College Faculty Credentialing

The Academic Affairs College Faculty Credentialing unit develops policies and procedures to assure qualified individuals perform faculty work in our two-year colleges through system-established faculty minimum qualifications under Board Policy 3.32 College Faculty Credentialing and Procedure 3.32.1 College Faculty Credentialing. This applies to faculty positions governed by the 亚洲无码 College Faculty (MSCF) bargaining agreement.

The Joint Committee on Credential Fields is an ongoing committee established under the 亚洲无码 College Faculty (MSCF) collective bargaining agreement. Its purpose is to make recommendations regarding credential fields and minimum qualifications for two-year faculty. This includes the alignment of appropriate credential fields with programs and disciplines at the system level. The committee is comprised of six faculty members appointed by MSCF and six college administrators appointed by the System Office.

Committee's charge document

Credential fields with their associated minimum qualifications are found on this website. A credential field, assigned field or license field means a defined area of knowledge and skill that is specifically related to a program, service, or academic discipline, and for which system-established minimum qualifications have been created.  Assigned fields are associated with faculty positions formerly governed by the Minnesota Community College Faculty Association bargaining agreement and license fields are associated with faculty positions formerly governed by the United Technical College Educators' bargaining agreement.

Credential fields will replace assigned fields and license fields upon completion of the conversion process specified in Procedure 3.32.1.

College Faculty Credentialing Unit Staff

Jesse Mason
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs