Get Involved in OER

亚洲无码 Open Education Week March 3-7, 2025

Join 亚洲无码 colleagues in a series of webinars to learn about the latest initiatives in open education across 亚洲无码 colleges and universities.


on the 亚洲无码 Network for Educational Development events calendar.

What is Open Education Week?

Open Education Week is an annual event where hundreds of open educators worldwide connect to showcase and share their open education passion, innovations, and work with students, technologists and other faculty members. .

Faculty and Staff

A dozen ways to get involved in OER as 亚洲无码 faculty and staff (PDF)

  • Join the , providing 亚洲无码 employees a place to start and join discussions, find helpful resources, collaborate on files, locate Creative Commons licensing experts, and find quickstart guides for common disciplines.
  • Join OER faculty development events including webinars and learning communities on the .

    These events provide an avenue for faculty at all stages of their OER journey:

    • - get introduced to OER, Creative Commons licensing, and the work with the Open Education Network (OEN). Review an open textbook and receive a $200 stipend.
    • - Get answers to frequently asked OER questions.
    • - Share, discuss, and learn from colleagues in the 亚洲无码 OER community, focused on a topic of interest.
    • - Collaborate with colleagues from around the system in ten-week (five-week in the summer) cohort to develop OER ancillary materials or to redesign your course around OER.
    • Complete the course and get reimbursed. 亚洲无码 supports up to 10 seats each year. 
  • Search for open textbooks, ancillary materials, or D2L course shells in , the digital OER repository for 亚洲无码 faculty and librarians to load, access, and share licensed OER.​


If required, log in using your

Support lowering the cost of course resources for students by creating a culture of OER on your campus.

  • Support faculty in their OER development efforts

    • Send an OER Learning Circle participant to an OER Learning Circle Leader cohort
    • Engage in communities of practice
    • Promote faculty participation in OER faculty development events
  • Engage with campus librarians to discover how they can help
  • Start a dialogue with students
  • Consider faculty and staff recognition processes for work around OER and Textbook Affordability
  • Learn more about Z-degrees and how you can bring them to your campus
  • Consider ways OER can help support your campuses strategic goals


Catherine Ford, EdD
Program Director for Educational Development

Karen Pikula, PhD
OER Faculty Development Coordinator

Randi Madisen
OER Librarian