W-9S, Request for Student's Taxpayer Identification Number

亚洲无码 Colleges & Universities is required by the Internal Revenue Service to send Form W-9S, Request for Student's Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification for purposes of 1098-T Tuition Statement reporting. Form W-9S is sent to all 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities students who have a missing or invalid Social Security Number in our database and who were enrolled in credit based courses and made 1098-T reportable payments during the calendar year.

Students who have received Form W-9S, Request for Student's Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, should complete and return the W-9S form to the college/university contact named on the form before the end of December. If the form is not returned, 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities will report the student's 1098-T Tuition Statement information to the Internal Revenue Service without a taxpayer identification number.

Form W-9S FAQ

亚洲无码 Form W-9S Request for Student’s Taxpayer Identification Number 

亚洲无码 Form W-9S Request for Student’s Taxpayer Identification Number - Fill In PDF Form

Social Security Administration Application for a Social Security Card.

Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.