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Gifts/Favors 12 2. Information 12 3. State Time/Property 12 4. Conflicts of Interest 12 APPENDIX Appendix A: Glossary Appendix B: Contract Forms Appendix C: MnSCU System Procedure 6.7.4 Appendix D: Guides Appendix E: Checklists Appendix F: Minnesota Statutes chapter327A Colleges and Universities Carpentry Program Projects: Buying, Developing and Selling Real Estate, Houses or Other Student-Constructed Structures  I. Introduction. A. Purpose. This handbook outlines basic legal and practical issues regarding real estate and MnSCU carpentry program procedures. We intend this handbook to guide you through various transactions involved with typical MnSCU carpentry programs and to provide an overview to those who are new to MnSCU carpentry programs. Because this handbook is designed to give basic guidance, it does not provide an exhaustive list of the legal and practical issues that can arise in a carpentry project. Similarly, this handbook does not suggest a rigid course of action for handling a carpentry project. We hope that you use this handbook with the help of the Attorney Generals Office because the laws, procedures and recommended practices are constantly changing. We will update and amend this handbook as laws change and as we discover improvements after working with you on your carpentry programs. Please call us with any suggestions for the handbook. B. Resources. Each college handles most aspects of the carpentry program on-site without involving the MnSCU Office of the Chancellor or the Attorney Generals Office. These aspects include developing the curriculum, evaluating students, and negotiating the sale of the houses or other student-constructed structures, or other studentconstructed structures among others. Because every project will likely present its own unique set of issues, you should contact the Attorney Generals Office to discuss: (1)concerns about any legal issue (real estate, employment, student, or other) that may arise during the course of a project; (2)modifications to a standard contract form in AppendixB that would better serve your interests; and (3)suggestions to improve any part of this handbook. In addition, because the MnSCU Office of the Chancellor oversees all carpentry programs, it can provide guidance on many business or policy issues. The Office of the Chancellor can help colleges share their experiences with each other. A new and difficult issue for one program may have been addressed recently by another college. If you are considering modifying your existing program or entering into a new community relationship, please contact the Office of the Chancellor early. MnSCU System Procedure6.7.4, included in AppendixC, requires the Office of the Chancellor to approve certain aspects of carpentry programs as set forth below. The Office of the Chancellor can answer questions you may have regarding System Procedure6.7.4. II. Carpentry Program Options. A. Lot Purchase Approach. 1. Acquiring the lot. a. Preliminary steps. ( Site Selection. Obviously, one of the first steps is to choose a proper site for development. Things to consider include zoning, location, any special grading issues, and whether the soil is adequate to support the house or other studentconstructed structure. ( Negotiating Price. Generally, the value of raw land can be easily determined on a square foot or per acre basis. Local realtors or appraisers should be able to find this information by looking at recent comparable sales. ( Office of the Chancellor Approval. Once you have selected a site and agreed upon a purchase price, System Procedure6.7.4, Part2, requires you to obtain written approval from MnSCUs Vice Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer. GuideD1 contains a checklist of information you must provide to the Office of the Chancellor to obtain approval for the purchase. The approval memorandum will delegate authority to the college president to sign the Purchase Agreement and all other legal documents required to buy the property. ( Purchase Agreement. Once you obtain Office of the Chancellor approval, you are ready to enter into a Purchase Agreement for the property. See Form B1 for an example of a standard Purchase Agreement to buy raw land and GuideD2 for a checklist of information the Attorney Generals Office will need to draft a Purchase Agreement for you. Remember to let us know if you have any special concerns or wishes regarding the property so that we can customize the Purchase Agreement. Once the Purchase Agreement is signed, the college is legally obligated to buy the land for the stated price unless some contingency is not satisfied. b. Due diligence. ( Generally. The Purchase Agreement provides you with a certain amount of time to investigate whether you want to complete the purchase of the property. ( Title Insurance. In order to protect against unknown encumbrances and defects in ownership, the Purchase Agreement obligates the seller to provide an abstract of title or a registered property abstract, as the case may be, to the title insurance company, who will in turn furnish a commitment to insure title (known as a title commitment) to you. You should forward the title commitment to the Attorney Generals Office for review. A title commitment will raise any issues that could affect the colleges ability to build a house. For example, some land is subject to conservation easements that prohibit any construction. If discovered, we should object to these encumbrances and the seller will have time to remove the encumbrance or the college may elect not to purchase the property. ( Environmental Concerns. The Purchase Agreement also allows you to investigate the property and the records of the seller relating to any environmental concerns. A good review should discover current and past uses of the property and surrounding property (land bordering manufacturing plants or former gas stations merit additional investigation), and whether any underground storage tanks, septic tanks, or wells are located on the land. To protect MnSCU from buying land it cannot sell and from potential environmental liability, we recommend each campus perform an ASTM transactional screen within the time limit specified in the Purchase Agreement. The transactional screen is a relatively simple process, especially if the property is undeveloped and has no pre-existing structures. Therefore, you may want to have your own environmental staff perform this task even if you ordinarily would hire outside consultants for other Phase I or Phase II environmental assessments. Please note, however, that for property containing pre-existing structures, the asbestos assessment must be performed by a trained professional or the transactional screen will not be valid. For property containing one or more underground storage tanks, it is necessary to notify the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency of any change in ownership. Checklist E-1 is an Initial Site Assessment Checklist for the transactional screen. c. Closing. ( Generally. The closing will usually take place at the title company issuing the title insurance, at a time and place agreed upon by you and the seller. Be sure to notify the Attorney Generals Office as soon as the closing is scheduled. The title company should provide a closer to conduct the closing and disburse all funds connected with the transaction. See Checklist E2 for a list of your closing responsibilities as buyer of the property. ( Signing Documents. System Procedure6.7.4 requires all documents you sign at the closing to be prepared or approved by the Attorney Generals Office prior to closing. It is important that you carefully read all documents before signing and ask for changes if necessary. Contact the Attorney Generals Office if you have any questions about documents at the closing. Be sure that the MnSCU Office of the Chancellor has recently delegated authority to sign documents to the person actually signing the documents at the closing. ( Funds. All funds brought to closing should be in the form of a certified or cashiers check made payable to your institution. You can endorse the check at closing. This allows you to easily retain your funds should something go wrong at closing. You may contact the closer at the title company prior to closing for an estimate of the amount of money you will need to bring to closing. ( Marked-up Title Commitment. The title commitment may contain many exceptions that, until satisfied at closing, the title company will not remove. The Attorney Generals Office can help you mark-up the title commitment before the closing. At the closing, the title company will then sign the marked-up commitment, which will serve as your final title policy until the hard copy is issued by the title company. Once the final title policy is issued, you should compare it to the marked-up title policy to make certain they are identical. ( Recording Documents. The title company closing the transaction is responsible for recording all documents at the appropriate county office. Once the documents are recorded, the title company will issue the final title insurance policy. ( Retention of Documents. Minnesota Statutes section136F.36, subdivision4, states: STORAGE AND RETENTION OF DOCUMENTS. Notwithstanding section 16A.58, the board may store and retain at the respective technical college original documents from carpentry program transactions, including but not limited to deeds, abstracts of title, and certificates of title. 2. Construction. See Part B, Sections 2 and 3, of this Handbook. 3. Selling the House or Other Student-Constructed Structure. a. Preliminary steps. ( Fair Market Value. Minnesota Statutes section136F.36 and System Procedure6.7.4 require that houses or other studentconstructed structures be sold at fair market value. You may obtain an appraisal to help determine fair market value. If you are unable to sell your house or other studentconstructed structure for fair market value, System Procedure6.7.4 allows you to lease the house or other studentconstructed structure. SeeSection4 of this part for a brief discussion of leasing. ( Method of Sale. System Procedure6.7.4 allows you to sell your carpentry house or other studentconstructed structure by any one of the following methods: for sale by owner (FSBO), public auction, sealed bid, or real estate agent. (i) FSBO: Form B2 is a sample Purchase Agreement that may be used in negotiating the sale of your house or other studentconstructed structure. Please note that many buyers propose using the standard Minnesota Association of Realtors( (MAR) form Purchase Agreement, but that form doesnt offer as much protection and contains provisions that MnSCU cannot legally agree to. If you must use the MAR form Purchase Agreement use Checklist E3 to make modifications that will make the form more State compliant. We will help prepare all other documents needed for closing. (ii) Public Auction. Under System Procedure6.7.4, the Attorney Generals Office must prepare or review your contract with the auctioneer. System Procedure6.7.4 requires you to publish two weeks notice of the auction in at least one newspaper of general circulation. We can help prepare the public notice for the newspaper. Refer to Guide D3. (iii) Sealed Bid. We can prepare bidding procedures (see Form B3) and a sample purchase agreement for viewing prior to the bidding. Refer to GuideD4. (iv) Real Estate Agent. System Procedure6.7.4 requires the Attorney Generals Office to prepare or review your listing agreement with the real estate broker before it is signed. Refer to Form B4 for a sample agreement. ( Warranties. Minnesota Statutes section136F.36 gives you the discretion to sell a house or other student-constructed structure with or without the warranties required of private builders under Minnesota Statutes chapter327A, a copy of which is included in AppendixF. These warranties state that a house or other studentconstructed structure will be free from certain defects for one year, from another set of defects for two years, and from a third set of defects for ten years after the first owner of the house or other studentconstructed structure occupies it or takes title to it. Your Purchase Agreement should state whether the property is sold with or without warranties. Suggested language appears in each of the Appendices standard agreement forms and can be tailored if needed. If you decide to offer any warranties, System Procedure6.7.4 requires you to insure against this potential liability: (1)through the Department of Administrations Risk Management Division; or (2)by setting a maximum aggregate liability and encumbering enough to cover the maximum liability under the warranties until they expire. ( Office of the Chancellor Approval. Once you and the buyer have agreed upon a purchase price, System Procedure6.7.4, Part2, requires you to obtain written approval from MnSCUs Vice Chancellor-Chief Financial Officer. GuideD5 contains a checklist of information you must provide to the Office of the Chancellor to obtain approval for the sale. The approval will delegate authority to the college president to sign the Purchase Agreement and all other legal documents required to sell the property. ( Purchase Agreement. After receiving Office of the Chancellor approval, you may enter into a Purchase Agreement for the property. The Attorney Generals Office will prepare the Purchase Agreement and tailor it to meet the specific needs of your transaction. Send a completed Guide D6 (or Guide D7 for a house built on blocks) so we can prepare the purchase agreement. Please note that the State cannot offer to give a Warranty or Limited Warranty Deed, only a Quit Claim Deed. b. Due diligence. ( Generally. The Purchase Agreement obligates you to provide the buyer with an updated abstract of title or a registered property abstract, as the case may be. The Purchase Agreement also provides the buyer with a certain amount of time to inspect the property and examine the title to the property. ( Title Commitment/Title Opinion. The buyer or the buyers lender will usually order a title commitment or a title opinion. You should forward the title commitment or opinion to the Attorney Generals Office for review. If the title company or buyers attorney object to any encumbrance discovered, you must remove the encumbrance or the buyer may refuse to purchase the property. ( Environmental Concerns. The Purchase Agreement also allows the buyer to investigate the property and your records, if any, relating to any environmental concerns. It is your responsibility to disclose to the buyer, in writing, any underground storage tanks, septic tanks, or wells located on the land. c. Closing. ( Generally. The closing will usually take place at the title company issuing the title insurance, at a time and place agreed upon by you and the buyer. Be sure to notify the Attorney Generals Office as soon as the closing is scheduled. The title company will usually act as a closing agent to conduct the closing on behalf of the buyer and disburse all funds connected with the transaction. See Checklist E2 for a list of your closing responsibilities as seller of the property. ( Signing Documents. System Procedure6.7.4 requires all documents you sign at the closing to be prepared or approved by the Attorney Generals Office prior to closing. It is important that you carefully read all documents before signing and ask for changes if necessary. Contact the Attorney Generals Office if you have any questions about documents at the closing. Be sure that the MnSCU Office of the Chancellor has delegated authority to sign documents to the person actually signing the documents at the closing and that the Attorney Generals Office has a copy of the current delegation order. ( Funds. The closing agent will disburse proceeds from the sale to you at the closing. The proceeds will equal the sale price less any closing costs or other costs you agreed to pay in the Purchase Agreement. ( Recording Documents. The title company or closing agent closing the transaction is responsible for recording all documents at the appropriate county office. ( Retention of Documents. Copies of all documents signed and issued in connection with the closing should be sent to the Attorney Generals Office and the originals retained by you. 4. Leasing the House or Other Student-Constructed Structure. If you are unable to sell a house or other student-constructed structure for fair market value, System Procedure6.7.4 allows you to lease it upon reasonable terms and conditions. Any rent from the lease can be retained by your college. Because leasing a carpentry program house is rare, we have not described the various issues and statutory constraints that arise in any MnSCU lease. Please contact the Attorney Generals Office if you would like to lease a house or other student-constructed structure, and we will prepare the lease in consultation with you. In addition, if you later have problems with a tenant, the Attorney Generals Office can help. B. Building on Anothers Lot. 1. Negotiating an Agreement. ( Office of the Chancellor Approval. After finding a landowner and deciding whether to act