Campus Title IX Coordinators
亚洲无码 college and university campus Title IX Coordinator contact information can be found in the table below.
Learn more about Equal Opportunity and Title IX at 亚洲无码.
Campus Website | Name and Email | Title | Phone |
Rick Skillings | Title IX Coordinator | 320-762-4419 | |
Mike Opoku | Title IX Coordinator | 763-433-1272 | |
Tara Martinez | Title IX Coordinator | 763-576-4027 | |
Jay Passa | Title IX Coordinator | 218-755-2080 | |
Megan Zothman | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Employees | 218-755-2502 | |
Kevin Stensberg | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Students | 218-755-2075 | |
Andrea Dahly | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Student Athletes | ||
Mary Sam | Title IX Coordinator | 218-855-8159 | |
Katie Svoboda | Title IX Coordinator | 651-779-3315 | |
Jacqueline Lee | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 651-748-5334 | |
Rosa Rodriguez | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | ||
Jenn Rassett | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | ||
Nicole Meulemans | Title IX Coordinator | 651-423-8403 | |
Damien Paulson | Title IX Coordinator | 218-879-0805 | |
Hilary Dahlman | Title IX Coordinator, Students | 763-488-2605 | |
Daniel Le Guen-Schmidt | Title IX Coordinator, Employees | 763-488-2525 | |
Kari Rusch-Curl | Title IX Coordinator | 651-450-3887 | |
Wade Gordon | Title IX Coordinator | 218-733-7656 | |
Jestina Vichorek | Title IX Deputy Coordinator | 218-733-7677 | |
Maya Sullivan | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 651-793-1508 | |
Josefina Landrieu | Title IX Coordinator | 651-793-1272 | |
Maegen Sincleair Usher | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 651-793-1276 | |
Patrick Troup | Title IX Coordinator, Students | 612-659-6707 | |
Minnesota North College | Rick Kangas | Title IX Coordinator | |
Alecia Spagnoletti | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 507-453-2676 | |
Kenneth White | Title IX Coordinator | 507-453-1422 | |
Kara Helmig | Title IX Coordinator | 218-299-6522 |
Dacia Johnson | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 218-736-1512 |
Kara Gravley-Stack | Title IX Coordinator | 218-477-4222 | |
Troy Schmidt | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 218-477-2174 | |
Kayla Kappes | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Employees |
218-477-2226 | |
Jason Sobolik | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Student Athletes |
Linda Alvarez | Title IX Coordinator | 507-389-2986 | |
Laura Diaz | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 507-389-2986 | |
Shar Jenniges | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 507-389-2986 | |
Katie Meyer | Title IX Coordinator, Employees | 507-372-3408 | |
Abdullahi Farah Abdigaani | Title IX Coordinator, Students | 507-223-1332 | |
Edgar Anaya Quiroga | Title IX Deputy Coordinator | 952-358-8214 | |
Beena Cook | Title IX Coordinator | 952-358-9187 | |
Debbie Tillman | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Preg | 952-358-8623 | |
Heather Kaminsen | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 952-358-9368 | |
AC Harrison |
Deputy Title IX Coordinator |
952-358-8135 | |
Elton Dahn | Title IX Coordinator | 763-488-0229 | |
Lindsay Fort | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 763-424-0736 | |
Northland Community and Technical College | Michelle Benitt | Title IX Coordinator, Interim | |
Northwest Technical College | Jay Passa | Title IX Coordinator | 218-755-2080 |
Northwest Technical College | Megan Zothman | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Employees | 218-755-2502 |
Northwest Technical College | Kevin Stensberg | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Students | 218-755-2075 |
Sharon Weaver | Title IX Coordinator, Employees | 320-629-5129 | |
Farfum Ladroma | Title IX Coordinator, Students | 320-629-5161 | |
Jay Morrison | Title IX Coordinator, Students | 320-222-8040 | |
Tara Strey | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Employees | 320-222-5211 | |
Oscar Gonzalez | Title IX Coordinator | 507-433-0829 | |
Teresa Brown | Title IX Coordinator | 507-285-7217 | |
Judy Endres | Title IX Coordinator | 507-389-7531 | |
Erin Kline | Title IX Coordinator | 507-537-6657 | |
Dave Hemp | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Students | 507-537-6470 | |
Mike Munford | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 507-537-7858 | |
Allison Monson | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Student Athletes | 507-537-7133 | |
Chocoletta Simpson | Title IX Coordinator | 320-308-5123 | |
Melissa Johnson | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 320-308-5123 | |
Andrew Pflipsen | Title IX Coordinator | 320-308-5580 | |
Carol Brewer | Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 320-308-6158 | |
Michael Gerold | Title IX Coordinator | ||
System Office | Desiree' Clark | Title IX Officer | 651-724-9640 |
System Office | Ashley Atteberry | Associate Compliance Officer | |
System Office | Rassheedah Watts | Interim Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion | |
Lori Mikl | Title IX Coordinator | 507-457-2766 |