System Procedure 2.2.2 U.S. Military Members, Spouses, and Dependent Children

System Procedures
Chapter 2 - Students

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for Board Policy 2.2

Part 1. Purpose
To help colleges and universities determine if students who are current or former members of the U.S. military, their spouses, or dependent children are eligible for resident tuition.

Part 2. Background
Current and former members of the U.S. military, their spouses, and dependent children, or any persons meeting the eligibility requirements under Chapter 33 - the Post-9/11 GI Bill®, Forever GI Bill – Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty Chapter 30 and Selected Reserve Chapter 1606, Chapter 31 – Vocational Rehabilitation, Chapter 35 – Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Act, Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship, or similar federal and state laws are eligible for resident tuition.

Part 3. Documentation Used to Determine Eligibility Status
Colleges and universities shall use the following documents to determine the eligibility status of students seeking resident tuition as a current or former member of the U.S. military, their spouse, or dependent child. Regardless of whether state or federal military educational benefits are available, eligible students are entitled to resident tuition.

Acceptable documents:

For current and former members of the U.S. military:
  • U.S. Department of Defense Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD214), or
  • Military ID, or
  • Certificate of eligibility, or
  • Joint services transcript (JST).
Their spouses who have state or federal military educational benefits:
  • Military ID, or
  • Certificate of eligibility, or
  • Transfer of eligibility letter.
Their spouses who have no state or federal military educational benefits:
  • Military ID, or
  • DD214 of their spouse and front page of the prior year tax returns.
Their spouses who are widowed and not remarried and have state or federal military educational benefits:
  • Military ID, or
  • Certificate of eligibility, or
  • Transfer of eligibility letter.
Their spouses who are widowed and not remarried and have no state or federal military educational benefits:
  • DD214 of their spouse and marriage license and death certificate and front page of their prior year tax returns.
Dependent children who have state or federal military educational benefits:
  • Military ID, or
  • Certificate of eligibility, or
  • Transfer of eligibility letter.
Dependent children who have no state or federal military educational benefits:
  • Military ID, or
  • DD214 of their parent and front page of the prior year tax return form of the parent that lists the child as a dependent.

Part 4. Appeal
Colleges and universities shall provide an appeal process for students denied eligibility as a current or former member of the U.S. military, or as their spouse or dependent child. Appeals must be submitted to the appropriate college or university administrator whose decision will be final. A student whose appeal is successful must be charged the resident tuition rate effective at the beginning of the term of enrollment in which the appeal was submitted.

Related Documents:

To view any of the following related statutes, go to the . You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.
  • Minn. Stat. 197.775 Higher Education Fairness
To view the following federal statutes, go to . You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the name or citation.
  • Public Law 113-146 - Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014
  • Chapter 33 - the Post-9/11 GI Bill
    • Federal Register Citation - 74 FR 14654
    • Code of Federal Regulations Citation 38 CFR 21
  • Forever GI Bill – Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act
    • Bill Number – H.R. 3218
    • Public and Private Law References - Public Law 110-252, Public Law 111-377, Public Law 113-291
    • United State Code References
      • 10 U.S.C. 16167 and Chapter 1607
      • 20 U.S.C. 1002, 1099b and 2302
      • 29 U.S.C. 3102
      • 37 U.S.C. 403 and 403
      • 38 U.S.C. 101, 3312, 3313, 3319, 3320, 3671, 3672, 3674, 3699, 3699A and Chapters 11, 33 and 36
      • 42 U.S.C. 401 and 415
  • Montgomery GI Bill - U.S. Code Title 38, Chapter 30
  • Chapter 31 – Vocational Rehabilitation - U.S. Code Title 38, Chapter 31
  • Chapter 35 – Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Act - U.S. Code Title 38, Chapter 35
  • Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship – Amend title 38 U.S.C. – H.R. 2210 – 113th Congress (2013-2014)

System Procedure History:

Date of Adoption: 08/08/16
Date of Implementation: 08/08/16
Date of Last Review: 11/29/23

Date & Subject of Amendments:

11/29/2023 – Full review, added “Active Duty Chapter 30 and Selected Reserve Chapter 1606” to Part 2.

04/03/19 - Amended Part 2 to comply with federal statutes by adding “meeting the eligibility requirements under Chapter 33", "Forever GI Bill – Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act", "Chapter 31 - Vocational Rehabilitation, Chapter 35 - Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Act", and "or similar federal and state laws".

No additional HISTORY