as the general contractor for the project, System Procedure6.7.4 requires you to obtain written approval from MnSCUs Vice Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer. GuideD-9 contains a checklist of information you need to provide to the Vice Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer to obtain approval for the agreement. The approval memorandum will delegate authority to the college president to sign the construction agreement. ( Types of contracts. Generally, there are four types of construction agreements depending on (1) whether you are acting as the general contractor (i.e.,coordinating and hiring all subcontractors) or simply agreeing to perform part of the overall work required for the project; and (2)whether you are building a new house or other studentconstructed structure or renovating an existing house or other studentconstructed structure. We recommend not acting as the general contractor when possible in order to reduce the responsibility (and potential liability) of the college. The four basic types of contracts are: (i) Residential Construction. Form B-5 (ii) Residential Construction acting as General Contractor. FormB6 (iii) House Renovation. Form B-7. (iv) House Renovation acting as General Contractor. Form B-8 As with any contract, these standard agreements can be modified to suit the goals of the parties. Send us a completed Guide D-10 so we can prepare the contract for you. ( Important Provisions to Include in Any Contract. The standard contracts, included in Appendix B, address the following issues: (i) Representations of the Owner. The owner should represent that the owner (a)has the authority to enter the contract (this is especially important with governmental entities and, to a lesser extent, corporations); (b) owns the land; and (c)has the financial ability to pay for the improvements. The standard contracts allow the college to request evidence to verify any of these representations. Signature authority for governmental entities or corporations (e.g., Resolution, Articles of Incorporation, etc.) should be sent to the Attorney Generals Office with completed Guide D10. (ii) Subcontractors. The contract should set forth who is responsible for coordinating the work of the various subcontractors. Because you may hire subcontractors to perform some of the work, the standard contract includes the notice required by Minnesota Statutes section514.011 to maintain your ability to file a lien against the property. (iii) Warranties. The contract should specify whether you are offering warranties like those required of private sector builders under Minnesota Statutes chapter327A. You have the discretion under Minnesota Statutes section136F.36 to choose whether to include any warranties. See PartA, Section1(a) for considerations to review in deciding whether to offer warranties. (iv) List of Encumbrances. The owner should disclose any liens or encumbrances that currently affect the property. Mortgages or other liens may affect your ability to be compensated for the labor you supply to the property. 2. Pre-Construction Considerations. Before beginning construction, you should be satisfied that: (1)the person hiring the college owns the land or has permission to build on it; (2)the soil/land can support a house or other studentconstructed structure; (3)the house or other studentconstructed structure to be built will not encroach over adjoining property, set-backs or other encumbrances; (4)all building permits have been obtained; (5)all needed subcontractors are in place; (6)the land is zoned properly; and (7)necessary utilities and access are available. See ChecklistE4 for a preconstruction checklist. 3. Considerations During Construction. During construction, you should (1)collect lien waivers whenever paying subcontractors and suppliers (see GuideD11 for a Receipt and Waiver of Mechanics Lien Rights form); (2)document all difficulties caused by subcontractors or other events affecting the schedule or quality of the construction; (3)periodically inspect the work as set forth in the contract; (4)periodically perform inspections if required by the contract; and (5)deviate from the agreedupon plans and specifications only if a written change order has been signed by the owner and approved by the college and the appropriate local inspector. 4. Post-Construction Considerations. You should retain copies of all work logs, project diaries, scheduling records, work orders, change orders, weather condition summaries, invoices, agreements with subcontractors, progress meeting minutes, and other documents created or collected during the project. Because certain types of lawsuits can be brought long after construction is completed, you should not destroy any of these documents until twelve years after the project is completed. If someone reports a defect related to the project at any time after construction or if a legal action related to the project is currently threatened or pending, consult with the Attorney Generals Office before destroying any documents related to the project. C. Building Houses or Other Student-Constructed Structures on Blocks. 1. Generally. Houses or other structures built on blocks are not permanently attached to any real property and, in general, are movable. Therefore, these houses or other studentconstructed structures are considered personal property. The procedures set forth in System Procedure6.7.4 apply to these houses or studentconstructed structures. Form B-9 is a sample Purchase Agreement that may be used in negotiating the sale of your house or other structure built on blocks. 2. Selling the House or Other Student-Constructed Structure. ( Sales Tax. Be aware that you must charge sales tax on the full amount of the purchase price. ( Warranty. Because of the inherent risks in transporting houses or other studentconstructed structures, you may wish to sell the house or other student-constructed structure ASIS without the warranties listed in Minnesota Statutes chapter327A. ( Determine the method of sale (see paragraph 3). ( Send Guide D8 to the Office of the Chancellor . ( Send completed Guide D7 to the Attorney Generals Office. III. Miscellaneous Topics. A. Contract for Deed. Generally, a Contract for Deed refers to a method of selling property where the seller allows the buyer to use the land but will not convey ownership until the buyer has made all payments under the Contract. A Contract for Deed is a way for a seller to finance the buyers land purchase. As discussed below, Contracts for Deed cannot be used by MnSCU. MnSCU may not sell property pursuant to a Contract for Deed because MnSCU does not have the authority to lend money to private parties (which is what a Contract for Deed would do). Also, MnSCU may not buy property with a Contract for Deed because Minnesota law restricts MnSCUs ability to incur debt. B. Gifts of Land. MnSCU is generally allowed to receive property by gift. But, System Procedure7.7 provides that no gift or grant of real property be allowed without MnSCU Board approval. This Procedure requires the Board to consider potential tort liability; any conflicts of interest; costs of altering, maintaining or operating the gift property; hazardous waste costs; and any unpaid taxes and special assessments. Taxes and assessments by law must be paid before the transfer of the gift. We recommend that you do not discuss any tax benefits of the donation with the donor. Instead, you should encourage donors to consult with their own tax advisors. C. Data Practices. Most documents related to a carpentry program project are government data and must be maintained and released according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes chapter13). The only exception to this rule is instructor notes, which are not government data under the Act if: kept in the sole possession of the maker; not accessible or revealed to anyone except a substitute teacher; and destroyed at the end of the school year. Under the Act, government data is generally considered public, nonpublic, private, or confidential. Most project documents will be considered public, i.e.,documents that must be released upon request to anyone for any reason and within a reasonable period of time. Under the Act, some project documents will be considered private, meaning documents that are accessible only to: (1)the person who is the subject of the document; (2)college employees whose job requires access; and (3)as otherwise allowed or required by law. The law generally allows release of a private document only with the written consent of the person who is the subject of the document. Examples of private documents include most documents related to students and some documents related to employees. If an investigation is done on the project or if a lawsuit is planned by the college or threatened by an outside party, documents related to the investigation/suit may be considered confidential, and not accessible to the person who is the subject of the document. The college can be sued for wrongful refusal to release a document or for releasing a document to the wrong party. Willful violations of the Act can lead to criminal prosecution and can be the basis for suspending or terminating an employee. Please call the Attorney Generals Office if you have any questions about how to respond to a request for documents related to a carpentry program project. D. Conflicts of Interest. MnSCU employees are required to comply with all statutes and policies on ethical government practices, including the Executive Branch Employee Code of Ethics appearing in Minnesota Statutes section43A.38. In general, that Code provides restrictions in the following areas: 1. Gifts/Favors. Employees cannot accept (directly or indirectly) gifts, favors, promises of employment, and other types of current or future benefits in relation to their official duties, except as authorized by law. The law does allow the acceptance of gifts of nominal value and free samples of textbooks. Employees may also receive plaques and similar mementos recognizing specialty or charitable services, honoraria/expenses for presentations (if made on their own time), and travel or meal reimbursements for actual costs not paid by the State (if approved in advance by the appropriate supervisor). 2. Information. Employees cannot use confidential information to further their private interests or become involved in outside employment or activities that require disclosure of confidential information. 3. State Time/Property. Employees cannot use State time or property for private interest (or allow others to do so), except as provided by law. 4. Conflicts of Interest. Employees must avoid situations that present or give the appearance of a conflict of interest suchas: use or attempted use of an official position to gain a benefit for the employee, the employees immediate family, or the employees organization; accepting employment or a contract that affects the employees independence of judgment as to official duties; acting as an agent or attorney in a matter pending before the employing agency, unless official duties require or representation is on the employees own behalf; or soliciting an agreement when the State provides similar services or has expressed the intent to provide the services, unless the agency consents to the solicitation of the agreement. If there is a potential for conflict of interest, the employees duties related to the conflict must be reassigned if possible. Appropriate disclosures must be made if reassignment is not possible. Another State law, Minnesota Statutes section15.43, prohibits the acceptance of advantage by a State employee who is in a position to directly or indirectly influence a purchasing decision or contract. Employees in such a position cannot have a financial interest or personal beneficial interest (direct or indirect) in a contract or purchase or accept (directly or indirectly) anything of value from a party related to the contract or purchase order, except items of nominal value or free samples of textbooks and related materials. A special provision of this law allows MnSCU instructors to assign textbooks, software, or other course materials authored by a MnSCU employee. Finally, Minnesota Statutes section15.054 limits a public employees ability to purchase property owned by the State. Violation of this statute is a misdemeanor. Watch for potential ethical issues in all facets of a carpentry project, particularly: contracts to provide construction services for a state employee, sales of property to state employees; ordering materials and supplies; hiring subcontractor labor; composition of a College Program Advisory Committee; composition of committees to review and select plans for a project; use of phones, tools, vehicles, and other State property by students and instructors; and gifts, lunches and other things of value offered by a subcontractor or other third party. Please call the Attorney Generals Office or the Department of Employee Relations for help concerning potential violations of the laws outlined in this section of the handbook. AG:2209382, v. 1 appendix a Glossary Appendix A Glossary Abstract of Title: A collection of brief descriptions (abstracts) of every real estate record affecting the land in question. Sellers must generally provide an abstract of title (or a registered property abstract if the land is torrens property) to a buyer in a real estate sale. Abstract Property: Refers to one of two categories of real property (the other being torrens property). To discover encumbrances for abstract property, someone must search all real estate records since records were first kept. Hence, the need for an abstract of title to ease the investigation. CompareTorrens Property. Agreement: Generally means the same as a contract. Chattel: A fancy legal way to refer to an item of personal property. Contract: An understanding between two or more parties that is enforceable. Generally, contracts do not have to be in writing, although agreements to transfer real property must be in writing. Due Diligence: Refers to the investigation a buyer performs after signing a Purchase Agreement but before actual buying the property or closing on the transaction. Due diligence typically involves checking for marketable title or environmental problems. Easement: The right of a property owner to use someone elses property for a specific purpose. For example, an access easement would allow Mr. Landlocked to drive over someones property to get to the Landlocked property. Before granting or accepting an easement, please call the Attorney Generals Office because even the simple ones can be tricky. Encumbrance: A right or interest that affects someones ownership interest in real property. Examples include easements (utility, access, etc.) and liens (mortgage, judgment, tax, mechanics, etc.). For example, Joan Seller may own land that is subject to a mortgage lien held by her bank. Joan could not convey marketable title to the land unless the bank released its mortgage lien. Fixtures: Real property. A fixture is property that would be personal property except for the fact that it is attached to a building. For example, a bookshelf is generally personal property unless it is affixed to a building, in which case it becomes a fixture and is then bought and sold as part of the real property. Whether something is personal property or real property generally is only relevant for taxation and loan security/collateral issues. Joint Powers Agreement: A contract between two governmental entities by which they agree to jointly exercise some common power. For example two counties could agree to operate one juvenile justice center to serve both counties. Legal Description: A description of real property that allows anyone to locate exactly the boundaries of the real property. When conveying land, it is important that the legal description that the seller proposes to use to convey the land matches the legal description used when the seller originally obtained the property. Marketable Title: Title (ownership) that is free from doubt and that is not subject to unreasonable encumbrances. This term refers to land that can be readily transferable. Lawyers review title commitments, abstracts of title or registered property abstracts to determine whether an owner has marketable title. Personal Property: Refers to all property that is not real property, and includes all moveable property in a house, such as window air-conditioners, refrigerators, and ovens that are not built-in or attached to the house. Purchase Agreement: An agreement that legally binds both the buyer and seller to complete a real estate conveyance subject to any contingencies in the Purchase Agreement. Accordingly, this is a critical document. Quit Claim Deed: A legal document that transfers all of the sellers ownership interest in the real property to the buyer, without any assurance from the seller that it has any ownership interest in the land. Real Estate or Real Property: Land and anything permanently attached to the land, such as buildings. Registered Property Abstract (RPA): A document describing all encumbrances affecting Torrens property. Sellers