Coordinators' Portal

Welcome to the Coordinators' Portal, a one-stop resource for Perkins Consortium leaders and their consortium partners.

The monitoring review provides an opportunity to provide technical assistance, foster continuous improvement, develop a better understanding of local performance, operations and issues facing CTE, schools and colleges. Lessons learned from monitoring visits are shared with the consortium being monitored.

Monitoring Schedule

亚洲无码 and the Minnesota Department of Education are responsible to annually review each consortium Perkins program based on its performance on federally determined accountability indicators. Minnesota will monitor compliance with this requirement by collecting Improvement Reports or Improvement Plans.

When does my consortium prepare an Improvement Report vs. a full Improvement Plan?
If the consortium scored between 90 and 99% of their negotiated target for any indicator, they will be required to write an improvement report describing how or what they will do to increase their scores and must be completed for each indicator where a performance gap existed.

If the consortium scored below the 90% level of their negotiated target for any indicator, a written improvement plan will need to be submitted for each indicator where a performance gap lower than 90% occurred. The full Improvement Plan asks for more detailed information that will allow the State Perkins staff to assist your consortium to identify resources and interventions appropriate to address your situation.

At the state level, we are working on a more structured, coordinated process to provide technical assistance, including resources and professional development, customized to your consortium, performance indicator and data which aligns with other strategic initiatives and utilizes resources at the local, state and national level.

Section 123(b)(1) of Perkins IV requires each state to evaluate annually, using the negotiated levels of performance, the career and technical education activities of each Local Consortium. If your consortium failed to meet, for three or more consecutive years, its performance levels for one or more of the section 113(b) core indicators of performance by the 90 percent threshold allowable under section 123(a)(1) of Perkins IV, the state is required to provide technical assistance to the local consortium. As part of the review of your local plan in May-June, 2014 we will review your Improvement Plans. Your July 1, 2014, Perkins grant award will describe our office’s plans to be of greater assistance to you in making substantial progress on your core indicators in the future.

2010-2017 Trend Report by Indicator includes the Three Year Technical Assistance Status by Consortium for each Performance Indicator. For more information on the data, consult your consortium’s report on actual performance compared to performance targets. If you need further assistance regarding data or information in the reports contact Kari-Ann Ediger or Katie Vaccari Be sure to look at your disaggregated data to analyze your priorities and determine the activities that can have the greatest impact.

Local consortium plans including improvement plans are posted to the Directory of Approved Local Consortium Plans when they have been approved by state CTE staff. We are conducting an inventory of existing resources. Here is an example: Technical Assistance Resources