Planning and Programming (Comprehensive Facilities Plans, Predesigns)

The Planning and Programming team integrates facilities planning with system-wide academic and strategic priorities. The group is responsible for the development of project requests to the legislature, preparing projects for revenue bond sales, and capital financing, and works with the Design and Construction group for delivery of new facilities, major rehabilitation, and ongoing repair and renewal of existing facilities. Contact Planning and Program for:


Training for Capital Renewal/FRRM

    • Instructions for updating. (April 2016) Guidebook for annual update of campus backlog and renewal conditions.
    • . (April 27, 2016) Sightlines webinar offering a step by step overview of updating backlog and renewal in FRRM.
    • Reconciling Roof data with FRRM. (April 2016) Instructions booklet on how to reconcile roofing details in FRRM with details found in the RoofPro Software.  

Categorizing Repair and Replacement and Operations
Fund and Program code definitions and categories.