must generally provide a registered property abstract (or an abstract of title if the land is abstract property) to a buyer in a real estate sale. See Torrens Property. Title: Refers to ownership of land. For example, buyers want to perform due diligence to make sure the seller has good title to the land. Title Commitment: A commitment from a title insurance company to issue Title Insurance. Typically drafts of the Title Commitment are issued well in advance of closing, and the final form is issued on the closing date. The company generally issues the actual title insurance policy about six to eight weeks after issuing the title commitment. Title Insurance: Insurance for a buyer of real property that protects against unknown liens or other defects in ownership. Title companies, which provide the title insurance, search the real estate records and disclose any title defects they find to the buyer. This aids the buyer in its due diligence process and allows the buyer to object to any such title defects to the seller of the property. The cost is a one time premium that insures title for the entire time you own the property. Title Opinion: The written findings of an attorney after review of an abstract of title for the subject real property. The opinion will disclose what the county records reveal, including current owner, liens, encumbrances, tax and judgment searches, and other matters relating to the real property. Torrens Property: Refers to one of two categories of real property (the other being abstract property). To discover encumbrances for Torrens property, someone need only review the Registered Property Abstract and the real estate records since the RPA was issued, because the RPA lists all of the encumbrances on the property. Torrens property is simply abstract property that has been registered with the County Examiner of Titles. Compare Abstract Property. Warranty Deed: A legal document that transfers all of the sellers interest in the real property to the buyer, with an assurance from the seller that it has good title to the land. AG:2209382, v. 1 appendix B Contract Forms Directory Guide NumberContract FormsB-1Purchase Agreement - Undeveloped LandB-2Purchase Agreement - Developed LandB-3Carpentry Project House Bidding and Sale ProceduresB-4Exclusive Right to Sell Listing ContractB-5Residential Construction ContractB-6Residential Construction Contract - State as General ContractorB-7House Renovation ContractB-8House Renovation Contract - State as General ContractorB-9Purchase Agreement - House Built on Blocks AG: #2190967-v1 PURCHASE AGREEMENT (Undeveloped Land) THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made as of _____________________, ______, between ______________________________ (Seller), and STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of ___________________________________________ (Buyer). In consideration of the mutual agreements set forth herein and other good and valuable consideration, and pursuant to the authority granted to Buyer in Minn. Stat. 136F.36, subd.1, Seller and Buyer agree as follows: 1. Sale of Property. Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy from Seller, the real property located in ______________ County, Minnesota, legally described as ______________________________________________, together with all easements and rights benefiting or appurtenant thereto (collectively, the Property). 2. Purchase Price and Manner of Payment. The total purchase price to be paid for the Property shall be $_________________ (Purchase Price). The Purchase Price shall be payable as follows: 2.1 $_____________ by certified check or cashiers check made payable to Seller, as earnest money (Earnest Money), which shall be held by Seller in accordance with this Agreement; and 2.2 $_____________ by certified check or cashiers check made payable to Seller, on the Closing Date (as defined in Section4 below). 3. Contingencies. The obligations of Buyer under this Agreement are contingent upon each of the following: 3.1 Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties of Seller contained in this Agreement must be true now and on the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date. 3.2 Title. Title shall have been found acceptable, or been made acceptable, in accordance with the requirements and terms of Section6 of this Agreement. 3.3 Access and Inspection. Seller shall have allowed Buyers employees, agents and representatives access to the Property without charge and at all reasonable times to allow Buyer to test and investigate the same. Seller shall make available to Buyer, without charge, all records, inventories, permits and correspondence in Sellers possession, if any, relating to Hazardous Substances (as defined in Section7.3 of this Agreement) affecting the Property. Buyer shall pay all costs and expenses of such investigation and testing, and shall restore any damage to the Property caused by such investigation and testing. Buyer shall have been satisfied with the results of all such investigation and testing. 3.4 Government Approvals. Buyer shall have obtained at its sole cost and expense on or before the Closing Date all final governmental approvals necessary, if any, in Buyers judgment to construct a residential dwelling and related improvements on the Property. Seller shall cooperate in all reasonable respects with Buyer in obtaining such approvals, and shall execute such applications, permits and other documents, if any, as may be reasonably required in connection therewith. If any contingency set forth above has not been satisfied on or before the Closing Date, then this Agreement may be terminated by written notice from Buyer to Seller. Upon such termination, the Earnest Money shall be returned to Buyer, and thereafter neither party will have any further rights or obligations regarding this Agreement. All the contingencies set forth above are specifically for the benefit of Buyer, and Buyer shall have the right to waive any contingency by written notice to Seller. 4. Closing. The closing of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement (the Closing) shall occur on _______________, _________ (the Closing Date), or on an earlier date mutually acceptable to Buyer and Seller, at a location in ___________, Minnesota mutually acceptable to Buyer and Seller. Seller agrees to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date. 4.1 Sellers Closing Documents. On the Closing Date, Seller shall execute and deliver to Buyer the following (collectively, Sellers Closing Documents), all in form and content reasonably satisfactory to Buyer: 4.1.1 Deed. A Warranty Deed conveying good and marketable title to the Property to Buyer, free and clear of all encumbrances, except the Permitted Encumbrances as defined in Section6 of this Agreement, which Warranty Deed shall state that the Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property (the Warranty Deed). 4.1.2 IRS Forms. A Designation Agreement designating the Title Company (asdefined in Section6.1 of this Agreement) as the reporting person for purposes of completing Internal Revenue Form1099 and, if applicable, Internal Revenue Form 8594 (the Designation Agreement). 4.1.3 Other Documents. All other documents reasonably determined by Buyer or the Title Company to be necessary to transfer good and marketable title to the Property to Buyer free and clear of all encumbrances, except the Permitted Encumbrances, including, without limitation, a Certificate of Real Estate Value in the form required by law (Certificate of Real Estate Value) and a Sellers Affidavit in the form required by the Title Company. 5. Prorations and Allocations of Costs. Seller and Buyer agree to the following prorations and allocation of costs regarding this Agreement: 5.1 Title Insurance and Closing Fee. Seller will pay all costs in connection with providing the abstract of title or registered property abstract, as the case may be, to the Title Company. Buyer shall pay 50% and Seller shall pay 50% for any reasonable closing fee or charge imposed by any closing agent or by the Title Company. Buyer shall also pay for the cost of the Title Commitment and the premium charged by the Title Company for the title policy issued in accordance with the Title Commitment. 5.2 Deed Tax. Seller shall pay all state deed tax payable in connection with this transaction. 5.3 Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments. Seller will pay, on or before the Closing Date, all special assessments levied, pending or constituting a lien against the Property as of the Closing Date. General real estate taxes payable in ___________ [Insert current year] and all prior years will be paid by Seller. 6. Title Examination. The title examination will be conducted as follows: 6.1 Sellers Title Evidence. Promptly after Seller and Buyer have executed this Agreement, Seller shall, at Sellers cost, furnish to a title insurance company selected by Buyer (the Title Company), an abstract of title or registered property abstract, as appropriate, certified to a date not earlier than the date of this Agreement, which shall include proper searches covering bankruptcies, state and federal judgments and liens, and levied and pending special assessments. Seller shall, at Buyers cost, promptly cause the Title Company to issue to Buyer a title insurance commitment (Title Commitment) for an ALTA Form 1992 Owners Policy of Title Insurance insuring title to the Property, deleting standard exceptions and including affirmative insurance regarding zoning, appurtenant easements, if appropriate, and such other matters as may be identified by Buyer, in the amount of the Purchase Price, the premium for which shall be paid by Buyer. The Title Commitment shall be accompanied by a copy of any instruments or agreements referenced in the Title Commitment. 6.2 Buyers Objections. Within ten (10) days after receiving the Title Commitment and a copy of any instruments or agreements referenced in the Title Commitment, Buyer will make written objections (Objection(s)) to the form and/or contents of the Title Commitment. Buyers failure to make objections within such period will constitute waiver of Objections. Any matter shown on the Title Commitment and not objected to by Buyer shall be a Permitted Encumbrance hereunder. Seller will have ten (10) days after receipt of the Objections to cure the Objections, during which period the Closing will be postponed, if necessary. Seller shall use its best efforts to correct any Objections. To the extent an Objection can be satisfied by the payment of money, Buyer shall have the right to apply a portion of the cash payable to Seller at the Closing, in an amount not to exceed $1,000, to satisfaction of such Objection, and the amount so applied shall reduce the amount of cash payable to Seller at the Closing. If the Objections are not cured within such 10-day period, Buyer will have the option to do any of the following: 6.2.1 Terminate this Agreement. 6.2.2 Withhold from the Purchase Price an amount not to exceed $5,000 which, in the reasonable judgment of the Title Company is sufficient to assure cure of the Objection. Any amount so withheld will be placed in escrow with the Title Company, pending such cure. If Seller does not cure such Objections within ninety (90) days after such escrow is established, Buyer may then cure such Objections and charge the costs against the escrowed amount. The parties agree to execute and deliver such documents as may be reasonably required by the Title Company, and Seller agrees to pay the charges of Title Company to create and administer the escrow. 6.2.3 Waive the Objections and proceed to close. 7. Representations and Warranties by Seller. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows: 7.1 Title to Property. Seller owns the Property, free and clear of all encumbrances and easements except those of record. 7.2 Authority. Seller has the requisite power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and, as of the Closing Date, Seller shall have the requisite power and authority to enter into and perform Sellers Closing Documents; as of the Closing Date, such documents shall have been duly authorized by all necessary action; such documents shall be valid and binding obligations of Seller, and shall be enforceable in accordance with their terms. 7.3 Environmental Laws. To the best knowledge of Seller, no toxic or hazardous substances or wastes, pollutants or contaminants (including, without limitation, asbestos, urea formaldehyde, the group of organic compounds known as polychlorinated biphenyls, petroleum products including gasoline, fuel oil, crude oil and various constituents of such products, and any hazardous substance as defined in any state, local or federal law, regulation, rule policy or order relating to the protection of the environment) (collectively, Hazardous Substance(s)) have been generated, treated, stored, transferred from, released or disposed of, or otherwise placed, deposited in or located on the Property, nor has any activity been undertaken on the Property that would cause or contribute to the Property becoming a treatment, storage or disposal facility within the meaning of, or otherwise bring the Property within the ambit of, any state, local or federal law, regulation, rule policy or order relating to the protection of the environment. To the best knowledge of Seller, there has been no discharge, release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances from the Property. To the best knowledge of Seller, there are no Hazardous Substances or conditions in or on the Property that may support a claim or cause of action under any state, local or federal law, regulation, rule policy or order relating to the protection of the environment. To the best knowledge of Seller, the Property is not now and never has been listed on any list of sites contaminated with Hazardous Substances, nor used as a landfill, dump, disposal or storage site for Hazardous Substances. Seller has delivered to Buyer copies of all environmental reports and studies relating to the Property that are in the possession of Seller, if any. 7.4 FIRPTA. Seller is not a foreign person, foreign partnership, foreign trust or foreign estate, as those terms are defined in Section1445 of the Internal Revenue Code. 7.5 Proceedings. There is no action, litigation, investigation, condemnation or proceedings (other than probate proceedings) of any kind pending or to the best knowledge of Seller threatened against Seller or any portion of the Property. 7.6 Wells. The Seller certifies and warrants that the Seller does not know of any Wells on the described Property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. 103I. This representation is intended to satisfy the requirements of that statute. 7.7 Storage Tanks. To the best knowledge of Seller, no above ground or underground tanks are located in or about the Property, or have been located under, in or about the Property and have subsequently been removed or filled. 7.8 Zoning and Soil Conditions. The zoning for the Property currently allows the construction and use of a single family residential dwelling, and improvements relating thereto. Seller warrants and represents that the soils on the Property will adequately support a single family residential dwelling and related improvements without need for other than ordinary soil compaction procedures. 7.9 Individual Sewage Treatment System. Seller certifies and warrants that Seller does not know of any individual sewage treatment system within the meaning of Minn. Stat. 115.55 on the Property. This representation is intended to satisfy the requirements of that statute. 7.10 Subdivision. Seller warrants and represents that the Property is in compliance with and conforms to all applicable statutes, laws, ordinances and codes of the State of Minnesota and City of ________________ relating to the subdivision and platting of real property; the Property may be lawfully conveyed utilizing the legal description set forth in Section1 of this Agreement; and no portion of the Property lies within any tax parcel which includes property other than the Property. Seller will indemnify Buyer, its successors and assigns, against, and will hold Buyer, its successors and assigns, harmless from, any expenses or damages, including reasonable attorneys fees, that Buyer incurs because of the breach of any of the above representations and warranties. 8. Brokers. __________________________ (Sellers Agent) is acting as an agent for Seller in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, and Seller shall pay any brokerage commission or fees charged by Sellers Agent in connection therewith. Except as set forth in the preceding sentence, Seller and Buyer represent to each other that they have dealt with no brokers, finders or the like in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. 9. Survival. All of the terms of this Agreement and warranties and representations herein contained shall survive and be enforceable after the Closing. 10. