Record enrollment growth of 14,338 students counted this spring at MnSCU

Posted: March 3, 2010

Contact: Noelle Hawton,, 651-201-1801

Students enrolled in record numbers this spring at the 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities, resulting in an increase of 14,338 students, or nearly an 8 percent gain, over a year ago, officials said today.

The state college and university system has 197,576 students taking credit courses, compared to last spring's enrollment of 183,238. The latest growth spurt was on top of a record increase last fall when an additional 12,641 students enrolled compared to the year before.

“This large enrollment increase clearly shows Minnesotans are turning to their state colleges and universities when times are tough,” said Chancellor James H. McCormick. “We are glad to help them pursue their goals. Equally important, we will have more graduates ready in the next few years to help Minnesota’s employers rebuild the state’s economy.”

Enrollment increases were particularly strong at the two-year colleges. Fourteen colleges had increases of 10 percent or more. Also, growth was significantly larger among students of color and older students. At the same time, the number of white students went up by 9 percent, enrollment of students of color went up 21 percent. Students age 25 and older went up 16 percent while enrollment of younger students grew by 6 percent.

Overall, enrollment at the system’s 25 two-year colleges increased this spring by 10.1 percent; the number of students at the seven state universities went up 3 percent. The larger increase at the colleges is not surprising, considering they offer more short-term programs and allow anyone with a high school diploma to enroll.

The numbers released today were the official enrollment count of students taking credit-based courses on the 30th day of the spring semester.

Click here to see the Spring 30th Day Headcount Enrollment chart.