5.20 Special Expenses and Chancellor/Presidential Expense Accounts
Board Policies
Chapter 5 - Administration
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Part 1. Policy
Expenses incurred in connection with official functions of 亚洲无码 or its colleges and universities or assigned duties of a 亚洲无码 employee, but not addressed in other expense regulations, must be consistent with guidance provided in system procedures adopted pursuant to this policy. System procedures must require that each expense be pre-approved or have documentation as to why pre-approval did not happen. System procedures must also require justification stating the benefit each special expense provides to the college, university, or system.
Part 2. Chancellor and Presidential Expense Accounts
In addition to other special expenses, an expense account may be established for the chancellor and each of the presidents as listed below. The amounts specified are annual expenditure limits:
Chancellor | $20,000 |
Universities and multi-campus institutions | $16,000 |
Colleges with a single campus | $10,000 |
Expenses of center directors/campus administrators are to be included with the expenses of the president. The expense account must be used for expenses related to the performance of duties and responsibilities for which no other reimbursement is provided. System procedures on allowable expenditures from the account must apply. Each expenditure made from these accounts shall be accounted for, subject to review by the system office and to periodic post-audit.
Part 3. Authority
The chancellor is authorized to establish system procedures to implement this policy.
Related Documents:
- Procedure 5.20.1 Special Expenses and Chancellor/Presidential Expense Allowances
Policy History:
Date of Adoption: 09/20/95
Date of Implementation: 07/01/95
Date of Last Review: 06/18/24
Date & Subject of Amendments:
06/18/24 – Full review. Changed title from “…Chancellor/Presidential Expense Allowances” to “Chancellor/Presidential Expense Accounts.” Added Part 1. Policy. Added Part 3. Authority that defines the Chancellor’s authority. Updated the expense limits. Applied new formatting and writing standards.
11/16/11 - Effective 1/1/12, the Board of Trustees amends all board policies to change the term "Office of the Chancellor" to "system office," and to make necessary related grammatical changes.
Additional HISTORY