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto, or by mailing in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid , properly addressed as follows: If to Seller:  If to Buyer:  Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run two (2) business days after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change ten (10)days prior to the effective date of such change. 11. Sellers Social Security Numbers; Reporting Requirements; Certificate of Real Estate Value. Seller represents and warrants that Sellers federal tax identification number is ______________________________. 11.1 Reporting Requirements. Seller is required by Minn. Stat. 270.66 to provide a social security number or tax identification numbers, as appropriate, if Seller does business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers may result in action to collect delinquent tax returns and delinquent uncontested tax liability from Seller. Failure to supply these numbers could prevent Seller from being paid in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. These numbers will be available to federal and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. Seller understands that pursuant to Treas. Reg. 1.60544, the State of Minnesota shall report to the Internal Revenue Service information as to the gross proceeds of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. A copy of such report shall be furnished to Seller. If the transaction contemplated by this Agreement is closed by the Title Company or some other closing agent, the Title Company or such other agent shall be the responsible reporting party. 11.2 Certificate of Real Estate Value. According to Minn. Stat. 272.115, the social security numbers or federal identification numbers of the grantors and the grantees must appear on the Certificate of Real Estate Value. The social security numbers are private data and will be used to ensure that taxes related to the transaction are being correctly paid. The social security numbers may be given to state or federal tax officials. If Sellers social security number is not provided, the Warranty Deed may not be accepted for filing by the county recorder or registrar of titles, as the case may be, and as a consequence, Seller shall be in breach of this Agreement, and Buyer shall have certain rights and remedies in connection therewith. 12. Miscellaneous. Time is of the essence. The section headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. This Agreement together with the exhibits and the addendum, if any, attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and no other agreements prior to this Agreement or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed and delivered by Buyer and an authorized representative of Seller. This Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 13. Remedies. In addition to any other right or remedy set forth in this Agreement, Buyer shall have the right to enforce the provisions of this Agreement through an action for specific performance, injunctive relief, damages or any other available proceedings in law or equity. The election of any one right or remedy under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of other available remedies. 14. Memorandum of Agreement. At Buyers request, Seller shall promptly execute and deliver to Buyer a memorandum of this Agreement, which shall be in recordable form and otherwise in form and content acceptable to Buyer, and prepared by the Minnesota Attorney Generals Office. Buyer shall have the right, at its cost, to record such memorandum in the office of the recorder or the registrar of titles, as appropriate, for _________________ County, Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Buyer have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the year and date first above written. SELLER: By: (Print name and Title) Date: BUYER: STATE OF MINNESOTA: Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities By: (Print name and Title) Date: Verified as to allotment/encumbrance By: Title: Date:  AG:2215728, v. 1 PURCHASE AGREEMENT (Developed Land) THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made as of this ______ day of ___________________, _________, between the STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of __________________________ (Seller), and ______________________________________ (whether one or more, Buyer). In consideration of the mutual agreements set forth herein and other good and valuable consideration, and pursuant to the authority granted to Seller by Minnesota Statutes section136F.36, Seller and Buyer agree as follows: 1. Sale of Property. Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy from Seller, the following property (collectively, the Property): 1.1 The land located in ________________ County, Minnesota, legally described on ExhibitA attached hereto and made a part hereof, together with (a)all buildings, fixtures, and improvements constructed or located on said land; and (b)all easements and rights, if any, benefiting or appurtenant to said land (collectively, the Real Property); and 1.2 All personal property, if any, owned by Seller and used and located on the Real Property, including, but not limited to, any: garden bulbs, plants, shrubs, and trees; storm sash, storm doors, screens, and awnings; window shades, blinds, traverse, curtain, and drapery rods; attached lighting fixtures and bulbs; plumbing fixtures, water heaters, heating plants (with any burners, tanks, stokers, and other related equipment), central air conditioning equipment, electronic air filter, water softener, built in humidifier, and dehumidifier, liquid gas tank and controls, sump pump; attached television antennae, cable TV jacks, and wiring; dishwashers, garbage disposals, trash compactors, ovens, cook top stoves, microwave ovens, refrigerators, hood fans, and intercoms; carpeting, mirrors, garage door openers, and all related controls; smoke detectors, fire place screens, doors, and heatolaters; and the following: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (collectively, the Personal Property). 2. Purchase Price and Manner of Payment. The total purchase price to be paid for the Property shall be $_________________ (Purchase Price). The Purchase Price shall be payable as follows: 2.1 $_____________ by certified check or cashiers check made payable to Seller, as earnest money (Earnest Money), which shall be deposited with Seller on or before the business day immediately following the date this Agreement is adopted by all parties and held by Seller in accordance with this Agreement; and 2.2 $_____________ by certified check or cashiers check made payable to Seller, on the Closing Date (as defined in Section4 below). 3. Access and Inspection. After receiving reasonable advance notice, Seller shall allow Buyer and Buyers agents access to the Property at reasonable times for the purpose of Buyers inspection. Buyer shall pay all costs and expenses of any inspection, and shall hold Seller and the Property harmless from all costs and liabilities relating to the activities of Buyer and Buyers agents. 4. Closing. The closing of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement (theClosing) shall occur on _________________, ______ (the Closing Date). The Closing shall take place at a location in ________________, Minnesota mutually acceptable to Seller and Buyer. Seller agrees to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date. 5. Closing Documents. On the Closing Date and upon Sellers receipt of the total amount of the Purchase Price in accordance with Section2 of this Agreement, Seller shall execute and/or deliver to Buyer the following, which documents shall be prepared by the Minnesota Attorney Generals Office. (a) Quit Claim Deed conveying the Real Property to Buyer (the Deed); (b) Quit Claim Bill of Sale conveying the Personal Property to Buyer; (c) Sellers Affidavit; and (d) Well Certificate in the form required by law, if any. On the Closing Date, Buyer will provide the Certificate of Real Estate Value and Purchasers Affidavit, if appropriate, in the forms required by law. 6. Prorations and Allocations of Costs. Seller and Buyer agree to the following prorations and allocations of costs regarding this Agreement: 6.1 Buyer will pay for the cost of the abstract of title or registered property abstract, as applicable, in accordance with Section7 of this Agreement. Buyer shall pay all other costs in connection with Buyers title examination and/or title insurance, including any fees charged for a title opinion, title insurance commitment, and/or policy of title insurance for either Buyer or Buyers mortgagee, if any. If Buyer or Buyers mortgagee, if any, obtains a title insurance policy, Buyer shall pay the closing fee or charge imposed by any closing agent or by the title company. If neither Buyer nor Buyers mortgagee obtains a title insurance policy and the transaction contemplated hereby is closed by an agent retained by Seller, Seller shall pay the agents closing fee. 6.2 Buyer shall pay all state deed tax payable in connection with the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement. Buyer shall pay all mortgage registry tax payable in connection with Buyers financing, if any. 6.3 Real estate taxes covering the Real Property due in the year in which the Closing occurs, and installments of levied special assessments due therewith, shall be pro rated by Seller and Buyer as of the Closing Date based upon the calendar year. Buyer shall accept title subject to the balance of all levied special assessments due in the year after the Closing occurs and thereafter. Buyer shall also assume all other special assessments levied, pending or constituting a lien on the Real Property after the date of this Agreement; provided that if the amount of special assessments which become levied, pending or constituting a lien on the Real Property after the date of this Agreement exceeds $______________, and Seller refuses to pay the amount of the excess, Buyer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Seller on or before the Closing Date, and upon receipt of such notice, Seller shall promptly return the Earnest Money to Buyer, and thereafter this Agreement shall have no further force or effect. If this Agreement is so terminated, Buyer and Seller agree to execute and deliver a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement in form and content reasonably acceptable to Seller, or some other instrument reasonably requested by Seller. 6.4 All utilities and other operating costs of the Property shall be allocated between Seller and Buyer as of the Closing Date, so that Seller pays that part of the utilities and the operating costs payable before the Closing Date, and Buyer pays that part of the utilities and operating costs payable from and after the Closing Date. 6.5 If the Closing occurs, Seller shall pay a commission in the amount of $____________ to the listing real estate agent retained by Seller, if any. Seller shall not pay any commission or other fees charged by any other real estate agent or broker involved in the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement. BUYER UNDERSTANDS THAT SELLER SHALL NOT PAY FOR ANY COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION6. 7. Title Examination. Within a reasonable period of time after the date of this Agreement, Seller shall, at Buyers cost, furnish to Buyer an abstract of title or registered property abstract, as appropriate, certified to a date not earlier than the date of this Agreement, which shall include proper searches covering bankruptcies, state and federal judgments and liens, and levied and pending special assessments. Buyer shall have ten (10) Business Days (as defined in Section13 of this Agreement) after the receipt of the abstract of title or the registered property abstract, as the case may be, either to have Buyers attorney examine title and provide Seller with written objections identifying matters that make title unmarketable, if any, or, at Buyers expense, to make an application for a title insurance policy and notify Seller of the application. If Buyer makes an application for a title insurance policy, Buyer shall have ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the commitment for title insurance to provide Seller with a copy of the commitment for title insurance and written objections identifying matters that make title unmarketable, if any. Buyer shall be deemed to have waived any title objections not made within the applicable ten-day period provided for above. Seller shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from receipt of Buyers written objections, if any, to make title marketable. If title is not marketable and is not made marketable within the 120-day period specified above, Buyer shall have the option, within five (5) Business Days after said 120-day period, to: (a) declare this Purchase Agreement null and void, and, in such event, the parties shall sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement in form and content acceptable to Seller, or such other instrument reasonably requested by Seller, and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer; or (b) waive any title defect, and, in such event, the parties shall proceed to close the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement. 8. Representations by Seller. Seller states and represents to Buyer as follows: (a) Seller does not know of any wells within the meaning of Minn. Stat.103I.235 on the Real Property. This representation is intended to satisfy the requirements of that statute. (b) Seller does not know of any individual sewage treatment system within the meaning of Minn. Stat. 115.55 on the Real Property. This representation is intended to satisfy the requirements of that statute. 9. Casualty. If loss or damage to the Property occurs before the Closing Date, for any reason, including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake or act of God, the risk or loss shall be on Seller. If the Property is destroyed or substantially damaged (i.e.,if the cost of repair exceeds$5,000.00) before the Closing Date, this Agreement shall become null and void at Seller or Buyers option, which shall be exercised by giving written notice to the other on or before the Closing Date. If either Seller or Buyer exercises the option to void this Agreement in accordance with this Section9, the parties shall sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement in form and content acceptable to Seller, or such other instrument reasonably requested by Seller, and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. If any portion of the Property is damaged before the Closing Date and the cost of repair is $5,000.00 or less, Seller shall repair the Property within a reasonable period of time. 10. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto, or by mailing in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid , properly addressed as follows: If to Seller:  If to Buyer:  Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run two (2) Business Days after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. 11. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Buyer may not assign Buyers rights under this Agreement to any other person or entity without Sellers prior written approval. 12. As is Condition; Advice of Attorney. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement, Seller makes no representations or warranties regarding the Property and Buyer has agreed to accept and purchase the Property AS IS, WHERE IS. BEFORE SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT BUYER HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY SELECTED BY BUYER, AND HAS NOT RELIED UPON SELLER OR ANY OF ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEYS, REPRESENTATIVES OR AGENTS CONCERNING ANY ASPECT OF ANY MATTER COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. 13. Business Days. The term Business Days as used in this Agreement means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday on which the offices (other than emergency services) of the State of Minnesota are closed. 14. Miscellaneous. Time is of the essence. The section headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. This Agreement together with the exhibits and the addendum, if any, attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and no other agreements prior to this Agreement or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed and delivered by Buyer and an authorized representative of Seller. This Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 15. Warranty Statute. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 136F.36, SUBDIVISION 3, SELLER ELECTS NOT TO OFFER THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER327A. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 327A DO NOT APPLY TO ANY PART OF THE PROPERTY. 