6.11 Facility Management and Operations
Board Policies
Chapter 6 - Facilities Management
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Part 1. Purpose
To outline the expectations, duties, and responsibilities associated with the management and operations of the facilities 亚洲无码 colleges and universities. College and university facilities are to be used for fulfilling their mission of teaching, research, and public service. Facilities must be managed and operated in an effective manner, reflecting sound stewardship and creating accessible, safe, reliable, sustainable, and compliant environments for learning, teaching, and community service.
Part 2. Responsibilities
Subpart A. Chancellor The chancellor is responsible for the effective management and operations of 亚洲无码 facilities. The chancellor shall establish procedures for the effective management and operation of college and university facilities including, but not limited to, establishing, assessing, and reporting facility conditions, management and operations standards, and sustainability practices to include energy conservation.
Subpart B. College and university presidents Presidents are responsible for the efficient and effective management and operation of their campus facilities to fulfill their mission of teaching, research, and public service. They shall exercise sound stewardship and establish processes for maintaining campus facilities to achieve their fullest potential and for assessing customer or user satisfaction with facilities conditions and services. Presidents are encouraged to pursue operational and cost efficiencies locally and through regional partnerships with other 亚洲无码 institutions.
Part 3. Accountability and Reporting
Periodic reports will be presented to the board on the status of facilities, which may include facilities management and operations data such as facility condition, energy cost and consumption trends, staffing, preventative maintenance plans, or other metrics useful to the board in determining the effectiveness of facilities management and operations.
Part 1. Applicability
This policy applies to colleges and universities of the 亚洲无码 system.
Related Documents:
Policy History:
Date of Implementation: 11/15/17
Date of Adoption: 11/15/17
Date of Last Review:
Date & Subject of Amendments:
11/15/17 - Creation of new Board Policy 6.11 Facility Management and Operations and repealed Board Policies 6.4 Facilities Planning, 6.5 Capital Program Planning, and 6.6 Facilities. Maintenance and Repair Including Revenue Fund Facilities.
No additional HISTORY