Procedure 5.12.2 Tuition Waivers, Deferrals, and Retroactive Drops

System Procedures
Chapter 5 - Administration

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for Board Policy 5.12

Part 1. Purpose
To clarify the context and conditions where presidents may grant waivers or short-term deferrals of amounts due to the colleges or universities under Policy 5.12.

Part 2. Waivers

Subpart A. Authorized waiver types
The president may waive amounts due to the college or university for the following reasons:

  1. Employee benefit provided by a collective bargaining agreement
  2. Death of a student
  3. Medical reasons
  4. College or university error
  5. Employment related condition
  6. Significant personal circumstances
  7. Student leader allowance
  8. Course conditions (a course condition exists when the location or timing of the course results in the student not being able to use the services intended by a fee)
  9. Natural disasters or other situations beyond the control of the campus
  10. Military duty
  11. Ward of the state

Each college or university shall define the terms under which any authorized waiver will be granted. The college and university shall document the reason for all waivers.

Subpart B. Person under guardianship
The president may waive tuition for persons under the age of 21 who are under the guardianship of the commissioner of human services or for an American Indian child under suspension of parental rights or termination of parental rights under the guardianship of a tribe or tribal social service agency. These persons must be qualified for admission to a 亚洲无码 college or university.

The president may continue to waive tuition up to and beyond age 21 for students meeting eligibility requirements. If the student has attained the age of 21 and has made satisfactory progress in their academic program but has not completed the program, the individual may petition the college or university through their designated campus official for continuation of the waiver until that program is completed. The designated campus official will make a recommendation to the president. The decision to continue to waive tuition will be at the discretion of the president.

Part 3. Deferrals
The president or designee may grant short-term tuition and fee payment deferrals in cases where, due to exceptional circumstances, a student needs additional time to arrange third party financing or otherwise satisfy a tuition and fee balance. The reason and time duration of the deferral must be documented and signed by the president or designee.

Part 4. Retroactive Drops
The president or designee may grant a retroactive drop of registration based on individual student circumstances. When such an exception is granted, the college or university shall document the reasons for granting the retroactive drop.

Related Documents:

To view any of the following related statutes, go to the . You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.

  • Minn. Stat. §136F.06,
  • Minn. Stat. §136F.70, Subd. 1

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption: 09/18/97
Date of Implementation: 09/18/97
Date of Last Review: 03/10/22

Date and Subject of Amendments:

03/10/22 - Amendments consists of technical edits, and the application of new formatting and writing standards.

08/08/16 - The title was amended. Content has been expanded to include all tuition waivers, deferrals, and retroactive drops, not just for persons under guardianship. Waiver and deferral detail moved from Policy 5.12. Language was added to allow the president or designee to approve a retroactive drop based on individual student circumstances.


Additional HISTORY