16. Remedies. If Buyer defaults under this Agreement, Seller shall have the right either to (a)terminate this Agreement, by giving written notice to Buyer, and retain the Earnest Money as liquidated damages, or (b)seek specific performance of the Agreement by Buyer. If Seller defaults under this Agreement, Buyer shall have no right to seek damages from Seller for loss of Buyers bargain in failing to acquire the Property, but Buyer shall have the right either to (i)recover as damages from Seller all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and fees incurred by Buyer in negotiating this Agreement, obtaining financing, investigating the status of title to the Real Property and other similar activities in connection with this Agreement, or (ii)seek specific performance of the Agreement by Seller. Any action for specific performance of this Agreement brought by either Seller or Buyer must be commenced within thirty (30) days of the date that the nondefaulting party obtains actual knowledge of the default. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Buyer have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date first written above. BUYER: By: (Print name and Title) Date: By: (Print name and Title) Date: SELLER: STATE OF MINNESOTA: Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities By: (Print name and Title) Date:  Approved as to Form: MIKE HATCH Attorney General By: Assistant Attorney General Date: Verified as to allotment/encumbrance By: Title: Date:  Exhibits: Exhibit A: Legal Description AG:2218515, v. 1 EXHIBIT A [Insert legal description] COLLEGE NAME CAMPUS NAME Carpentry Project House Bidding and Sale Procedures (Date Prepared) Bids must be delivered to ____________________________ of the INSERT COLLEGE NAME (the College), no later than INSERT TIME p.m. INSERT DATE, INSERT YEAR. All bids will be open at that time. INSERT NAME OF AUCTIONEER, a licensed auctioneer whose address is INSERT AUCTIONEERS ADDRESS, and whose license number is INSERT AUCTIONEERS LICENSE NUMBER, will be assisting the College with the bidding process. The minimum bid shall not be less than $ ________________. All bidders will have the opportunity to raise the minimum bid in increments of no less than $ _______________ at the opening. Each bidder must submit, at the time of the bid opening, a certified check or cashiers check in the amount of $ _______________ payable to the College. On or before INSERT TIME p.m. INSERT DATE, INSERT YEAR, the successful bidder must (a) sign a purchase agreement acceptable to the College; and (b) submit a certified check or cashiers check payable to the College in the amount of 20% of the bid price accepted by the College, less the $_______________ opening bid amount. The balance of the bid price [and Minnesota state sales tax] must be paid in full on or before INSERT TIME p.m. INSERT DATE, INSERT YEAR. The College shall pay for the first half of the real estate taxes, if any, due in INSERT YEAR. The successful bidder shall pay for the second half of the real estate taxes due, if any, in INSERT YEAR, and shall assume all special assessments levied or pending as of the date of the transfer. All closing costs, including the deed tax, shall be paid by the successful bidder. The house shall be transferred to the successful bidder AS-IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, in accordance with the terms of the purchase agreement signed by the successful bidder and accepted by the College. The College shall not provide any additional services, labor or materials relating to the house, such as light fixtures, carpet, or other materials or appliances (except for INSERT APPLIANCES, IF ANY purchased by the successful bidder, at the bidders option). Any such additional services, labor, or materials shall be responsibility of the successful bidder and may be added to the house after the transfer only. Interested parties may review a draft of the purchase agreement prior to the opening bid at the College during regular business hours. The College shall have the right to modify the bidding procedures, change the date or time of the opening of the bids, reject any or all bids, waive any irregularities in the bidding procedures, and/or cancel the sale and sell by other means. The College may also make such changes to the final form of the purchase agreement as may be acceptable to the College. AG:218517, v. 1 EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO SELL LISTING CONTRACT THIS EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO SELL LISTING CONTRACT (Agreement) is made as of this ____ day of ______________, ______, between the STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of [insert name of College] (the Seller), and _______________________________ (theBroker). RECITALS A. The Seller owns land located in ______________ County, Minnesota legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, together with the house and all other improvements and fixtures constructed or located on said land, and (b) all easements and rights, if any, benefiting or appurtenant to said land (collectively, the Property). B. The Seller is authorized to sell the Property in accordance with Minnesota Statutes section 136F.36, upon terms and conditions that it sets. C. The Seller desires to grant to the Broker the exclusive right to sell the Property, and the Broker desires to accept such grant, subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the mutual terms and conditions set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Seller and the Broker hereby agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall commence on ______________________, ________ and shall terminate at 11:59p.m. on __________________, _______ (the Termination Date), unless terminated sooner in accordance with the provisions of Section10 of this Agreement. 2. Exclusive Right to Sell; Signage; MLS. During the term of this Agreement, the Seller grants the Broker an exclusive right to sell the Property for the purchase price of $___________________ (the Purchase Price), in accordance with the terms and provisions set forth in the form of the Purchase Agreement attached hereto as ExhibitB, subject to additional terms or revisions, supplements or modifications that are acceptable to the Seller (Purchase Agreement). During the term of this Agreement, the Broker may initially place a for sale sign on the Property; provided that such sign shall be subject to all applicable laws and ordinances, and shall be promptly removed upon the Sellers request. If the Property is sold pursuant to a Purchase Agreement that is executed prior to the termination of this Agreement, the Broker may keep and maintain a sold sign on the Property for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the signing of the Purchase Agreement; provided that such sign shall be subject to all applicable laws and ordinances, and shall be promptly removed upon the buyers request. The Seller acknowledges that the Broker may be a member of a Multiple Listing Service (MLS), and may give information to the MLS regarding the Property and the Purchase Price. If the Property is sold pursuant to a Purchase Agreement that is executed prior to the termination of this Agreement, the Broker may inform the MLS of the sale price, date of sale and other matters consented to in writing in advance by the Seller. NOTICE: THE COMMISSION RATE FOR THE SALE, LEASE, RENTAL, OR MANAGEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY SHALL BE DETERMINED BETWEEN EACH INDIVIDUAL BROKER AND ITS CLIENT. 3. Commission; Breach by Buyer. The Seller agrees to pay the Broker a commission of [_________________] percent (____%) of the selling price of the Property or $________________ (choose one)] (the Commission) upon the happening of any of the following events: (a) at the closing of the sale of the property, if the Property is sold pursuant to a Purchase Agreement that is executed prior to the termination of this Agreement, regardless of whether the buyer is procured by the Seller, the Broker or a third party; (b) if the Seller enters into the Purchase Agreement prior to the termination of this Agreement with a qualified buyer that is not in default under the Purchase Agreement and the buyer is ready, willing and able to perform under the Purchase Agreement, but the Seller refuses to close the sale in accordance with the terms of the Purchase Agreement; (c) if the Seller refuses a buyers request to enter into a Purchase Agreement prior to the termination of this Agreement; provided that such buyer is ready, willing and able to perform under the Purchase Agreement; (d) If, within sixty (60) days after the termination of this Agreement, the Seller sells or agrees to sell the Property to a buyer who, prior to the termination of this Agreement: (i) inquired of [insert name of business contact at the College] about the Property, which the Seller did not disclose to the Broker; or (ii) made an affirmative showing of interest in the Property or was physically shown the Property by the Broker, and whose name is on a list given by the Broker to the Seller within 72 hours after the termination of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Seller shall not be obligated to pay the Commission or any portion thereof to the Broker if the Seller enters into a binding listing agreement that is effective after the termination of this Agreement, which obligates the Seller to pay a commission to another licensed real estate broker. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, if any sale or Purchase Agreement therefor affected by this Agreement is not closed or consummated because of the breach of the buyer, the failure to occur of any contingency set forth in the applicable Purchase Agreement, or damage or destruction to any of the improvements comprising part of the Property, the Broker shall not be entitled to any portion of the Commission or any other fees or charges, nor shall the Broker be entitled to recover any damages or out-of-pocket expenses in connection with showing the Property or any other services provided by the Broker under this Agreement. In no event will the Seller be obligated to enforce, by specific performance or otherwise, the terms of any Purchase Agreement. 4. Brokers Obligations; Indemnification. The Broker agrees to use its best efforts to find a qualified buyer for the Property at the Purchase Price and on the other terms set forth in the Purchase Agreement. All offers for the sale or purchase of the Property must be in the form of the Purchase Agreement. Before submitting a draft of the Purchase Agreement to a prospective buyer, the Broker shall confirm the Sellers acceptance of all revisions, supplements and other modifications to the form attached hereto as Exhibit B. The Broker shall also provide, without any additional charge or fee to the Seller, such assistance as the Seller may request in connection with the closing of a sale of the Property; provided that, it is understood that the Broker may not express any opinions regarding the legal effect of the Purchase Agreement, the closing documents or the closing. The Broker is not authorized to lease or manage the Property. The Broker agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Seller harmless from and against any claim, cost, loss or damage of any nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees, arising in connection with any action or inaction of the Broker, or its directors, officers, employees, partners, agents, contractors or representatives (collectively, the Broker Parties), relating to this Agreement, including, without limitation, any fraud or misrepresentation performed, or claimed to have been performed, by any of the Broker Parties. 5. Overhead and Expenses. All of the Brokers promotion and advertising expenses, office overhead and expenses, including, without limitation, postage, stationery and telephone expenses, travel expenses and/or compensation to the Broker Parties, and all other costs and expenses incurred by the Broker Parties in connection with offering, promoting and advertising the Property, or any other action hereunder, shall be paid by the Broker. 6. Brokers Representations and Warranties. The Broker hereby represents and warrants to the Seller that, at all times during the term of this Agreement, the Broker: (a)is, and shall continue to be, licensed under and in compliance with the requirements set forth in Minnesota Statutes chapter82, and all other applicable laws, rules, codes, ordinances and regulations; and (b)maintains, and shall continue to maintain, full and complete insurance coverage respecting the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Broker under this Agreement. 7. Sellers Obligations. The Seller shall: (a) during the term of this Agreement, reasonably cooperate with the Broker regarding the sale of the Property, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Purchase Agreement; (b) during the term of this Agreement, promptly inform the Broker of any inquiries about the Property of which the Seller has actual knowledge; (c) at the closing of the sale of the Property, execute and deliver to the buyer, those closing documents specifically identified in the Purchase Agreement that are required to be executed and delivered by the Seller; and (d) at the closing of the sale of the Property, pay, or permit to be deducted from the sale price of the Property, those costs and allocations specifically identified in the Purchase Agreement that are required to be paid by the Seller. The Seller shall not be obligated to execute any documentation or to pay any costs or allocations regarding the sale or closing of the sale of the Property, except as expressly required by the Purchase Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Seller shall not be obligated to pay any mortgage financing fees, points or similar costs, except as expressly required by the Purchase Agreement. 8. Objections by Buyer. The Seller is not aware of any title defect or condition of any of the improvements comprising the Property that would give a buyer the right to refuse to close a prospective sale of the Property. Nevertheless, the Seller does not guarantee that if a Purchase Agreement is executed and delivered by the Seller and a buyer, such buyer will not be able to raise legitimate and legally enforceable objections entitling such buyer to refuse to consummate the sale, whether because of the status of title or the condition of any improvements comprising the Property. If such buyer raises any objections, whether legitimate or not, to closing the sale of the Property, as between the Seller and the Broker, the Seller shall have the exclusive right to determine whether to attempt to satisfy the objections, or to terminate the Purchase Agreement. If the Seller fails to cure such objections or elects not to cure such objections and the Purchase Agreement is terminated as a result thereof, notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, the Broker shall not be entitled to any portion of the Commission or any other fees or charges, nor shall the Broker be entitled to recover any damages or out-of-pocket expenses in connection with showing the Property or any other services provided by the Broker under this Agreement. 9. Option to Request Bids. If, before accepting any Purchase Agreement, the Seller receives two or more Purchase Agreements (or other written offers, the terms of which are consistent with the Purchase Agreement) that are signed by prospective buyers, and that provide for a sale price that meets or exceeds the Purchase Price, the Seller shall not be obligated to accept any such Purchase Agreements (or other written offers), but may instead reject them and request that all such buyers submit sealed bids within a reasonable period of time after such rejection. In such event, if one or more of the bids provides for a sale price that meets or exceeds the Purchase Price, the Seller shall accept the bid that provides the maximum net proceeds (after subtracting all of the Sellers costs and allocations referenced in Section7(d) of this Agreement), and the Seller shall pay the Broker the Commission at the closing of the sale relating to such bid in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 10. Termination. The Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, at any time prior to the submission of a Purchase Agreement executed by a buyer, by giving the Broker written notice of such termination; provided that if the Seller elects to terminate this Agreement without cause, the Seller shall pay the Broker a termination fee of $_________ [e.g.,20-25% of the Commission]. The provisions of this Section10 shall be in addition to, and not a limitation of, any other legal or equitable rights and remedies that the Seller may have in connection with this Agreement. 11. Other Brokers; Authorization to Share Commission. The Broker is authorized to permit other brokers, agents and subagents to market the Property, and to share in the Commission; provided that in no event shall the Seller be obligated to pay any fees or charges other than the Commission, regardless of whether any other brokers, agents and subagents are involved in any manner in the sale of the Property. The Broker agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the Seller harmless from and against any claim, cost, loss or damage of any nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees, arising in connection with the involvement in any manner of any such other brokers, agents and subagents in the Sale of the Property. 12. