System Procedure 1A.1.2 Pilot Programs

System Procedures
Chapter 1A - System & Office Operations

Access a PDF copy of this procedure

for Board Policy 1A.1

Part 1. Purpose
To establish the process for requesting pilot programs.

Part 2. Definition

Pilot program An experimental program of limited duration supported by the chancellor and designed to promote affordability and/or student success. A pilot program may be inconsistent with current board policy and lead to proposed amendments of board policy and system procedure.

Part 3. Pilot Program Requests
College and university presidents shall submit pilot program requests to the chancellor. A single request form may be submitted on behalf of multiple colleges and universities participating in the same pilot.

A request for a pilot program must address the following items.

  1. Participating colleges and universities
  2. Brief summary of pilot
  3. Objective of pilot program
  4. Time period requested
  5. Board policies and system procedures involved, and the extent they need to be suspended
  6. Applicable statutes
  7. Resources allocated to conduct the pilot program
  8. Resources allocated to support the students impacted by the pilot program
  9. Potential benefits and detriments to students
  10. Anticipated scalability of practice across 亚洲无码
  11. Additional technology needed to start the pilot program
  12. Other pertinent information

Part 4. Chancellor Review and Decision
The chancellor shall consult with the Board of Trustees’ chair and vice chair and general counsel when reviewing pilot program requests. The chancellor may consult with divisional leadership of the impacted division(s), presidents, cabinet, and others within 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities. A decision will be made within 30 days, unless circumstances require additional time.

Part 5. Communication of Scheduled Pilots
Approved pilot programs must be posted for employees and students, communicated to presidents, cabinet, and union and student association leadership.

Part 6. Board Notification
The chancellor shall notify the board of scheduled pilot programs, the extent board policies and system procedures will be suspended, and provide updates as appropriate. Upon completion of a pilot program, the chancellor shall report the results to the board and any anticipated proposals to amend board policies and system procedures.

Part 7. Report to the Chancellor
Within a reasonable time after the conclusion of a pilot program, the college or university president(s) shall submit a report to the chancellor containing the findings of the pilot program. The report must address the following items.

  1. Conclusions drawn from the pilot program
  2. Evidence used to support the conclusions
  3. Impact on affected students during pilot program
  4. Adequacy of time granted for the pilot program
  5. Proposed amendments to board policy and system procedure
  6. How will the pilot support students and efforts to eliminate equity gaps
  7. Technology support needed to scale pilot program
  8. Additional relevant information

Related Documents:

Procedure History:

Date of Adoption: 05/22/20
Date of Implementation: 05/22/20
Date of Last Review:

Date & Subject of Amendments:

No additional HISTORY.
