4.9 Employee Evaluation
Board Policies
Chapter 4 - Human Resources
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Part 1. Responsibility. Each 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities institution and the system office shall have in place a procedure for evaluating employees, including faculty and administrators, on an annual basis.
Supervisors have the responsibility and authority for evaluation of employees under their supervision unless the college or university procedure provides for another process. This is consistent with requirements in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 43A.20 (see related documents below).
Part 2. Process. Evaluations are to be completed in a manner consistent with any requirements found in Minnesota Statutes and the applicable collective bargaining agreements or personnel plan. A procedure may provide for evaluations of a limited scope in certain years if that is consistent with the language of a collective bargaining agreement.
Related Documents:
To view any of the following related statutes, go to the . You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.
- Minnesota Statute 43A
Policy History:
Date of Adoption: 12/15/99,
Date of Implementation: 12/15/99,
Date & Subject of Revisions:
11/16/11 - Effective 1/1/12, the Board of Trustees amends all board policies to change the term "Office of the Chancellor" to "system office," and to make necessary related grammatical changes.
1/16/08 - amended part 1 to clarify the policy applies to all employees including the Office of the Chancellor and clarifies the responsibility for evaluation. Amended part 2 to clarify that evaluations must be conducted consistent with state statute as well as collective bargaining agreements
There is no additional HISTORY for policy 4.9.