CTE Accountability and Reporting Data
Secondary Accountability and Reporting Data
In Minnesota, there are over 340 secondary districts of various types, including charter schools, Intermediates, and Education Districts, among other official entities serving 9th-12th grade students who implement state-approved CTE programs. State-approved CTE programs are those which:
- Provide evidence of student leadership, career development, experiential learning, and safety (Minn.R. 3505.2550)
- Teacher of record holds an appropriate CTE license (Minn.R. 3505.1100)
- Courses are selected from an existing list of programs and courses (). Syllabi content within each course aligns with career field frameworks. A sequence of courses is offered within a program. (Minn.R. 3505.1000)
- Establishment of a local Program Advisory Committee (3505.1000, 3505.2500, 3505.1400)
- A signed statement of assurances is provided by current district Superintendent or licensed CTE Director, and Special Education Director, as appropriate (Minn.R. 3505.2550)
Although all 9th-12th grade CTE programs are welcome to submit a Program Approval form for review, only those districts and entities which are part of a Perkins consortium are, once approved, eligible to receive federal funding through their respective Perkins consortium, and/or are eligible to access CTE levy resources (Minn.Stat. §124D.4531). The one exception to this are the Work-based Learning ACTE-SPEC programs which do not need to be part of a Perkins consortium in order to, once approved, access ACTE-SPEC funding resources.
Each Perkins member district or entity must annually submit student enrollment data for each state-approved CTE program offered during the most recent school year within their district to MDE (Minn. Stat. §124D.452; Minn. R. 3505.1800). These student enrollment records, otherwise known as Perkins (P-file) data, are uploaded to MDE via a secure web-based software application system. The Authorized User(s) responsible for reporting the Perkins (P-file) data to MDE are annually given access to “Carl Perkins” by their district’s Superintendent, or IoWA proxy, through the EDIAM system. The secure, Carl Perkins web-based software application system is open for data submission from end of May to mid-September; official announcement and training materials are communicated out to district Authorized Users upon the system’s opening. Student enrollment data are summed across 9th-12th grade students’ high school experience in order to determine level of engagement and CTE status. Any student at or above the status of CTE Participant (successfully completion of 1 or more state-approved CTE courses) is then included in the federal funding formula for state and local allocations, as well as being included in federal accountability reporting.
It is critical that a high degree of accuracy and integrity is maintained within the Perkins P-File data. Authorized Users are asked to align their district’s P-File data with the programs and courses listed in the program approval database posted to .
After the P-File has been accepted into the web-application system, it is important to review the Carl Perkins P-File Submission Status Report. This report is available through the (where the data are uploaded), or on webpage. This report offers a current-year summary of the data uploaded to MDE as well as a prior year comparison. District-Authorized Users are able to verify the accuracy of their P-File data by working through the information provided in the P-File Summary Report in alignment with the programs and courses listed within the Program Approval Database.
MDE Results Measurement staff provide technical assistance and support for data collection and interpretation, federal and local reporting needs, as well as continuous improvement. Staff at MDE collaborate with district administrators and authorized users as well as Student Information System vendors on an ongoing basis in order to provide training resources and critical updates.
Technical assistance is delivered through a variety of formats such as webinars, pre-recorded training videos, consortium-specific group trainings by request, conference presentations, and individual/personal communication. Contact MDE staff for scheduled webinar dates as well as any specific training or any data needs you may have.
There are a number of ways in which the secondary data are systematically verified.
Once a district submits their P-File data through the secure web- based software application, the software application performs an automated verification of each of the data elements within the P-File. For a list of all the data elements included in the P-File, please see the Carl Perkins Record Layout document listed within .
The primary function of this automated process is to verify that:
- Each student identification (SSID) number listed within the P-File also exists within the Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System (MARSS) database.
- Each school building listed in the P-File matches the district number it is reported under according to the information in (MDE-ORG).
- The program and course code combinations listed within the P-File align with the program and course code combinations listed in Table C (the Table C document lists all possible program and course code combinations, as well as teacher licensure information) found on the .
A district’s P-File will not be accepted by the web-based application until it is deemed “error free” according to the standards set forth in the automated verification process. The data are stored in the Carl Perkins database which is maintained by MN.IT at MDE.
