5.19 Travel Management

Board Policies
Chapter 5 - Administration

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Part 1. Authority
Minn. Stat. §136F.42, subd. 2 authorizes the Board of Trustees to adopt policies for 亚洲无码 to approve and administer travel arrangements (other than reimbursement), for employees, and for 亚洲无码 to provide the same services for system office employees.

Part 2. Policy Statement
Travelers shall ensure travel expenses are for valid 亚洲无码 business-related purposes; are in accordance with board policies and system procedures; and are a prudent use of public and 亚洲无码 funds.

Part 3. General Responsibilities
The board delegates authority to the chancellor for systemwide travel management. System procedures providing standard processes must be followed to fund authorized travel at state expense when such travel is necessary to conduct official business and to promptly reimburse employees for expenses incurred.

  1. Employee Travel: Employees are responsible for complying with 亚洲无码 colleges and universities travel policies and procedures, employees’ respective bargaining agreement or compensation plan, state laws, federal laws, and IRS guidelines, and for accurately completing all required forms for reimbursement of authorized official business travel expenses.
  2. Student Travel: 亚洲无码 students who travel on behalf of the system, college, or university for official business either as students or as a 亚洲无码 employee, if 亚洲无码 financially supports their travel, are required to follow this policy. This policy does not apply to students using personal resources to fund their travel. However, if the travel is for 亚洲无码 purposes, students must adhere to the other relevant policies.
  3. Non-Employee Travel: Non-employees who travel on behalf of 亚洲无码 may be reimbursed for travel-related expenses. Best practice is for 亚洲无码 to arrange and pay directly for non-employee lodging and airfare. Meals and lodging must be reimbursed as actual expenses, not to exceed the per diem limits in this policy. Receipts are required for all non-employee expenses. Expenses incurred by a spouse or personal guest are not reimbursable expenses, unless the expenses conform to the acceptable conditions outlined in Procedure 5.19.3.
  4. Supervisors or authorized delegated employees are responsible for reviewing and approving all travel requests and expenses submitted by employees and students.

Related Documents:

To view any of the following related statutes, go to the . You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.
  • Minn. Stat. Ch. 10A.071 Certain Gifts by Lobbyists and Principals Prohibited
  • Minn. Stat. Ch. 15.435 Airline Travel Credit
  • Minn. Stat. Ch. 43A.38 Code of Ethics for Employees in the Executive Branch
  • Minn. Stat. Ch. 136F.42 Subd. 2, Personnel Management, Travel Policies

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: 06/21/00
Date of Implementation: 06/21/00
Date of Last Review: 06/18/24

Date & Subject of Amendments:

06/18/24 – Full review. Added Part 2 Policy Statement. Broke out Part 4. Responsibility and Accountability into three subsections for Employee Travel, Student Travel, and Non-Employee Travel. This is in alignment with other higher education policies. Technical edits, new formatting and writing standards applied throughout.

12/16/14 - Policy 5.19 went through a periodic review. No substantive changes were made.

Additional HISTORY