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto, or by mailing in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, properly addressed as follows: If to Seller: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ If to Broker: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit in the above referenced United States mail; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run two (2) Business Days (as defined below) after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. The term Business Days as used in this Agreement means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday on which the offices (other than emergency services) of the State of Minnesota are closed. 13. Dual Agency. If a buyer represented by Broker wishes to purchase the Property, a dual agency will be created. This means that Broker will represent both Seller and Buyer, and owe the same duties to the buyer that Broker owes to Seller. This conflict of interest will prohibit Broker from advocating exclusively on Sellers behalf. Dual agency will limit the level of representation Broker can provide. If a dual agency should arise, Seller agrees that confidential information about price, terms, and motivation will still be kept confidential unless Seller instructs Broker in writing to disclose specific information about Seller. All other information will be shared. Broker cannot act as a dual agent unless both Seller and buyer agree to it. By agreeing to a possible dual agency, Seller will be giving up the right to exclusive representation in all in-house transaction. However, if Seller should decide not to agree to a possible dual agency, and Seller wants Broker to represent Seller, you may give up the opportunity to sell your property to buyers represented by Broker. Seller instructs Broker as follows: Seller agrees to a dual agency representation and will consider offers made by buyers represented by Broker. or Seller will not agree to a dual agency representation and will not consider offers made by buyers represented by Broker [Delete one] 14. Closing Services. Seller shall arrange for a qualified closing agent or attorney to conduct the closing. This notice is given to satisfy the requirements of Minn. Stat.82.195, subd.2 (9). THE REAL ESTATE BROKER, REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON, OR REAL ESTATE CLOSING AGENT HAS NOT AND, UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW, MAY NOT EXPRESS OPINIONS REGARDING THE LEGAL EFFECT OF THE CLOSING DOCUMENTS OR OF THE CLOSING ITSELF. 15. Miscellaneous. Time is of the essence. The section headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. This Agreement together with the exhibits and the addendum, if any, attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and no other agreements prior to this Agreement or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed and delivered by authorized representatives of the Seller and the Broker. This Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Seller and the Broker have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date first above written. BROKER: Date: SELLER: Date:  (Name of Firm) By: (Print name and Title) STATE OF MINNESOTA: Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities By: (Print name and Title)  Exhibits: Exhibit A: Legal Description Exhibit B: Purchase Agreement AG:2030237, v. .0 EXHIBIT A [Insert Legal Description] EXHIBIT B [Attach current form of Purchase Agreement] RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT THIS RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT (Contract) is made as of this ____ day of __________________, ______, by and between ___________________________ (whether one or more, Owner), and the STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Boardof Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of ______________________________________ (College). RECITALS A. Owner owns fee title to land located in ________________ County, Minnesota, which has a street address of ____________________________________________, and which is legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the Site). B. College offers a carpentry program course, which is designed to give its students practical experience in constructing residential dwellings and related improvements. C. Owner desires to have Colleges carpentry program students provide certain services in connection with the construction of a residential dwelling and related improvements on the Site, as specifically set forth in this Contract. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the agreements set forth in this Contract and other good and valuable consideration, and pursuant to the authority granted in Minnesota Statutes section136F.36, subdivision1 (2002), Owner and College agree as follows: 1. Work To Be Performed by Colleges Students; Supervision of Students. Subject to the provisions of this Contract, students enrolled in Colleges carpentry [and electrical] program(s) (the Students), under the supervision of Colleges instructor(s) (whether one or more, the Instructors), shall provide usual and customary labor and equipment to accomplish the carpentry [and electrical] work (the Work) needed to complete the house as shown on, and in reasonable accordance with, the final plans and specifications attached hereto as Exhibit B (the Plans), which are incorporated into this Contract, as modified by any Change Orders (defined in Section2 of this Contract) requested by Owner and approved by College and the municipal or county building inspector, as applicable. College anticipates that the Work will commence on ___________________, ______ (theCommencement Date), or as soon thereafter as College deems feasible. Owner acknowledges that the Work is to be performed by the Students, under the supervision of the Instructors, as part of an educational process, and that College shall not be held to any greater standard, duty or quality of workmanship than what can reasonably be expected under such circumstances. The Instructors shall supervise the Work. Owner agrees that only the Instructors or other employees, representatives or agents of College shall have the right to give instructions and directions to the Students. Owner shall contact the Instructors regarding any complaints, inquiries or suggestions relating to the Work. If Owner interferes with or attempts to instruct or direct any Student, and if such activity continues after College delivers written notice to Owner, then in addition to any other right or remedy College may have, College shall have the right at any time thereafter to terminate this Contract by giving written notice of such termination to Owner, and upon such termination, Owner shall pay College the Service Charge (as defined in Section8 of this Contract), and thereafter, the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. 2. Change Orders. If Owner desires any changes or modifications to the Plans, Owner shall submit to College a written change order, on a form acceptable to College, which shall describe in detail the proposed changes or modifications and such other information relating thereto as College may require (the Change Order(s)). Each Change Order submitted to College shall be accompanied by a cashiers check payable to College in the amount of $100 (the Change Order Fee). All Change Orders shall be subject to the approval of College and the municipal or county building inspector, as applicable. If any such Change Order is so approved, then the Change Order Fee shall be retained by College and applied to the Service Charge (as defined in Section8 of this Contract). If the approval for any such Change Order is denied, then the Change Order Fee shall be promptly returned to Owner. 3. Owners Obligations and Responsibilities. Owner shall act as general contractor in connection with the construction of the improvements shown on the Plans (theImprovements), and in addition to other obligations and responsibilities of Owner set forth in this Contract, Owner shall be obligated and responsible for each of the following matters: (a) Subcontractors. Owner shall contract or subcontract for all labor and services necessary to complete the Improvements, other than the Work, including, without limitation, all landscaping, [electrical], painting and staining (except for such priming as may be expressly agreed to in writing by College), and plumbing work [include other types of work that will not be performed by the Students]. The providers of all such labor and services (collectively, theSubcontractors) shall be duly qualified and licensed, if required by law. Owner shall provide College with a true, correct and complete list of the Subcontractors no later than ten (10) days before the Commencement Date. Owner shall cause each Subcontractor to perform its work to the Improvements in compliance with all laws and in a good and workman-like manner. Owner shall coordinate with College regarding the order and priority of construction of the Improvements, and shall cause all of the Subcontractors to cooperate with College, so that the construction of the Improvements, including, without limitation, the Work, shall be completed in an orderly manner and in accordance with such schedule as College may require to complete the Work on or before the Completion Date (as defined in Section7 of this Contract). (b) Vendor Accounts. Owner shall open accounts in Owners name with such material suppliers as College may deem necessary or desirable. The Instructors shall have the right to charge to such account all materials obtained for the Work. No materials obtained in connection with the Improvements, including, without limitation, the Work, shall be charged to the College. (c) Utilities, Other Services and Access. Owner shall provide at the Site, on or before the Commencement Date, all utilities and other services that College deems necessary or desirable to perform the Work and all other work needed to complete the Improvements, including, without limitation, electricity, lighting, water, heating, telephone, toilets, trash disposal, snow removal, hoisting and scaffolding. Owner shall also provide, on or before the Commencement Date, a roadway reasonably acceptable to College from an existing public road to that portion of the Site on which the Improvements will be located. (d) Permits, Approvals and Licenses. Owner shall obtain, no later than ten (10) days before the Commencement Date, all permits, approvals and licenses necessary to construct the Improvements. (e) Soil Report. Owner shall obtain, no later than ten (10) days before the Commencement Date, a soil compaction report indicating that the Improvements can be constructed without the need for any extraordinary soil compaction procedures. Owner assumes full responsibility for the adequacy of the soils, and the adequacy, form and content of any such soil report. No review or approval of such soil report by the Instructors, Students or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College shall make College responsible for the adequacy of the soils, or the adequacy, form or content of any such soil report. (f) Site Preparation. On or before the Commencement Date, Owner shall stake the Site and the area where the Improvement will be constructed, and shall grade, set and otherwise have such area ready for construction. Prior to such Site preparation, Owner shall obtain a survey and/or such other information needed to assure that the Improvements, when constructed, will not encroach on any adjoining land or right-of-way, nor violate any applicable set back requirements. Owner assumes full responsibility for any resulting encroachment or set back violation. (g) Compliance of the Plans and Change Orders with Laws. Owner assumes full responsibility for the compliance of the Plans and any Change Orders with all applicable laws, and with sound building and engineering practices. No approval of the Plans or any Change Order by College or the Instructors, Students or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College shall make College responsible for the adequacy, form or content of the Plans or any Change Order. If Owner breaches any of its obligations set forth above, then in addition to any other right or remedy that College may have, College shall have the right to terminate this Contract if Owner fails to cure such breach within ten (10) days after College delivers written notice of such breach to Owner, and upon any such termination, College shall have no further obligations under this Contract. 4. Owners Representations and Warranties. To induce College to enter into this Contract, Owner represents and warrants as follows: (a) Authority. Owner has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Contract. This Contract and the obligations of Owner herein are valid and binding obligations of Owner, and are enforceable in accordance with the terms herein. (b) Title to Site. Owner owns fee title to the Site, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, easements and other matters affecting title, except as expressly set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof. (c) Financial Ability. Owner either has funds in Owners possession sufficient to pay for the total cost of materials and services to construct the Improvements, or has received a binding commitment from a lender for such funds to pay for such cost as and when due. Owner shall promptly provide College such information as College may request to verify the validity of any or all of the foregoing representations. 5. Insurance; Waiver of Claims; Indemnification. At all times during the term of this Contract, Owner shall obtain and keep in effect insurance policies for the following coverage relating to the Site and the Improvements: (a) insurance against loss or damage by fire, lightening, vandalism, malicious mischief and other perils covered by a policy of builders all risk property insurance, in an amount not less than the full replacement value of the Improvements; and (b) commercial general liability insurance against claims for bodily injury, death and property damage occurring at the Site, which shall provide coverage in the amount of at least $100,000 with respect to any occurrence. At Colleges request, Owner shall promptly provide College with a true, correct and complete copy of such policies, certificates of insurance for such policies or other evidence of insurance required by this section in a form acceptable to College. The builders all risk policy required by this section shall provide that any losses shall be payable notwithstanding (1)any act or neglect by Owner or Owners agents, representatives, contractors or subcontractors, including, without limitation, College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College, (2)any waiver of subrogation rights by the insured, and (3)any change in title to or ownership of the Site. Owner hereby releases College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College from any and all liability and responsibility (to Owner or anyone claiming through or under Owner by way of subrogation or otherwise) for any loss or damage covered by property insurance or coverall by a customary builders all risk policy required by this section, even if such loss or damage shall have been caused by the fault or negligence of College or anyone for whom College may be responsible, including, without limitation, the Students, the Instructors, or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College. Owner shall defend, indemnify and hold College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College, harmless from and against all claims, losses, damages and expenses in connection with: (i) the inadequacy or illegality of any portion of the Plans and/or any Change Orders; (ii) any defects in any materials used to construct the Improvements, unless such defects result from damage caused by the Students or the Instructors; and (iii) any actions or inactions relating to the construction of the Improvements by any person other than the Students, the Instructors, or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College. Owners releases and indemnification obligations set forth in this section shall survive the termination of this Contract. 6. Inspection of Work. On or before _________________, ______ [e.g.,the date that is ten (10) days before the Completion Date], Owner and the Instructors shall inspect the Improvements to determine what portions of the Work, if any, are defective or remain unfinished. During such inspection, Owner and the Instructors shall prepare a punch list of any defective or unfinished portions of the Work. In addition, at anytime and from time to time during the performance of the Work prior to said inspection, if required by either Owner or College, Owner and the Instructors shall inspect the Improvements to determine whether any portions of the Work performed prior to the date of any such inspections are defective. If there is a dispute as to any alleged defect or any punch list items, Owner and College agree that the final determination regarding any such dispute shall be made by Colleges Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. At anytime Owner may request, College shall provide Owner with a list of the members of Colleges Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. 