4.5 Student Employees

Board Policies
Chapter 4 - Human Resources

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Part 1. Definitions.

Work study: A type of financial aid which is primarily need-based and for which a student must be employed in a position identified for this purpose. The financial aid funds for these positions are provided by either or both federal and state financial aid programs. Work study employment must conform to the applicable federal and/or state work study program regulations which address source of funds for the positions, placement on payroll and other terms and conditions of employment.

Student help: A category of employment at a college, university, or the system office, for students enrolled in any 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities institution. The hiring college, university, or system office sets criteria for employment such as credit load, wages, and maximum hours. The hiring entity will also determine whether selection of a student will be determined on student need. Positions may be funded by any appropriate source of campus funds, and are processed through the campus student payroll system. Student eligibility is verified each enrollment term.

Unclassified student worker: A category of state employment defined by the Department of Employee Relations for students who are enrolled in colleges or universities, including those that are not part of the 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities . Positions may be funded by any appropriate source of campus funds, and are processed through the state SEMA4 payroll system. Eligibility as a student must be verified every six months. Other criteria for employment are outlined in DOER Administrative Procedures.

Graduate assistant: A form of employment at a system college or university for graduate students enrolled at a system university. Usually a graduate student assists in instruction, research, or other activities related to his/her graduate program. Positions may be funded by any appropriate source of campus funds, and are processed through the campus student payroll system.

Part 2. Wage Rates. Work Study, Student Help and Graduate Assistants: The president of each college or university, or the chancellor for the system office, is granted authority to establish wage rates for work-study students, student help, and graduate assistants at or above the minimum wage rate required by law. The president, and in the case of the system office, the chancellor, shall consult with the campus student association and may consult with other student groups as appropriate prior to changing wage rates.

Unclassified Student Worker: The wages and other terms and conditions of employment are prescribed within the applicable state collective bargaining agreement.

Related Documents:

Policy History:

Date of Adoption: 10/18/95,
Date of Implementation: 11/14/95,

Date & Subject of Revisions:

11/16/11 - Effective 1/1/12, the Board of Trustees amends all board policies to change the term "Office of the Chancellor" to "system office," and to make necessary related grammatical changes.

09/20/06 - technical change intended to align the definition of graduate assistant more closely with the definition used by the Internal Revenue Service.

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