MnSCU recognizes outstanding educational programs and services

Posted: May 31, 2013

Contact: Noelle Hawton,, 651-201-1801

The 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities presented the Academic and Student Affairs awards and Diversity awards at its annual joint meeting of chief academic and student affairs officers - college and university deans held May 30-31 at Normandale Community College.

Diversity awards recognize programs and individuals for fostering a diverse faculty, staff and student body and providing quality services and support. Whitney Harris, MnSCU chief diversity officer, said, “We take pride providing an extraordinary education for Minnesotans from all backgrounds, and that requires diversity on campus. Our colleges and universities serve more students of color than any other provider of higher education in Minnesota, and we serve more low income students than all of the state’s other higher education options combined. It gives me great pleasure to recognize the outstanding work being done throughout the system that allows us to fulfill this vital role.”

Academic and Student Affairs awards are presented to recognize innovation in partnership and collaboration, innovative programs, and excellence in programming. Doug Knowlton, MnSCU vice chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs, said, “The MnSCU Strategic Framework calls for our colleges and universities to ensure access to an extraordinary education for all Minnesotans, and that requires innovation and excellence in everything we do - from the classroom throughout every service we provide for our students. Although tremendous work is going on at every one of the 31 MnSCU colleges and universities, I am especially pleased to recognize the distinguished examples being honored today.”

Academic and Student Affairs Awards

Innovative Partnering and Collaboration Award

For partnerships or collaborative initiatives that focus on better serving students in the 21st Century, particularly curricular and program or service efforts that reflect the changing nature of the education landscape.

  • Project Maverick
    亚洲无码 University, Mankato
  • Distance Minnesota
    Alexandria Technical & Community College, Northwest Technical College,Northland Community & Technical College, Bemidji State University, MnSCU system office
  • Oracle Retail Initiative
    North Hennepin Community College
  • Preparing Future Teachers for Cultural Competence and Culturally Responsive Teaching
    Winona State University, 亚洲无码 College – SE Technical, Riverland Community College, MnSCU Equity and Diversity Division

Innovative Student Affairs Program Award

For programs or activities that use new ideas, methods, or techniques that result in improved educational or developmental activities, services, or management for a college or university community (must have been in operation for at least two years).

  • Mav Connections: An Academic and Student Affairs Safety Net for Struggling Students
    亚洲无码 University, Mankato
  • Strategic Enrollment Management Planning
    North Hennepin Community College

Excellence in Curriculum Programming

For programs that produce graduates ready to take on the challenges of life after college and demonstrate they are in demand by having consistently high enrollments and high graduation rates.

  • Cinema Arts and Digital Technologies Department
    亚洲无码 University Moorhead
  • Human Resources A.A.S. and A.S.
    亚洲无码 Community and Technical College

Outstanding Academic and Student Affairs Administrator Award

For administrators at the Director, Dean or Vice-President level who have made significant contributions to the development of academic or student affairs programming at their institutions.

  • Margaret Vos
    St. Cloud State University

Diversity Awards

Best Practices Award

For programs and practices that improve access and retention of diverse campus community members.

  • First Place: Century College
    Century College Scholars Program, Access and Opportunity Center, Underrepresented Student programs
  • Second Place: Central Lakes College
    Office of Diversity, Equity and Tribal Relations

New Innovative Practices in Diversity Award

For innovative practices that foster inclusivity and an equity and inclusion imperative.

  • First Place: Inver Hills Community College
    St. Paul EMS Academy - Inver Hills Community College, Emergency Medical Services Department
  • Second Place: St. Cloud State University
    Communicating Common Ground: A Collaboration of St. Cloud State University, ISD 742, ISD 47 and ISD 51

Outstanding Student Organization Award

For initiatives from student-led groups, staff, faculty and/or administrators that foster diversity and inclusion within the campus and/or the larger community.

  • First Place: Hennepin Technical College
    Gay Straight Alliance
  • Second Place: Minneapolis Community and Technical College
    African American Education Empowerment

Resources for Relationship Award

For campuses/institutions that demonstrate measurable progress toward, or achievement of, benchmarks in building relationships that support student engagement and success of underrepresented students and American Indians.

  • First Place: Central Lakes College
    Office of Diversity, Equity and Tribal Relations
  • Second Place: Winona State University, MN State College-Southeast Technical, Winona State University College of Education, College Change Agent Consulting, Target Corporation.
    Preparing Future Teachers for Cultural Competence, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and to Deliver Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in the Classroom.