7. Completion of Work. College shall use good faith efforts to complete the Work (including any punch list items prepared in accordance with Section6 of this Contract) on or before ______________________, ______ (the Completion Date). 8. Compensation, Deposit, Service Charge and Reimbursement for Certain Expenses. Simultaneously with executing and delivering this Contract to College, Owner shall deliver to College a cashiers check in the amount of $_____________, made payable to College, as an earnest money deposit, which shall be nonrefundable. Subject to the completion of the Work in accordance with this Contract, on or before the Completion Date, or upon earlier termination of this contract as provided herein, Owner shall pay College, by a cashiers check made payable to College, the following: (a) the actual cost of all materials and supplies (the Materials) that have been used in connection with the Work, except for any materials that have been replaced as a result of damage caused by Colleges employees or students; plus (b) a service charge (the Service Charge) for the performance of the Work in the amount equal to _____% of the actual cost of all materials and supplies incorporated into or used in connection with the Work; provided that the Deposit and any Change Order Fee collected by College shall be credited to the Service Charge; plus (c) the amount owing to all subcontractors retained by College to build the Improvements; and (d) reimbursement for the mileage of the Instructors and Colleges vehicles used to transport the Instructors, the Students, and equipment and materials used in connection with the Work, in the amount of _____ cents per mile. Owners payment of the Service Charge shall be accompanied by a copy of invoices for all Materials, or other supporting evidence as College may require, to verify the correct amount of the Service Charge. OWNER AGREES THAT OWNER SHALL NOT OCCUPY THE IMPROVEMENTS OR THE SITE UNTIL OWNER HAS PAID COLLEGE ALL AMOUNTS OWING UNDER THIS SECTION. 9. Open House. Owner agrees to allow College to conduct an open house at the Site upon completion of the Improvements on a date selected by College, which date must be reasonably acceptable to Owner. Owner shall clean the Improvements so that they will be in a suitable condition for such open house; provided that College will remove debris generated by the performance of the Work. 10. Notice to Owner. The following notice is provided by College to Owner pursuant to Minn. Stat. 514.011, subd. 1: (a) Any person or company supplying labor or materials for this improvement to your property may file a lien against your property if that person or company is not paid for the contributions. (b) Under Minnesota law, you have the right to pay persons who supplied labor or materials for this improvement directly and deduct this amount from our contract price, or withhold the amounts due them from us until one hundred twenty (120) days after completion of the improvement unless we give you a lien waiver signed by persons who supplied any labor or material for the improvement and who gave you timely notice. 11. No Representations or Warranties. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 136F.36, SUBDIVISION3, COLLEGE ELECTS NOT TO OFFER THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 327A. OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 327A DO NOT APPLY TO ANY PART OF THE WORK. OWNER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS CONTRACT, COLLEGE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING THE WORK. OCCUPANCY OF THE IMPROVEMENTS BY OWNER SHALL BE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE THAT OWNER HAS ACCEPTED THE WORK AS-IS, SUBJECT ONLY TO THE COMPLETION OF ANY ITEMS IDENTIFIED IN A PUNCH LIST PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION6 OF THIS CONTRACT. 12. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Contract shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto, or by mailing in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, properly addressed as follows: If to College:  If to Owner:  Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run two (2) business days after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. 13. Business Days. The term Business Days as used in this Agreement means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday on which the offices (other than emergency services) of the State of Minnesota are closed. 14. Miscellaneous. The section headings or captions appearing in this Contract are for convenience only, are not a part of this Contract and are not to be considered in interpreting this Contract. This Contract, together with the exhibits and the addendum, if any, attached hereto, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and no other agreements prior to this Contract or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. This Contract may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed and delivered by Owner and an authorized representative of College. This Contract shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. If any provision of this Contract or the application to any circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Contract and the application of such provision to any other circumstance shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and College have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date first written above. OWNER: By: (Print name and title) Date: By: (Print name and title) Date: COLLEGE: STATE OF MINNESOTA Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities By: (Print name and Title) Date:  Verified as to allotment/encumbrance By: Title: Date:  Exhibits: Exhibit A: Legal Description of Site Exhibit B: Plans and Specifications Exhibit C: List of Encumbrances AG:2203358, v. 1 EXHIBIT A [Legal Description of Site] EXHIBIT B [Attach Plans and Specifications] EXHIBIT C [List of Encumbrances] RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT (State as General Contractor) THIS RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT (Contract) is made as of this ____ day of _____________, ______, by and between ________________________________ (whether one or more, Owner), and the STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Boardof Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of ________________________________________ (College). RECITALS A. Owner owns fee title to land located in ________________ County, Minnesota, which has a street address of ____________________________________________, and which is legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the Site). B. College offers a carpentry program course, which is designed to give its students practical experience in constructing residential dwellings and related improvements. C. Owner desires to have Colleges carpentry program students provide certain services in connection with the construction of a residential dwelling and related improvements on the Site, as specifically set forth in this Contract. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the agreements set forth in this Contract and other good and valuable consideration, and pursuant to the authority granted in Minnesota Statutes section136F.36, subdivision1 (2002), Owner and College agree as follows: 1. Work To Be Performed by Colleges Students; Supervision of Students. Subject to the provisions of this Contract, students enrolled in Colleges carpentry [and electrical] program(s) (the Students), under the supervision of Colleges instructor(s) (whether one or more, the Instructors), shall provide usual and customary labor and equipment to accomplish the carpentry [and electrical] work (the Work) needed to complete the house as shown on, and in reasonable accordance with, the final plans and specifications attached hereto as ExhibitB (the Plans), which are incorporated into this Contract, as modified by any Change Orders (defined in Section2 of this Contract) requested by Owner and approved by College and the municipal or county building inspector, as applicable. College anticipates that the Work will commence on ___________________, _______ (the Commencement Date), or as soon thereafter as College deems feasible. Owner acknowledges that the Work is to be performed by the Students, under the supervision of the Instructors, as part of an educational process, and that College shall not be held to any greater standard, duty or quality of workmanship than what can reasonably be expected under such circumstances. The Instructors shall supervise the Work. Owner agrees that only the Instructors or other employees, representatives or agents of College shall have the right to give instructions and directions to the Students. Owner shall contact the Instructors regarding any complaints, inquiries or suggestions relating to the Work. If Owner interferes with or attempts to instruct or direct any Student, and if such activity continues after College delivers written notice to Owner, then in addition to any other right or remedy College may have, College shall have the right at any time thereafter to terminate this Contract by giving written notice of such termination to Owner, and upon such termination, Owner shall pay College the Service Charge (as defined in Section8 of this Contract) and any amounts owing to all subcontractors retained by College for the Improvements (as defined in Section3), and thereafter, the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. 2. Change Orders. If Owner desires any changes or modifications to the Plans, Owner shall submit to College a written change order, on a form acceptable to College, which shall describe in detail the proposed changes or modifications and such other information relating thereto as College may require (the Change Order(s)). Each Change Order submitted to College shall be accompanied by a cashiers check payable to College in the amount of $100 (theChange Order Fee). All Change Orders shall be subject to the approval of College and the municipal or county building inspector, as applicable. If any such Change Order is so approved, then the Change Order Fee shall be retained by College and applied to the Service Charge (asdefined in Section8 of this Contract). If the approval for any such Change Order is denied, then the Change Order Fee shall be promptly returned to Owner. 3. Obligations and Responsibilities. (a) College Responsibilities. College shall act as general contractor in connection with the construction of the improvements shown on the Plans (the Improvements), and in addition to other obligations and responsibilities of College set forth in this Contract, College shall contract or subcontract for all labor and services necessary to complete the Improvements, other than the Work, including, without limitation, all landscaping, [electrical], painting and staining (except for such priming as may be expressly agreed to in writing by College), and plumbing work. The providers of all such labor and services (collectively, the Subcontractors) shall be duly qualified and licensed, if required by law. If College breaches any of its obligations set forth above, then in addition to any other right or remedy that Owner may have, Owner shall have the right to terminate this Contract if College fails to cure such breach within ten (10) days after Owner delivers written notice of such breach to College, and upon any such termination, Owner shall promptly pay College the Service Charge, and any amounts owing to all subcontractors retained by College for the Improvements, and thereafter the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. (b) Owner Responsibilities. In addition to other obligations and responsibilities of Owner set forth in this Contract, Owner shall be obligated and responsible for each of the following matters: (i) Vendor Accounts. Owner shall open accounts in Owners name with such material suppliers as College may deem necessary or desirable. The Instructors shall have the right to charge to such account all materials obtained for the Work. No materials obtained in connection with the Improvements, including, without limitation, the Work, shall be charged to the College. (ii) Utilities, Other Services and Access. Owner shall provide at the Site, on or before the Commencement Date, all utilities and other services that College deems necessary or desirable to perform the Work and all other work needed to complete the Improvements, including, without limitation, electricity, lighting, water, heating, telephone, toilets, trash disposal, snow removal, hoisting and scaffolding. Owner shall also provide, on or before the Commencement Date, a roadway reasonably acceptable to College from an existing public road to that portion of the Site on which the Improvements will be located. (iii) Permits, Approvals and Licenses. Owner shall obtain, no later than ten (10) days before the Commencement Date, all permits, approvals and licenses necessary to construct the Improvements. (iv) Soil Report. Owner shall obtain, no later than ten (10) days before the Commencement Date, a soil compaction report indicating that the Improvements can be constructed without the need for any extraordinary soil compaction procedures. Owner assumes full responsibility for the adequacy of the soils, and the adequacy, form and content of any such soil report. No review or approval of such soil report by the Instructors, Students or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College shall make College responsible for the adequacy of the soils, or the adequacy, form or content of any such soil report. (v) Site Preparation. On or before the Commencement Date, Owner shall stake the Site and the area where the Improvement will be constructed, and shall grade, set and otherwise have such area ready for construction. Prior to such Site preparation, Owner shall obtain a survey and/or such other information needed to assure that the Improvements, when constructed, will not encroach on any adjoining land or right-of-way, nor violate any applicable set back requirements. Owner assumes full responsibility for any resulting encroachment or set back violation. (vi) Compliance of the Plans and Change Orders with Laws. Owner assumes full responsibility for the compliance of the Plans and any Change Orders with all applicable laws, and with sound building and engineering practices. No approval of the Plans or any Change Order by College or the Instructors, Students or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College shall make College responsible for the adequacy, form or content of the Plans or any Change Order. If Owner breaches any of its obligations set forth above, then in addition to any other right or remedy that College may have, College shall have the right to terminate this Contract if Owner fails to cure such breach within ten (10) days after College delivers written notice of such breach to Owner, and upon any such termination, Owner shall promptly pay College the Service Charge, and any amounts owing to all subcontractors retained by College for the Improvements, and thereafter the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. 4. Owners Representations and Warranties. To induce College to enter into this Contract, Owner represents and warrants as follows: (a) Authority. Owner has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Contract. This Contract and the obligations of Owner herein are valid and binding obligations of Owner, and are enforceable in accordance with the terms herein. (b) Title to Site. Owner owns fee title to the Site, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, easements and other matters affecting title, except as expressly set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof. (c) Financial Ability. Owner either has funds in Owners possession sufficient to pay for the total cost of materials and services to construct the Improvements, or has received a binding commitment from a lender for such funds to pay for such cost as and when due. Owner shall promptly provide College such information as College may request to verify the validity of any or all of the foregoing representations. 