System Procedure 3.38.1 Career Information

System Procedures
Chapter 3 - Educational Policies

Access a PDF copy of this procedure

for Board Policy 3.38

Part 1. Purpose
To implement Board Policy 3.38 Career Information and establish consistent practices among 亚洲无码 colleges and universities on providing career information to students.

Part 2. Definition
The definitions below apply to this procedure only.

Career Information
Career information consists of print, electronic, personal contacts and other resources that assist the process of career development. Career information includes occupational and industry information, education and training information and social information related to the world of work. This information helps students identify goals and career interests.


Technical programs
Those programs that prepare students for employment in a specific occupation or field.

Career programs
Academic programs that are tightly aligned to specific occupations or fields.

Part 3. College and University Requirements
Each college and university shall provide career information to students.

  1. Colleges and universities shall provide equitable access to career information, especially current online resources to prospective, current and former students in technical and career academic programs.
  2. During the college and university admission application process or program application process, students who are interested in technical and career programs must be directed to career information and job opportunities, such as websites, events, and appropriate personnel.
  3. During student orientation processes, colleges and universities shall provide career information, using appropriate media and accommodations.
  4. Each academic term, colleges and universities shall notify all students about the availability of resources for obtaining career information.
  5. Related career information and job prospect information must be available and accessible on each college and university technical and career program website.

Related Documents:

To view any of the following related statutes, go to the . You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.
  • Minn. Stat. § 136F.37, Job Placement Impact on Program Review, Information to Students

System Procedure History:

Date of Adoption: 9/29/10
Date of Implementation: 9/29/10
Date of Last Review: 5/09/22

Date and Subject of Amendments:

5/09/22 - As part of the 5 year review process, in Part 1, made purpose statement more concise. In Part 2, replaced “Occupational Programs” definition with “Career Information” definition, and added “Programs” definition. In Part 3, made introduction paragraph more concise and updated the lettered list of items using more current terminology.

2/16/16 - Editorial and formatting changes made throughout, deleted vendor names. Removed Part 4. Evaluation. Added Date of Last Review in Policy History section.

1/25/12 - The Chancellor amends all current system procedures effective February 15, 2012, to change the term "Office of the Chancellor" to "system office" or similar term reflecting the grammatical context of the sentence.

No additional HISTORY.
