TRIO Programs

What is TRIO?
The United States Congress established a series of programs to help students from disadvantaged backgrounds enter college, graduate and participate more fully in America’s economic and social life. These programs are funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and are referred to as the TRIO Programs (initially just three programs).
While student financial aid programs help students overcome financial barriers to higher education, TRIO programs help students overcome class, social and cultural barriers to higher education.
TRIO now includes six outreach and support programs to assist low-income, first-generation college students. The programs also serve students with disabilities to help them successfully progress from middle school to the post-baccalaureate level.
Contact TRIO Minnesota
Please call 612-250-4660 or visit the for additional information.
TRIO program areas
Educational Talent Search
Educational Talent Search programs serve young people in grades 6-12. In addition to counseling, participants receive information about college admissions requirements, scholarships and various student financial aid programs. This early intervention program helps people from families with incomes under $24,000 (where neither parent graduated from college) to better understand their educational opportunities and options.
Educational Opportunity Centers
Educational Opportunity Centers located throughout the country primarily serve displaced or underemployed workers from families with incomes under $24,000. These Centers help people to choose a college and a suitable financial aid program.
Student Support Services
Student Support Services helps low-income students who intend to transfer into a bachelors degree program at a four-year institution. The program is designed to enhance the academic skills of students to increase their retention and graduation rates. Participants, who include disabled college students, receive tutoring, counseling, transfer planning and remedial instruction.
Upward Bound
Upward Bound helps young students to prepare for higher education. Participants receive instruction in literature, composition, mathematics and science on college campuses after school, on Saturdays and during the summer.
Upward Bound Math/Science
Upward Bound Math/Science helps students from low-income families to strengthen math and science skills. In addition, students learn computer technology as well as English, foreign language and study skills.
Veterans Upward Bound
Veterans Upward Bound programs provide intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to postsecondary education. Veterans learn how to secure support from available resources such as the Veterans Administration, veterans associations and various state and local agencies that serve veterans.