After the P-File has been accepted by the web-based application, the district-authorized users are asked to review the P-file Summary Report on . Again, this summary report of the P-File data elements assists districts in identifying any reporting errors and verifying the accuracy of their data in alignment with the programs and courses listed within the Program Approval Database.
It is ultimately up to the district authorized user to coordinate with their district’s CTE teachers in order to verify that all approved programs and associated courses that were implemented within a given school year have been included in the P-File submission. Consortium leaders have access to the P-File Summary Report and are encouraged to assist in monitoring the accuracy of the data being uploaded to MDE for each of the districts within their consortium as well.
Keep in mind that districts are able to submit updated P-Files as needed until the web-based system closes. The web-based application only retains a copy of the most recently submitted P-File. MDE Results Measurement staff assist in monitoring and verifying the accuracy of the P-File data submissions in alignment with the programs and courses listed in the Program Approval database, and contact district authorized users for any updated or edits, as needed.
It is important that the Perkins data have a high degree of accuracy and integrity because elements from the Perkins database are linked with four additional data sources and are summed across multiple years of data.
All current year P-File data are verified against the SSID information in MARSS, specifically: student identification number, date of birth, and name.
After all student level data have been verified, flags for participants and concentrators are created by summing the number of successful CTE course hours within one career field across a student’s entire high school experience until age 21 and prior to graduation.
Finally, data from the Perkins database are linked with the following sources:
- MARSS: This system contains student demographic information and high school completion codes.
- Migrant Flag: This system is used to identify students who are documented migrant students. This information is used to link demographic data to assessment data and to report data to the U.S. Department of Education through the state’s CAR. It is not part of MARSS. It is stored in its own database.
- MCA/MTAS: These achievement test results are necessary for reporting academic achievement (2S1 and 2S2).
- (Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System): This system contains information from both the 亚洲无码 system as well as from the National Clearinghouse (see Postsecondary Data sources for a description of the National Clearinghouse). This information allows MDE to fulfill the federal reporting requirements for 3S1 Post-Program Placement.
- Foster Care: A data sharing agreement allows MDE to fulfill the federal reporting requirements and provide student counts for this subgroup.
- Accountability
- Enrollment: These reports display the number of CTE participants and concentrators, by career cluster. These reports are organized according to the federal reporting structure.
- Performance Indicators: These reports align with the operational definitions listed at the beginning of this section (1S1, 2S1, 2S2, 3S1, 4S1, 5S3) and are organized according to the federal reporting structure. These are the reports to use when determining whether local levels of performance have been met and where gaps in performance for individual student groups might exist.
- Continuous Improvement
There are a series of data reports within this category which were developed for all audiences vested in assisting CTE students toward realizing their potential, as well as implementing strategies to the benefit of CTE programs and align with CLNA needs.
Postsecondary Accountability and Reporting Data
All twenty-five postsecondary institutions in Minnesota that receive funding under Perkins V are two-year colleges that are part of the 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities system. Postsecondary colleges do not make separate Perkins data submissions to the state. Instead, Perkins performance and enrollment data are processed using existing statewide record systems as the primary data source and supplemented with additional statewide record systems/data as needed.
Minnesota uses an entry cohort model to structure the Perkins V postsecondary accountability reporting. Students who enter an institution in a given fiscal year are tracked for three years. Their status and ultimate performance are measured at the end of the three-year cohort period.
For example, the FY 2020-2022 cohort (which would be reported on primarily in the January 2022 CAR) includes students entering in summer, fall or spring terms of FY 2020 who are tracked through the end of FY 2022. <see figure 2>
Using the Integrated Statewide Record System (ISRS) and other statewide record systems as the sources of data for reporting, an automated system was created to extract the data and calculate the postsecondary accountability indicators. This process concludes with the creation of two standard, censused reporting tables that are used by both the system office and institutions to produce Perkins V accountability and enrollment reporting. In turn, this means all colleges, consortia and system office staff are using the same standards and definitions for reporting related to accountability. The sources of data used to produce the Perkins V reporting tables are listed below:
Integrated Statewide Record System (ISRS): ISRS is 亚洲无码’s student record system. It includes data on student enrollment, majors, degrees and awards, courses, financial aid, the results of graduate follow-up surveys, etc., for all system institutions. ISRS data serves as the primary data source for identifying Perkins students within a cohort, special population classification, and most of the specific data points necessary to assess performance. Since ISRS contains the student’s official record and transcript information, significant system resources and effort are undertaken to ensure accuracy of this data.
