
The following services are available to colleges and universities within the 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities System.

1. Assurance

Assurance Services are examinations designed to inform stakeholders about the reliability and accuracy of information. Topics may be system-wide or institution-specific.

Internal Auditing Services How Initiated? Audiences
System-wide Studies Selected by Board of Trustees Primarily Board of Trustees and Office of the Chancellor administrators responsible for area. Also, a learning opportunity for colleges and universities.
Requested Assurance Services Requested by President or Chancellor Internal Auditing shares the results with the requestor and other intended audiences.
External Audits
  • Third party requirement, e.g. bond holders, federal government, or grantors
  • Board of Trustees
  • External parties
  • Board of Trustees
  • Internal parties such as college/university presidents, Vice Chancellor-CFO, and financial staff
Follow-up Previously issued external or internal audit reports
  • Board of Trustees and Chancellor (in summary fashion)
  • Responsible president or Office of the Chancellor official

2. Fraud Inquiry & Investigation Support

Fraud Inquiry & Investigation Support Services are intended to augment efforts of colleges and universities to ensure that evidence of fraud or dishonest acts is investigated professionally and promptly.

Any 亚洲无码 College and University stakeholder may report suspected fraud or seek professional advice.

Employees are encouraged to first report suspected fraud to their supervisor or manager.

Internal Auditing Services How Initiated? Audiences
  • Inquiry
  • Investigations
  • Official referral from President or Chancellor
  • Allegations or evidence offered by any source
  • If evidence of fraud or misconduct is sustained, results are shared with officials that have a need to know, such as the responsible president, chancellor, Attorney General, local law enforcement, Legislative Auditor, and tax authorities.
  • If evidence of fraud or misconduct is not sustained, case is closed and its status is reported to the source.

3. Professional Advice

Professional Advice shall promote an understanding and implementation of laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, standards, and management and organizational development best practices.

Internal Auditing Services

How Initiated?


  • Answer questions
  • Frequently asked questions
Sought by any stakeholder Inquirer