3.7 Statewide Student Association
Board Policies
Chapter 3 - Educational Policies
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Part 1. Statewide Student Association Recognition
The 亚洲无码 University Student Association (doing business as Students United), for state university students, and the 亚洲无码 College Student Association (doing business as LeadMN), for state community and technical college students, are each recognized as the one statewide student association for their respective student associations and students.
Part 2. Campus Student Association Affiliation
Each campus student association shall be affiliated with its statewide student association and all students enrolled in credit courses will be members of their respective statewide association.
Part 3. Fees
Each statewide student association shall set its fees and shall submit any changes in its fees to the Board of Trustees for review. The board may revise or reject the fee change during the two board meetings immediately following the fee change submission. Fees must be collected for each enrolled credit by each college and university and must be credited to each association’s account to be spent as determined by that association. For purposes of this policy, enrolled credits include all credits in which a student has enrolled and not dropped before the college or university drop deadlines. Fees must be forwarded by the college or university to the statewide student association whether or not the college or university has received payment for fees.
Part 4. Recognition Process
Subpart A. Statewide student association recognition
Recognition of the associations listed in Part 1 must continue until such recognition is repealed by the board and succeeded by an appropriately constituted association representing the same group of students.Subpart B. Repeal of recognition
- Repeal of recognition by the board must occur if the following actions occur:
- a. Two-thirds vote by the existing statewide student association indicating no confidence, expressed by a petition to the board in accordance with the procedures set forth in the association’s governing documents; and
b. Two-thirds of existing campus student associations, in accordance with their governing rules, submit petitions to the board indicating no confidence.- Dissolution of a statewide student association must be subject to each association's internal procedures as indicated in their respective governing documents. Recognition of a statewide student association is repealed automatically upon dissolution of the student association. A notice of intent to dissolve must be sent to the board.
Subpart C. Recognition of new statewide student association
Following repeal of recognition of a statewide student association, recognition of a new statewide student association must be granted after the presentation of a petition to the board which expresses support of the new association and is approved by two-thirds of the campus student associations.
Part 5. Implementation
The chancellor shall develop an agreement between 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities and each statewide student association to implement this policy, including provisions addressing payment of fees collected.
Related Documents:
To view any of the following related statutes, go to the . You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.- Minn. Stat. § 136F.22 Student Associations
Policy History:
Date of Adoption: 10/18/94
Date of Implementation: 10/18/94
Date of Last Review: 01/27/21
Date & Subject of Amendments:
01/27/2021 – replaced “board” with the “Board of Trustees” in Part 3.
05/16/18 - Amended Part 1 to reflect new student association names. Applied the new formatting and writing styles which resulted in multiple technical edits.
Additional HISTORY