National Student Clearinghouse (NSC): Since 1999, records from NSC have been loaded into the system’s data warehouse each semester for all students enrolled in the system. This is an existing data transfer process that results in a data file used for a variety of system and institutional reporting, including identifying students who have completed a Perkins program and are continuing their education at colleges or universities within and outside the 亚洲无码 system. The NSC data provides information on transfer to institutions outside the system and supplements the information available on transfer to institutions within the 亚洲无码 system that is available using ISRS.
Department of Employment and Economic Development - UI Wage Data: Through a data-sharing agreement with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), system research staff are able to obtain summary Unemployment Insurance wage detail data. The DEED wage detail data contains quarterly wage and employment information of all individuals working in covered employment in Minnesota. This information is used as the primary source for reporting on student employment following program completion, supplemented by graduate follow-up survey data from ISRS, as needed.
Perkins V summary data reports, at the state, consortium and institution level, are available through Power BI and are accessed through the System’s Office365 site using the Perkins V Reporting app. Only system office CTE and research staff, consortia coordinators and other limited institution staff are granted rights to access the data reports. All users must be approved to access the data reports by the System CTE Director.
To access the Perkins V Reporting app, users must log in to the System’s site with their StarID and StarID password, then navigate to the Power BI app/home page using the app launcher in the upper left corner of the screen.
The reports included in the Perkins V Reporting app include data on participant and concentrator enrollment, performance on core indicators, and disparities (or gaps) in performance on core indicators compared to the established performance levels or compared to the performance of the total population. Some of the reports also provide trend information and/or data disaggregated by demographic, special population, or career cluster/program.
Student Data Privacy
Consortia, district and college staff may be given access to data and data tools that allow viewing of student-identifiable data. Staff are legally obligated to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of this data. Data privacy rules fall under the umbrella of both the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and must be followed accordingly.
In short, these acts exist to ensure that personal and private student data are not disseminated publicly. It is the responsibility of consortia staff to be familiar with these acts and to share private (disaggregated) data in an appropriate manner with authorized personnel only.
Student-identifiable data includes any data or information that, alone or in combination, would generally allow a person to identify a student with reasonable certainty and may include, but is not limited to:
- Student demographic information
- Immunization and health records
- Disciplinary records
- Student progress reports
- Grade point average
- Assessment results
- Attendance records
Summary data can be released, but only if aggregated to a level where the privacy of individuals is protected. This includes the release of directly identifiable data as well as data where the identity of individuals could be reasonably inferred through calculation.
Only individuals with permission to view student-identifiable data will be allowed access to private data and sources. Consortia staff are responsible for managing and disseminating data and results properly.
Any personnel receiving or with access to student-identifiable data should be trained on proper procedures for accessing, reporting, and handling private data.
Users of student-identifiable data should:
- Only access data within one’s access rights unless given explicit permission to view
- Only access private data for legitimate consortium/ educational purposes
- Utilize secure technology
- Lock up or destroy hard copies when not in use
- Not disclose student-identifiable data to unauthorized personnel
- Immediately report inappropriately accessed or shared data
Printed reports with student-identifiable data should be avoided as much as possible. When necessary, hard copies should be collected after their use and stored securely or destroyed.
Student-identifiable data should not be included in presentations or publications shared with groups where the members do not have authority to view this data (e.g., advisory committees, workgroups that include members external to the institution, etc.). This includes the sharing of data within the consortium between secondary and postsecondary partners.
Care should be taken in preparing any public reports of data to ensure student-identifiable data are not being shared. This includes reports like the APR, the local application, etc.
Any computer that receives, houses, or is used to manipulate student identifiable data must meet basic security requirements to ensure that private data is not released publicly.
- Private data should be stored behind a secure firewall with password-protected access to only approved personnel.
- Private data should never be stored or copied onto a transportable flash drive or other media. If regularly accessed via a local area network, copies should not be saved to desktop hard drives.
- Data sharing, where required, should be parsimonious in that only relevant data fields are transmitted.
The consortia staff should have readily available contact information for their institution’s data privacy personnel in the event of the release of student identifiable data. This person should be made aware in the event of the inappropriate release of private data so that necessary action can be taken.