Operating Instruction Chemical Hygiene

System Procedures
Chapter 5 - Administration

Access a PDF copy of this guideline

for Board Policy 5.24

Part 1. Purpose
To establish a framework for chemical hygiene programs at colleges and universities of 亚洲无码.

Part 2. Regulatory Standard
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.1450, ‘Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories’ or Laboratory Standard is the regulatory standard for chemical hygiene activities. The intent of the standard is to ensure that:

  • Laboratory personnel (students and staff) are aware of the hazards of the chemicals in their work area;
  • The laboratory’s control strategies are based on the hierarchy of controls: engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment, all of which may be used to protect laboratory personnel;
  • Appropriate work practices and procedures are implemented to protect laboratory personnel from chemical health and safety hazards; and
  • Safety focused attitude and habits of prudent laboratory behavior are fostered, so safety is valued and an integral part of all laboratory activities.

Part 3. Chemical Hygiene Officer
The college or university president shall appoint a Chemical Hygiene Officer and establish a Chemical Hygiene Committee. The chemical hygiene officer along with the Chemical Hygiene Committee shall be responsible for establishing and overseeing the campus chemical hygiene program and ensuring requirements identified in the System Chemical Hygiene Technical Manual are implemented and followed.

Part 4. Annual Review
The chemical hygiene program must be reviewed at least annually and updated as necessary whenever changes in processes, chemicals, practices, policies, personnel, or equipment is implemented. A Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) must be lab specific and assist in promoting a culture of safety to protect workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals. The CHP must be written so that users clearly know how, by whom, where, and when specific tasks will be accomplished. The annual review must be done by knowledgeable staff such as the chemical hygiene officer, campus safety administrator, science department administrator, science faculty and lab techs/assistants. Updates in the CHP must be implemented in all affected laboratories.

Part 5. Chemical Hygiene Technical Manual
Each institution shall follow instructions in the System Chemical Hygiene Technical Manual.

Related Documents:

  • System Chemical Hygiene Technical Manual
  • System Safety Committee Technical Manual

Guideline History:

Date of Adoption: 02/21/18
Date of Implementation: 02/21/18
Date of Last Review:

Date and Subject of Amendments:
