7.7 Gift and Grants Acceptance - History
Board Policies
Chapter 7 - General Finance Provisions
Date of Implementation: 06/21/00
Date of Adoption: 06/21/00
Date & Subject of Revisions:
06/17/15 - Amended Part 2, requiring that private gifts and grants greater than $100,000 will be reported to the chancellor. Also added statements clarifying that approvals required by policy 5.14 Contracts and Procurement also applied to grant agreements.
11/16/11 - Effective 1/1/12, the Board of Trustees amends all board policies to change the term "Office of the Chancellor" to "system office," and to make necessary related grammatical changes.
03/17/10 - amended Part 4, raising the value of reportable gifts is from $5,000 to $50,000.
06/21/06 - amended Part 2 requiring gifts and grants of real property to be subject to due diligence and conformance with campus facilities master plan. And other technical changes.
06/18/03 - changes "system" to "office of the chancellor", changes "MnSCU" to "亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities"
06/21/00 - contains language formerly in Board policy 8.1.