System Procedure 2.2.1 State Residency Reclassification
System Procedures
Chapter 2 - Students
Access a PDF copy of this procedure
for Board Policy 2.2
Part 1. Purpose
To establish a consistent college and university process for considering nonresident student requests to be reclassified as a Minnesota state resident.
Part 2. Definition
A person’s true, fixed, and permanent living place and the place to which the person intends to return after temporary absences.
Part 3. College and University Policy and Procedure
A person may have only one domicile at a time. College and university policies and procedures must provide a process for students to petition for a change in state residency status.
Part 4. Establishment of Domicile
In order to be reclassified as a Minnesota state resident, a student shall first demonstrate the establishment of domicile in Minnesota.
Subpart A. Required period of residence
A student must have maintained a domicile in Minnesota for a continuous period of one calendar year immediately prior to applying for reclassification, and residence in Minnesota during this period of time must not have been solely or primarily for the purpose of attending a college or university.
Subpart B. Other factors
Students are responsible for providing supporting documentation and evidence with their petition for reclassification. Relevant facts and circumstances may be considered during the evaluation of a petition for a change in state residency, including, but not limited to, the ones listed below.
- Continuous presence in Minnesota between academic terms or other periods when not enrolled as a student
- Registration as a voter in Minnesota
- Ownership of a home in Minnesota
- Domicile of the student’s spouse in Minnesota
- Registration of the student’s automobile in Minnesota
- For a dependent student, domicile in Minnesota of the student’s parent or legal guardian
- Evidence of the intent to acquire a domicile in Minnesota
- Sources of the student’s financial support are generated within Minnesota
- An offer of employment in Minnesota to begin after the student’s projected date of college or university graduation
Part 5. Decision
The college or university process must consider all petitions for reclassification and communicate a decision to the student within 30 days. A student whose residency is changed to that of a Minnesota resident must be charged the resident tuition rate effective at the beginning of the term in which the petition was submitted. Classification of a student as a Minnesota resident will apply to all 亚洲无码 colleges and universities.
Part 6. Appeal
Each college or university shall provide an appeal process for students whose petition for reclassification as a Minnesota resident has been denied. Student appeals must be submitted to the appropriate college or university administrator whose decision will be final. A student whose appeal is successful and whose residency is changed to that of a Minnesota resident must be charged the resident tuition rate effective at the beginning of the term in which the petition was submitted.
Related Documents:
- Board Policy 2.2 State Residency
- System Procedure 2.2.2 U.S. Military Members, Spouses, and Dependent Children
System Procedure History:
Date of Adoption: 10/08/08
Date of Implementation: 10/08/08
Date of Last Review: 05/26/22
Date & Subject of Amendments:
05/26/22 – Reviewed as part of the five year review cycle. Added “Reclassification” to the title, replaced gender pronouns “he or she”, and applied the writing style to the procedure.
8/08/16 - Added new Part 3. Updated the formatting, relocated several sentences in the procedure.
No additional HISTORY