亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities
Fourth Floor, McCormick Room
30 7th Street East
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Agenda items for approval are bolded. Minutes are draft until approved.
Schedule and General Information
Academic and Student Affairs Committee
1. |
Minutes of Meeting of June 17, 2014 (pdf) |
2. |
Mesabi Range College Mission Statement (pdf) |
3. |
Developmental Education (pdf)
4. |
TRIO (pdf)
5. |
Student Spotlight – Saint Paul College (pdf) |
Audit Committee
1. |
Minutes of Meeting of June 18, 2014 (pdf) |
2. |
Internal Audit Update |
3. |
Review Annual Internal Auditing Report for FY2014 (pdf) |
4. |
Roles and Responsibilities of Audit Committee Members (pdf) |
Joint Meeting of the Audit and Finance and Facilities Committees - Closed Session
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 13D.05, Meetings Having Data Classified as Not Public, subd.3(d) (2013) (Minnesota Open Meeting Law)
1. |
Systemwide Information Technology Security Briefing (pdf) |
Diversity and Equity Committee
1. |
Recruitment, Retention, and Professional Development of Diverse Campus and System Leadership |
Finance and Facilities Committee
1. |
Minutes of Meeting of June 18, 2014 (pdf) |
2. |
FY2016-FY2017 Legislative Request (First Reading) (pdf) |
3. |
2015 Capital Bonding Recommendation and Update (pdf) |
4. |
2015 Revenue Fund Bond Recommendation and Update (pdf) |
5. |
Proposed Policy 5.25 Use of Electronic Signature (First Reading) (pdf) |
6. |
Rochester Community and Technical College Workforce Center Lease Exceeding $3 Million (pdf) |
7. |
亚洲无码 University, Mankato Contract Approval Exceeding $3 Million for Beverage Sponsorship (pdf) |
8. |
Campus Service Cooperative Update (pdf) |
Human Resources Committee
1. |
Minutes of July 23, 2014 (pdf) |
2. |
Appointment of General Counsel (pdf) |
3. |
Emeriti Recognition (pdf) |
4. |
Authorization of Leadership Employment Agreements (pdf) |
5. |
Executive Search Process and Onboarding (pdf) |
Board of Trustees - Closed Session
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 13D.05, Meetings Having Data Classified as Not Public, subd. 3(d) (2013) (Minnesota Open Meeting Law)
1. |
Discuss Chancellor’s Goals and Evaluation Process |
Board of Trustees Study Session
1. |
System Finances (Finance 101) (pdf) |
Board of Trustees Meeting
Chair's Report
A. Approval of Minutes
1. |
Board of Trustees Study Session on First Impressions and Priorities on June 17, 2014 (to be distributed) |
2. |
Board of Trustees Study Session on Positioning Assessment and Brand Strategy Update on June 17, 2014 (to be distributed) |
3. |
Board of Trustees Study Session on Charting the Course for Diversity on June 18, 2014 (to be distributed) |
4. |
Board of Trustees Study Session on Update on Implementation of Charting the Future for a Prosperous Minnesota on June 18, 2014 (pdf) |
5. |
Annual Board of Trustees Meeting on June 18, 2014 (pdf) |
6. |
Special Board of Trustees Meeting on July 23, 2014 (pdf) |
7. |
Special Board of Trustees Meeting on September 16, 2014 (pdf) |
8. |
Notes of Board of Trustees Retreat on September 16-17, 2014 (to be distributed) |
B. Proposed Amendments to Board Policies (First Readings) (pdf)
1. |
Policy 1A.1 亚洲无码 Colleges and Universities Organization and Administration |
2. |
Policy 1A.3 System Administration, Chancellor |
3. |
Policy 5.14 Procurement and Contracts |
Consent Agenda
All matters listed under Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. Any trustee may request that an item or items be removed from the Consent Agenda for independent consideration.
1. |
2015 Capital Bonding Recommendation and Update (Finance & Facilities Committee) (pdf) |
2. |
Rochester Community and Technical College Workforce Center Lease Exceeding $3 Million (Finance & Facilities Committee) (pdf) |
3. |
亚洲无码 University, Mankato Contract Approval Exceeding $3 Million for Beverage Sponsorship (Finance & Facilities Committee) (pdf) |
4. |
Mesabi Range College Mission Statement (Academic & Student Affairs Committee) (pdf) |
Board Policy Decisions
- There are no Board Policy Decisions
Other Business