System Procedure 5.24.5 Campus Security
System Procedures
Chapter 5 - Administration
Part 1. Purpose
Board Policy 5.24 Safety and Security Compliance provides that 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities is committed to creating and maintaining safe and secure environments in order to fulfill its mission of providing high-quality education. This procedure identifies expectations for colleges and universities regarding campus security.
Part 2. Background
Policy 5.24 directs each college and university to create and implement plans, programs, procedures, and training to promote safety and security of individuals and system property.
Policy 5.21 Possession or Carry of Firearms prohibits employees, students, and visitors from possessing or carrying a firearm on leased or owned college and university property in accordance with state law. There are exceptions to Policy 5.21 for specific academic programs, employees, and students transporting firearms to/from firearm storage (if the campus provides it), and for certain licensed peace officers and those visitors lawfully permitted to carry a firearm, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 624.714 Carrying of Weapons Without Permit; Penalties.
The size and composition of individual college and university security departments vary based on campus size, location, and setting. Where security departments are in place, members may be system employees, contracted security, and/or student employees.
Colleges and universities are not authorized by statute to have licensed police departments. Although campus security departments are not licensed police departments, campus security personnel have citizen’s arrest authority per Minn. Stat. § 629.37 When Private Person May Make Arrest and may use force if necessary to affect such arrests per Minn. Stat. § 609.06 Authorized Use of Force.
All college and university emergency operation plans must include active coordination and cross-training with local law enforcement agency(ies). Colleges and universities may contract with local law enforcement for an ongoing law enforcement presence.
Part 3. Definitions
Chief Campus Security Official
An individual appointed by the president and responsible for coordinating training, hiring, and providing security services for the college or university.Security Officer
A college, university, or system office employee, contract employee, or student worker assigned and trained in providing security services as defined in this procedure.Security Services
Security services may include but are not limited to individuals who:
- Provide for a safe campus environment;
- Respond to calls for assistance and emergency situations, including situations that might involve threats and/or domestic violence, stalking, or sexual violence situations;
- Render medical aid as trained and certified;
- Provide campus safety escorts;
- Provide information to the public;
- Patrol by foot, bicycle, motorized cart, or vehicle;
- Prepare crime and incident reports;
- Observe and report unsafe conditions and/or occurrences;
- Provide prevention-related education and inspections;
- Assist victims of injuries and crimes;
- Secure doors, windows, and/or gates in campus buildings;
- Complete daily field activity reports;
- Provide traffic control and direction as needed;
- Provide event security management;
- Provide vehicle unlocks and jump start services;
- Provide access control management;
- Enforce parking regulations and assist in parking permit sales and collection of fines;
- Take custody of found, lost, or abandoned property;
- Act as a witness for sworn law enforcement officers after observing suspected criminal activity;
- Provide disaster and emergency assistance;
- Provide alcohol awareness, sexual assault prevention, and theft prevention education; and/or
- Assist with alarm monitoring.
Part 4. Security
Each president is responsible for determining the appropriate array of security services at their individual campuses.
Part 5. Chief Campus Security Official
Each college and university president must designate a Chief Campus Security Official.
Part 6. Uniforms and Equipment
Each security officer shall have a distinguishing uniform or other identifiable apparel compliant with Minn. Stat. § 626.88 Uniforms; Peace Officers, Security Guards; Color – and be provided a communication device. Colleges and universities may choose to additionally equip their security officers with keys and/or access cards, a multi-tool, flashlight, handcuffs, oleoresin capsicum (pepper) spray, baton, electronic incapacitation device, ballistic vest, and other personal protective equipment. Security officers shall not be provided or authorized to use equipment unless they are qualified in its use through a law enforcement agency or through instruction from a certified trainer. If a campus uses students to provide security services, those students are permitted to carry and use equipment that they have been trained and authorized by the institution to use.
Part 7. Prohibited Equipment
Any equipment not listed in Part 6 is prohibited.
Part 8. Training
Security officers must receive training in de-escalation techniques, communication equipment, use of force, and incident reporting. They may receive additional training, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillators (AED) use, basic first aid, personal defense techniques, personal defense and suspect control equipment utilization (if applicable), and any other job-specific training identified by the institution. All security officers, whether employee or contract, must receive Campus Security Authority (CSA) training annually under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. Chief Campus Security Officials may access security and emergency management subject matter expertise with the Public Safety and Compliance Unit at the system office.
Part 9. Contracting for Security
A college or university may contract for security services from private security vendors. The contractor must be licensed and trained to provide security services in Minnesota. The contract must detail the specific security services the contractor will provide, require the contractor to comply with board policies and procedures, require the contractor to indemnify the institution, and require the contractor to be appropriately insured.
Part 10. Contracting with Local Law Enforcement
A college or university may enter into a joint-powers agreement with local law enforcement agencies to provide law enforcement services on campus. The joint-powers agreement must detail the specific services local law enforcement agencies will provide.
Related Documents:
- Board Policy 5.21 Possession or Carry of Firearms
- Board Policy 5.24 Safety and Security Compliance
To view the following related statute, go to the Revisor's website (). You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.
- Minn. Stat. § 609.06 Authorized Use Of Force
- Minn. Stat. § 624.714 Carrying Of Weapons Without Permit; Penalties
- Minn. Stat. § 626.88 Uniforms; Peace Officers, Security Guards; Color
- Minn. Stat. § 629.37 When Private Person May Make Arrest
Procedure History:
Date of Adoption: 02/17/17
Date of Implementation: 02/17/17
Date of Last Review:
Date & Subject of Amendments:
No additional HISTORY