Section 2 - The Perkins V Act

The (Perkins V) amends the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV). The new act was signed into law July 31, 2018 and went into effect July 1, 2019. For the sake of brevity, throughout this handbook the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act will be referred to as Perkins V.

The 2019-2020 school year served as a transition year for the new law. Full implementation began July 1, 2020 for the 2020- 2021 school year or federal fiscal year 2021.

The reauthorization of the Perkins legislation was driven largely by a desire to ensure that students are prepared for 21st century careers. This framing led to a workforce development focus throughout Perkins V with an emphasis on encouraging and incentivizing innovation within career and technical education.

Purpose of the Act

The purpose of the Perkins V Act is to develop more fully the academic knowledge, technical skills, and employability of secondary and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in CTE programs and programs of study, by:

  1. Building on the efforts of states and localities to develop challenging academic and technical standards and to assist students in meeting such standards, including preparation for high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand occupations in current or emerging
  2. Promoting the development of services and activities that integrate rigorous, challenging academic and career and technical instruction that link to secondary and postsecondary education for participating CTE students.
  3. Increasing state and local flexibility in providing services and activities designed to develop, implement, and improve career and technical education.
  4. Conducting and disseminating national research and disseminating information on best practices that improve CTE programs of study, services, and activities.
  5. Providing technical assistance that (A) promotes leadership, initial preparation, and professional development at the state and local levels; and (B) improves the quality of CTE teachers, faculty, administrators, and counselors.
  6. Supporting partnerships among secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, baccalaureate degree- granting institutions, area CTE schools, local workforce investment boards, business and industry, and intermediaries.
  7. Providing individuals with opportunities throughout their lifetimes to develop, in conjunction with other education and training programs, the knowledge and skills needed to keep the United States competitive.
  8. Increasing the employment opportunities for populations who are chronically unemployed or underemployed, including individuals with disabilities, individuals from economically disadvantaged families, out-of-workforce individuals, youth who are in (or have aged out of) the foster care system, and homeless individuals.

The includes specifications for distribution of funds, general provisions, and amendments to other laws.