Operating Instruction Transfer Pathways
Chapter 3 - Educational Policies
Access a PDF copy of these instructionsPart 1. Purpose
To provide instructions for implementing transfer pathways.
Part 2. Definitions
Approved transfer pathway associate degrees
Associate of arts (AA), associate of science (AS), and associate of fine arts (AFA) degrees that were approved by the Transfer Pathways Coordinating Team and the senior vice chancellor for academic and student affairs that transfer to designated baccalaureate degree programs at 亚洲无码 universities.Degree audit reporting system
An electronic database tool that produces a report available to students reflecting his or her progress toward completion of an academic program.Designated baccalaureate degrees
Baccalaureate degree programs identified by a university that will accept completed transfer pathway associate degrees.Transfer Pathways
A degree (AA, AFA, or AS) that includes specialized coursework designed to transfer to a related designated major at any of the seven 亚洲无码 universities.
Part 3. Transfer of Approved Transfer Pathway Associate Degrees
Transfer Pathways must replace current associate in arts with emphasis, associate of fine arts, and associate of science degrees in a discipline where a Transfer Pathway exists.
Approved associate of arts (AA), associate of science (AS), and associate of fine arts (AFA) transfer pathway degrees must be accepted in their entirety to the designated baccalaureate degree programs.
If additional information is needed, refer to Board Policy 3.21, System Procedure 3.21.1, Board Policy 3.36, and System Procedure 3.36.1. Legislation requires a college program to be no more than 60 credits (unless there is an approved waiver) and a baccalaureate degree to require no more than 60 additional credits (unless there is an approved waiver).
The entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) must be completed by the time the student completes the baccalaureate degree.
Part 4. Admission to Designated Baccalaureate Degrees
Students who complete a transfer pathway associate degree must also meet the requirements for admission to the university and major as referenced in Board Policy 3.4 Undergraduate Admissions and university policy and procedure. University majors with limited capacity, restricted admission, or other factors that could impact student admission must be communicated to students participating in an approved transfer pathway. See Board Policy 3.4 and System Procedure 3.4.1 Undergraduate Admissions.
Part 5. Transfer Pathways Catalog/Program/Planner Description
The approved transfer pathways catalog/program/planner description must state:
The [Discipline] Transfer Pathway [AA, AS, or AFA] offers students a powerful option: the opportunity to complete an [Associate of _______] degree with course credits that directly transfer to designated [Discipline] bachelor degree programs at 亚洲无码 universities.* The curriculum has been specifically designed so that students completing this pathway degree and transferring to one of the seven 亚洲无码 universities* enter the university with junior-year status. All courses in the Transfer Pathway associate degree will directly transfer and apply to the designated bachelor degree program in a related field.
*Universities within the 亚洲无码 system include Bemidji State University; Metropolitan State University; 亚洲无码 University, Mankato; 亚洲无码 University Moorhead; Southwest 亚洲无码 University; St. Cloud State University, and Winona State University”
All seven state universities must be specifically listed in the description. The program description must be used in program information, on websites, and in all communications related to Transfer Pathways.
In addition to the required description, the following information is optional.
- 1-2 opening sentences that highlight the distinct focus of the program (if applicable).
- Any other significant fact(s) that sets the program apart (such as specialized accreditation).
Part 6. Review of Transfer Pathways
Colleges, universities, and the system office may initiate a review of a transfer pathway through existing governance structures.
Agreed-upon changes to a transfer pathway and the date of the revision will be documented and reflected in updated Transfer Pathways Maps. The most current version of an approved Transfer Pathway template supersedes all prior versions.
Part 7. Transfer Pathways Learning Outcomes
College discipline-specific courses must meet 100% of the learning outcomes identified for that discipline in the approved transfer pathway.
Part 8. University Responsibility
Universities shall maintain accurate third and fourth year course requirements for all transfer pathway designated baccalaureate degree programs on the university website.
Universities shall display the designated degrees that accept Transfer Pathways and their admissions requirements on their campus website. Transfer students and direct-entry students shall meet the same admissions and program/major requirements. Universities will review student transcripts and/or student degree audits to identify students in a Transfer Pathway program prior to admissions decisions.
Universities shall develop a process that identifies students in a Transfer Pathway program and the designated baccalaureate degree they are planning to pursue. Universities shall establish equivalencies for each required Transfer Pathway course from every 亚洲无码 college offering the Transfer Pathway and must enter the equivalencies in degree audit reporting system.
Part 9. Student Responsibility
Students shall notify the university that they are in a Transfer Pathway and the major they are planning to pursue.
Part 10. College/University/System Responsibility
Information about Transfer Pathways will be available on college, university, and system transfer websites.
Related Documents:
- Board Policy 3.4 Undergraduate Admissions
- Board Policy 3.21 Undergraduate Course and Credit Transfer and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
- Board Policy 3.36 Academic Programs
- System Procedure 3.4.1 Undergraduate Admissions
- System Procedure 3.21.1 Transfer of Undergraduate Courses, Credit, Associate Degrees and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
- System Procedure 3.36.1 Academic Programs
- Operating Instruction Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Instructions
- Operating Instruction Course Equivalency Operating Instructions
- 亚洲无码 Transfer Information Webpage
- CollegeSource
- TES (Transfer Evaluation System) ()
Operating Instruction History:
Date of Adoption: 09/17/18
Date of Implementation: 09/17/18
Date of Last Review:
Date & Subject of Amendments:
03/21/24 – Limited review, deleted the DARS acronym in the definitions and all of Part 5. In Part 9, updated the language with "maintaining accurate third and fourth years of the course requirements for all transfer pathway designated baccalaureate degree programs on the university website", replaced "major" with "designated baccalaureate degree" and added "Universities shall establish equivalencies for each required Transfer Pathway course from every 亚洲无码 college offering the Transfer Pathway and must enter the equivalencies in degree audit reporting system.
No additional HISTORY.