Operating Instruction Use of Force
System Procedures
Chapter 5 - Administration
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Part 1. Purpose
To provide 亚洲无码 public safety or campus security officers, and others, with guidelines regarding the use of force. These instructions apply to all public safety or campus security officers engaged in the performance of their official duties. Although campus security departments are not licensed police departments, campus security personnel have citizen’s arrest authority per Minn. Stat. § 629.37 and may use force if necessary to affect such arrests per Minn. Stat. § 609.06.
Part 2. Authorized Use of Force
Use of force is any physical force or contact, by use of reasonable and necessary means, used to restrain a person who is an immediate threat or used while performing a lawful citizen’s arrest. The force used can be for protecting the intervener, the person being restrained or arrested, or others. 亚洲无码 public safety or campus security officers may use tactics and approved equipment in which they are trained and approved to use. This authorized use of force must be in accordance with Minn Stat. § 609.06 and may involve the following:
- The incident involves an immediate threat to the life or safety of the officer or others.
- Given the totality of the circumstances, other verbal or non-physical means of control or de-escalation are impractical or have been un-successful.
- The decision to use such tactics and/or equipment must be done in a reasonably objective manner. Reasonably objective manner is defined as the use of force that a reasonable and objective officer deems necessary given the facts and circumstances known to the officer on site at the time force was used or attempted.
Part 3. General Rules
General rules governing the use of force are as follows:
- Public safety or campus security officers may carry and use only approved equipment as outlined in 亚洲无码 System Procedure 5.24.5 Campus Security, Part 6.
- Use of force training referencing this operating instruction must be completed annually, and must be incorporated into any certification or training on tactics or approved equipment use by public safety or campus security officers.
Part 4. Reporting Requirements
Reporting requirements on the use of force are as follows:
- A public safety or campus security officer using force shall prepare a use of force report concerning the incident in addition to any other reports required by the policies and procedures of individual college or university. The use of force report must be submitted to the chief campus security official for review.
- A public safety or campus security supervisor shall review all incidents involving the use of force with all officers involved. The chief campus security official must complete a separate report that contains an evaluation as to whether the officer’s actions complied with the provisions of this section.
- Notification of the use of force must be made to the 亚洲无码 system office Public Safety and Compliance Unit by submitting the use of force report and other incident report information. Additionally, notification should be made to other system office units as appropriate.
Related Documents:
- Procedure 5.24.5 Campus Security
Operating Instruction History:
Date of adoption: 02/28/18
Date of implementation: 02/28/18
Date of last review:
Date and Subject of Amendments:
No additional History