Procedure 7.3.3 Purchasing Cards - History

System Procedures
for Chapter 7 - General Finance Provisions

for Board Policy 7.3

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption: 01/18/02
Date of Implementation: 1/18/02
Date of Last Review: 12/23/24

Date & Subject of Amendments:

12/23/24 – Full review. Verified all amendments made in response to audit findings related to monitoring for cardholders no longer with college, university, or system office

3/10/15 - Periodic review completed. Amendments made throughout to reflect changes in MMB guidance regarding allowable receipts; align the procedure with current practices and industry standards relating to third party financers; to clearly define and delineate between user and supervisor responsibilities; and to include a records retention section.

8/27/13 - Amended Part 4, subpart C, requires delegation to be in writing. Added language to the end of Part 5 that allows a limited number of designated cardholders to purchase electronics. Amended Part 6, subpart A7, except at provided in number 5. Language clarification to Part 6, subpart B. Amended Part 7, subpart B to include authorized reviewers.

1/25/12 - The Chancellor amends all current system procedures effective February 15, 2012, to change the term "Office of the Chancellor" to "system office" or similar term reflecting the grammatical context of the sentence.

12/08/10 - Revised to reduce the number of audit findings related to non compliance with system procedure by bringing the procedure in line with business practices preferred by campuses while maintaining appropriate controls.

07/09/09 - Amended Part 7, Number 5, giving a five day time period for review and submission. Corrected "Office of the Chancellor" title and spelled out 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities throughout the procedure.
