Sciences (an arm of the U.S. Department of Education) with the mission of providing scientific evidence on which to ground education practices. Educators can search specific programs, products, practices, and policies to find evidence snapshots and intervention reports in order to determine the efficacy of each.

Resources in every area of FCS.


The American Culinary Federation National Website

The American Culinary Federation Minneapolis Chapter

Minnesota Pork Board. Website includes charts, recipes, and nutrition analysis.

Pork Butchering Demonstration Playlist

National Pork Board Youtube Chanel. Includes demonstrations, recipes and educational seminars.

Minnesota Beef Council. Website includes charts, recipes, and nutrition analysis.

Research Chefs Association. Place where Culinary Arts and Science of Foods blend together.

Resources for completing Food Protection Manager Certification Examination. Free Covid-19 Training.

"The National Restaurant Association is a restaurant industry business association in the United States, representing more than 380,000 restaurant locations. It also operates the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation."


To provide feedback on OLRC or suggest other resources to be added, please send an email to