Veterans Education Transfer System launched by MnSCU

Posted: September 2, 2010

Contact: Noelle Hawton,, 651-201-1801

Veterans can more easily determine when they can earn college credits for military training

A new online service to help veterans and members of the armed forces identify whether their military training can count for college credits in the 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities system was unveiled Thursday by system officials.

Known as the Veterans Education Transfer System, the new service is believed to be the first of its kind in the country. “Hundreds of military jobs can lead to civilian careers with some additional education,” said Chancellor James H. McCormick. “In the past, veterans have often found it difficult to know whether the training they receive in the military can count for college credit. We want to help veterans build on the excellent training they receive in the military by awarding appropriate credits and allowing them to complete a college program more quickly.

“We also believe the new service makes better use of public resources because taxpayers do not pay twice for the same education,” he said. Each year, about 5,000 students in the system receive veterans benefits.

Information about military credit transfer options can be found at a newly revamped section of the 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities website that has consolidated information about programs and services for veterans.

To determine whether military credits can be accepted for transfer, veterans and service members can use the new service to match military occupational specialty codes with programs offered by the 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities and get estimates of the number of credits that could be awarded for that military occupation. Information about wages and job outlook also is provided.

Credits for military training are awarded using guidelines established by the American Council on Education, a coordinating association of higher education institutions. Currently, the transfer system can identify awardable credits for military training in four large occupational areas – law enforcement, diesel and truck mechanics, administrative and human resource assistants, and paramedics. More occupational areas, such as health care, will be added to the system as they are reviewed and deemed appropriate for transfer.

“We couldn’t have developed this system without the assistance of the Minnesota National Guard and the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs,” said Steve Frantz, the system director for student life.

Funding for developing the transfer system came from a federal grant supported by members of Minnesota’s congressional delegation. The U. S. Department of Education already has expressed interest in using it as a national model.