MnSCU to unveil Veterans Education Transfer System

Posted: September 1, 2010

Contact: Noelle Hawton,, 651-201-1801

WHAT: Hundreds of military jobs can lead to civilian careers with additional education. Light-wheel vehicle mechanics in the Army, for example, can become diesel mechanics with some additional training. In the past, veterans have often found it difficult to know what training they receive in the military can count for college credit.

For the first time, a new online service will help veterans and members of the armed forces identify what education and training can be accepted for college credits in the 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities system.

This service, known as the Veterans Education Transfer System, will be unveiled Thursday afternoon. Believed to be the first of its kind in the country, this electronic tool will help veterans complete their college education more quickly and at less expense to taxpayers. Two other electronic tools for veterans also will be unveiled.

WHO: Chancellor James H. McCormick and Office of the Chancellor staff

WHEN: 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 2

Office of the Chancellor
Wells Fargo Place
30 7th St. E, Room 3304-3306 St. Paul 55101
Access to the 3rd floor is available through the atrium or via the skyway.

PARKING: Parking garage is across the street from Wells Fargo Place