3.8 Student Complaints and Grievances
Board Policies
Chapter 3 - Educational Policies
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Part 1. Purpose
To ensure students have a process to resolve student complaints and grievances when no other designated complaint, grievance, or appeal process applies to the situation.
Part 2. Definitions
A request for reconsideration of a grievance decision under Policy 3.8 and Procedure 3.8.1.Complaint
An oral or written claim concerning a college or university issue brought by a student alleging improper, unfair, or arbitrary treatment.Grievance
A written claim submitted by a student alleging improper, unfair, or arbitrary action by an employee involving the application of a specific provision of a college or university rule, regulation, board policy, or system procedure.
Part 3. Policy Statement
A student has the right to seek a remedy for a dispute or disagreement through a designated complaint or grievance procedure. Each college and university shall establish and maintain procedures using their local process and in consultation with student representatives for handling complaints and grievances. These procedures must not substitute for other grievance procedures specific in board, college or university policies or procedures, regulations, or negotiated agreements.
This policy does not apply to academic grade disputes. Grade appeals must be handled under the academic policy of the college or university.
Part 4. College and University Policies and Procedures
College and university student grievance policies and procedures must comply with Board Policy 3.8 and System Procedure 3.8.1.
Part 5. Appeals to the Chancellor
A student may appeal a college’s or university’s final decision to the chancellor if the grievance meets one of the following criteria:
- a violation of board policy, system procedure, or operating instruction,
- the actions of a college or university president,
- an issue of institutional or program quality such as a college’s or university’s compliance with the standards of an accrediting or licensing agency, or
- a claim of consumer fraud or deceptive trade practice.
The decision of the chancellor or designee is final and binding.
Related Documents:
- Board Policy 2.1 Campus Student Associations
- Board Policy 2.3 Student Involvement in Decision-Making
- System Procedure 1B.1.1 Investigation and Resolution
- System Procedure 1B.3.1 Response to Sexual Violence
- System Procedure 2.3.1 Student Involvement in Decision-Making
- System Procedure 3.6.1 Student Conduct
- System Procedure 3.8.1 Student Complaints and Grievances
- System Procedure 3.21.1 Transfer of Undergraduate Courses, Credit, Associate Degrees and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
- Operating Instruction Student Fee Referendum
Policy History:
Date of Adoption: 06/20/95
Date of Implementation: 07/01/95
Date of Last Review: 03/20/24
Date & Subject of Amendments:
03/20/24 – Full review – Added new Part 2. Definitions and the definitions for appeal, complaint, and grievance, and clarified the language in Part 5. Appeals to the Chancellor.
06/18/19 - Added a purpose section as Part 1 and renumbered the other sections, restructured several sentences to remove awkwardness, and added Part 4 at the request of General Counsel.
Additional HISTORY.