Operating Instruction Payment Plans and Deferments for Textbook Purchases

System Procedures
Chapter 5 - Administration

Access a PDF copy of this operating instruction

for Board Policy 5.11

Policy 1A.1, 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities Organization and Administration, defines a system guideline as giving explicit direction, instructions or guidance on internal forms, processes and other administrative or managerial matters, consistent with Board policy and System procedure. Each college and university must establish local procedures consistent with this guideline.

The following directions are to be followed by colleges and universities to establish consistent procedures for processing students' requests to add the cost of textbooks and required course materials to existing financial aid deferments and existing payment plans.

In accordance with the Laws of Minnesota 2007, §144, Art. 1, Sec. 4, Subd. 3(a), colleges and universities shall allow students to add the cost of textbooks and required course materials purchased at a campus bookstore, owned by or operated under a contract with the campus, to the existing financial aid deferment or payment plan for tuition and fees.

Guideline Requirements:
Each college and university shall develop a method to record bookstore purchases accurately on the student account so that financial aid can be applied to the purchases. The student who has been awarded financial aid sufficient to include the purchase of books and course materials, and granted permission for such use of financial aid, will not be required to pay for course materials and textbooks until financial aid has been applied. Financial aid, including loans, will first be applied to tuition, fees, and room and board if applicable, when determining the amount available for textbooks and course materials.

Each college and university shall also develop a method for all students with an existing payment plan to add the cost of textbooks and course materials to that existing system supported and interfaced payment plan. The student is ultimately responsible for the payment of textbooks and course materials.

On an annual basis, colleges and universities shall publish and disseminate to students the process and eligibility requirements for textbook and course material purchase deferment.

Related Documents:

Guideline History:

Date of Adoption: 05/22/08,
Date of Implementation: 05/22/08,

Date and Subject of Revisions:

9/17/13 - Amended to change “must” to “shall”, clarifies eligibility for the deferment, and adds a section about dissemination of information.

There is no additional History for Guideline
