亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities
Fourth Floor, McCormick Room
30 7th Street East
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Agenda items for approval are bolded. Minutes are draft until approved.
Schedule and General Information
Academic and Student Affairs Committee
1. |
Minutes of Meeting of January 28, 2015 (pdf) |
2. |
Open Educational Resources (pdf) |
3. |
Metro Baccalaureate Plan Update (pdf)
- Presentation to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee (pdf)
4. |
Spotlight: Emerging Partnerships between Universities in Mexico and 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities (presented at Board meeting) (pdf) |
Audit Committee
1. |
Minutes of Meeting of January 28, 2015 (pdf) |
2. |
Review Results of Grant Management Internal Control and Compliance Audit (pdf) |
Closed Session: Joint Audit and Finance and Facilities Committees
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 13D.05, Meetings Having Data Classified as Not Public, Subd. 3(d) (2014) (Minnesota Open Meeting Law)
1. |
Systemwide Information Technology Security Briefing (pdf) |
Diversity and Equity Committee
The Diversity and Equity Committee will meet jointly with the Human Resources Committee in March. |
Joint Diversity and Equity and Human Resources Committee Study Session
1. |
亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities Faculty and Staff Diversity: Current Demographics and Strategies (pdf) |
Finance and Facilities Committee
1. |
Minutes of Meeting of January 28, 2015 (pdf) |
2. |
Proposed Amendments to Policy 7.1 Finance and Administrative Authority of Board, Chancellor and Presidents (Second Reading) (pdf) |
3. |
Metropolitan State University WebWOC Contract Exceeding $1M (WebWOC is an online nursing program in wound, ostomy, and continence care) (pdf) |
4. |
Online Support Center Contract Exceeding $1 Million (pdf) |
5. |
Smarthinking Contract Exceeding $1 Million (pdf) |
6. |
ITS Management Contract Exceeding $1 Million (pdf) |
7. |
Bemidji State University Property management Contract Exceeding $1 Million (pdf) |
8. |
Winona State University Building Gift (pdf) |
9. |
Rental Agreement with University of Minnesota Exceeding $1 Million (pdf) |
10. |
System Financial Resiliency Framework (pdf) |
Human Resources Committee
1. |
Minutes of Meeting of October 22, 2014 (pdf) |
2. |
Appointment of President of Northeast Higher Education District (pdf) |
3. |
Appointment of President of Northland Community and Technical College(pdf) |
4. |
Proposed Technical Amendment to Policy 4.11 Board Early Separation Incentive Program (pdf) |
Board of Trustees Study Session I
1. |
Demographic Trends and Their Implications for 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities (pdf) Presentation (pdf) |
Board of Trustees Study Session II
1. |
亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities Positioning (pdf) Presentation (pdf) |
Board of Trustees Meeting
Chair's Report
1. |
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting of January 28, 2015 (pdf) |
Consent Agenda
All matters listed under Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. Any trustee may request that an item or items be removed from the Consent Agenda for independent consideration.
1. |
Metropolitan State University WebWOC Contract Exceeding (Finance & Facilities Committee) (pdf) |
2. |
Online Support Center Contract Exceeding $1M (Finance & Facilities Committee) (pdf) |
3. |
Smarthinking Contract Exceeding $1M (Finance & Facilities Committee) (pdf) |
4. |
ITS Management Contract Exceeding $1M (Finance & Facilities Committee) (pdf) |
5. |
Bemidji State University Property Management Contract Exceeding $1M (Finance & Facilities Committee)(pdf) |
6. |
Winona State University Building Gift (Finance & Facilities Committee)(pdf) |
7. |
Rental Agreement with University of Minnesota Exceeding $1M (Finance & Facilities Committee) (pdf) |
8. |
Proposed Technical Amendment to Policy 4.11 Board Early Separation Incentive Program (Human Resources Committee) (pdf) |
Board Policy Decisions
1. |
Proposed Amendment to Policy 7.1 Finance and Administrative Authority of Board, Chancellor and Presidents (Second Reading) (pdf) |
Other Business