5. Insurance; Waiver of Claims; Indemnification. At all times during the term of this Contract, Owner shall obtain and keep in effect insurance policies for the following coverage relating to the Site and the Improvements: (a) insurance against loss or damage by fire, lightening, vandalism, malicious mischief and other perils covered by a policy of builders all risk property insurance, in an amount not less than the full replacement value of the Improvements; and (b) commercial general liability insurance against claims for bodily injury, death and property damage occurring at the Site, which shall provide coverage in the amount of at least $100,000 with respect to any occurrence. At Colleges request, Owner shall promptly provide College with a true, correct and complete copy of such policies, certificates of insurance for such policies or other evidence of insurance required by this section in a form acceptable to College. The builders all risk policy required by this section shall provide that any losses shall be payable notwithstanding (1)any act or neglect by Owner or Owners agents, representatives, contractors or subcontractors, including, without limitation, College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College, (2) any waiver of subrogation rights by the insured; and (3)any change in title to or ownership of the Site. Owner hereby releases College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College from any and all liability and responsibility (to Owner or anyone claiming through or under Owner by way of subrogation or otherwise) for any loss or damage covered by property insurance or coverable by a customary builders all risk policy required by this section, even if such loss or damage shall have been caused by the fault or negligence of College or anyone for whom College may be responsible, including, without limitation, the Students, the Instructors, or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College. Owner shall defend, indemnify and hold College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College, harmless from and against all claims, losses, damages and expenses in connection with: (i) the inadequacy or illegality of any portion of the Plans and/or any Change Orders; (ii) any defects in any materials used to construct the Improvements, unless such defects result from damage caused by the Students or the Instructors; and (iii) any actions or inactions relating to the construction of the Improvements by any person other than the Students, the Instructors, or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College. Owners releases and indemnification obligations set forth in this section shall survive the termination of this Contract. 6. Inspection of Work. On or before ___________________, _______ [e.g.,the date that is ten (10) days before the Completion Date], Owner and the Instructors shall inspect the Improvements to determine what portions of the Improvements, if any, are defective or remain unfinished. During such inspection, Owner and the Instructors shall prepare a punch list of any defective or unfinished portions of the Improvements. In addition, at anytime and from time to time during the performance of the Improvements prior to said inspection, if required by either Owner or College, Owner and the Instructors shall inspect the Improvements to determine whether any portions of the Improvements performed prior to the date of any such inspections are defective. If there is a dispute as to any alleged defect or any punch list items, Owner and College agree that the final determination regarding any such dispute shall be made by Colleges Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. At anytime Owner may request, College shall provide Owner with a list of the members of Colleges Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. 7. Completion of Work. College shall use good faith efforts to complete the Improvements (including any punch list items prepared in accordance with Section6 of this Contract) on or before ___________________, ______ (the Completion Date). 8. Compensation, Deposit, Service Charge and Reimbursement for Certain Expenses. Simultaneously with executing and delivering this Contract to College, Owner shall deliver to College a cashiers check in the amount of $_____________, made payable to College, as an earnest money deposit, which shall be nonrefundable. Subject to the completion of the Work in accordance with this Contract, on or before the Completion Date, or upon earlier termination of this contract as provided herein, Owner shall pay College, by a cashiers check made payable to College, the following: (a) the actual cost of all materials and supplies (the Materials) that have been used in connection with the Work, except for any materials that have been replaced as a result of damage caused by Colleges employees or students; plus (b) a service charge (the Service Charge) for the performance of the Work in the amount equal to _____% of the actual cost of all materials and supplies incorporated into or used in connection with the Work; provided that the Deposit and any Change Order Fee collected by College shall be credited to the Service Charge; plus (c) the amount owing to all subcontractors retained by College to build the Improvements; and (d) reimbursement for the mileage of the Instructors and Colleges vehicles used to transport the Instructors, the Students, and equipment and materials used in connection with the Work, in the amount of _____ cents per mile. Owners payment of the Service Charge shall be accompanied by a copy of invoices for all Materials, or other supporting evidence as College may require, to verify the correct amount of the Service Charge. OWNER AGREES THAT OWNER SHALL NOT OCCUPY THE IMPROVEMENTS OR THE SITE UNTIL OWNER HAS PAID COLLEGE ALL AMOUNTS OWING UNDER THIS SECTION. 9. Open House. Owner agrees to allow College to conduct an open house at the Site upon completion of the Improvements on a date selected by College, which date must be reasonably acceptable to Owner. Owner shall clean the Improvements so that they will be in a suitable condition for such open house; provided that College will remove debris generated by the performance of the Work. 10. Notice to Seller. The following notice is provided by College to Owner pursuant to Minn. Stat. 514.011, subd. 1: (a) Any person or company supplying labor or materials for this improvement to your property may file a lien against your property if that person or company is not paid for the contributions. (b) Under Minnesota law, you have the right to pay persons who supplied labor or materials for this improvement directly and deduct this amount from our contract price, or withhold the amounts due them from us until one hundred twenty (120) days after completion of the improvement unless we give you a lien waiver signed by persons who supplied any labor or material for the improvement and who gave you timely notice. 11. No Representations or Warranties. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 136F.36, SUBDIVISION3, COLLEGE ELECTS NOT TO OFFER THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 327A. OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 327A DO NOT APPLY TO ANY PART OF THE WORK. OWNER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS CONTRACT, COLLEGE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING THE WORK. OCCUPANCY OF THE IMPROVEMENTS BY OWNER SHALL BE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE THAT OWNER HAS ACCEPTED THE WORK AS-IS, SUBJECT ONLY TO THE COMPLETION OF ANY ITEMS IDENTIFIED IN A PUNCH LIST PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6 OF THIS CONTRACT. 12. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Contract shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto, or by mailing in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, properly addressed as follows: If to College: If to Owner:  Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run two (2) business days after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. 13. Business Days. The term Business Days as used in this Agreement means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday on which the offices (other than emergency services) of the State of Minnesota are closed. 14. Miscellaneous. The section headings or captions appearing in this Contract are for convenience only, are not a part of this Contract and are not to be considered in interpreting this Contract. This Contract, together with the exhibits and the addendum, if any, attached hereto, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and no other agreements prior to this Contract or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. This Contract may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed and delivered by Owner and an authorized representative of College. This Contract shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. If any provision of this Contract or the application to any circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Contract and the application of such provision to any other circumstance shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and College have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date first written above. OWNER: By: (Print name and title) Date: By: (Print name and title) Date: COLLEGE: STATE OF MINNESOTA Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities By: (Print name and Title) Date:  Verified as to allotment/encumbrance By: Title: Date:  Exhibits: Exhibit A: Legal Description of Site Exhibit B: Plans and Specifications Exhibit C: List of Encumbrances AG:2152589 v1 EXHIBIT A [Legal Description of Site] EXHIBIT B [Attach Plans and Specifications] EXHIBIT C [List of Encumbrances] HOUSE RENOVATION CONTRACT THIS HOUSE RENOVATION CONTRACT (Contract) is made as of this ____ day of ______________, _____, by and between ______________________ [an individual resident of the State of Minnesota OR a ___________________ under the laws of Minnesota] (whether one or more, Owner), and the STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of _____________________________ (College). RECITALS A. Owner owns fee title to land located in ________________ County, Minnesota, which has a street address of ____________________________________________, and which is legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the Site). B. Owner owns a house located on the Site (the House). C. College offers a carpentry program course, which is designed to give its students practical experience in constructing and renovating residential dwellings and related improvements. D. Owner desires to have Colleges first year carpentry program students provide certain services in connection with renovating the House, as specifically set forth in this Contract. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the agreements set forth in this Contract and other good and valuable consideration, and pursuant to the authority granted in Minnesota Statutes section136F.36, subdivision2 (2002), Owner and College agree as follows: 1. Work To Be Performed by Colleges Students; Supervision of Students. Subject to the provisions of this Contract, students enrolled in Colleges first year carpentry program (the Students), under the supervision of Colleges instructor(s) (whether one or more, the Instructors), shall provide usual and customary labor and equipment to accomplish the carpentry work (the Work) needed to complete the renovations to the House as shown and described on, and in reasonable accordance with, the final plans and specifications attached hereto as Exhibit B (the Plans), which are incorporated into this Contract, as modified by any Change Orders (defined in Section2 of this Contract) requested by Owner, and approved by College and the municipal or county building inspector, as applicable. College anticipates that the Work will commence on _________________, ______ (the Commencement Date), or as soon thereafter as College deems feasible. Owner acknowledges that the Work is to be performed by the Students, under the supervision of the Instructors, as part of an educational process, and that College shall not be held to any greater standard, duty or quality of workmanship than what can reasonably be expected under such circumstances. The Instructors shall supervise the Work. Owner agrees that only the Instructors or other employees, representatives or agents of College shall have the right to give instructions and directions to the Students. Owner shall contact the Instructors regarding any complaints, inquiries or suggestions relating to the Work. If Owner interferes with or attempts to instruct or direct any Student, and if such activity continues after College delivers written notice to Owner, then in addition to any other right or remedy College may have, College shall have the right at any time thereafter to terminate this Contract by giving written notice of such termination to Owner, and upon such termination, Owner shall pay College the Service Charge (as defined in Section8 of this Contract), and thereafter, the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. 2. Change Orders. If Owner desires any changes or modifications to the Plans, Owner shall submit to College a written change order, on a form acceptable to College, which shall describe in detail the proposed changes or modifications and such other information relating thereto as College may require (the Change Order(s)). All Change Orders shall be subject to the approval of College and the municipal or county building inspector, as applicable. 3. Owners Obligations and Responsibilities. Owner shall act as general contractor in connection with the construction of the renovations and other improvements shown on the Plans (the Improvements), and in addition to other obligations and responsibilities of Owner set forth in this Contract, Owner shall be obligated and responsible for each of the following matters: (a) Subcontractors. Owner shall contract or subcontract for all labor and services necessary to complete the Improvements, other than the Work, including, without limitation, all landscaping, electrical, painting and staining (except for such priming as may be expressly agreed to in writing by College), and plumbing work, if and to the extent applicable. The providers of all such labor and services (collectively, the Subcontractors) shall be duly qualified and licensed, if required by law. Owner shall cause each Subcontractor to perform its work to the Improvements in compliance with all laws and in a good and workman-like manner. Owner shall coordinate with College regarding the order and priority of construction of the Improvements, and shall cause all of the Subcontractors to cooperate with College, so that the construction of the Improvements, including, without limitation, the Work, shall be completed in an orderly manner and in accordance with such schedule as College may require to complete the Work on or before the Completion Date (as defined in Section6 of this Contract). (b) Vendor Accounts. Owner shall open accounts in Owners name with such material suppliers as College may deem necessary or desirable. The Instructors shall have the right to charge to such account all materials obtained for the Work. No materials obtained in connection with the Improvements, including, without limitation, the Work, shall be charged to the College. (c) Utilities, Other Services and Access. Owner shall provide at the Site, on or before the Commencement Date, all utilities and other services that College deems necessary or desirable to perform the Work and all other work needed to complete the Improvements, including, without limitation, electricity, lighting, water, heating, telephone, toilets, trash disposal and snow removal. (d) Permits, Approvals and Licenses. Owner shall obtain, no later than ten (10) days before the Commencement Date, all permits, approvals and licenses necessary to construct the Improvements. (e) Compliance of the Plans and Change Orders with Laws. Owner assumes full responsibility for the compliance of the Plans and any Change Orders with all applicable laws, and with sound building and engineering practices. No approval of the Plans or any Change Order by College or the Instructors, Students or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College shall make College responsible for the adequacy, form or content of the Plans or any Change Order. If Owner breaches any of its obligations set forth above, then in addition to any other right or remedy that College may have, College shall have the right to terminate this Contract if Owner fails to cure such breach within ten (10) days after College delivers written notice of such breach to Owner, and upon any such termination, Owner shall promptly pay College the Service Charge, and thereafter, the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. 4. Owners Representations and Warranties. To induce College to enter into this Contract, Owner represents and warrants as follows: (a) Authority. Owner has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Contract. This Contract and the obligations of Owner herein are valid and binding obligations of Owner, and are enforceable in accordance with the terms herein. (b) Title to Site. Owner owns fee title to the Site, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, easements and other matters affecting title, except as expressly set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof. (c) Financial Ability. Owner either has funds in Owners possession sufficient to pay for the total cost of materials and services to construct the Improvements, or has received a binding commitment from a lender for such funds to pay for such cost as and when due. Owner shall promptly provide College such information as College may request to verify the validity of any or all of the foregoing representations. 5. Insurance; Waiver of Claims; Indemnification. At all times during the term of this Contract, Owner shall obtain and keep in effect insurance policies for the following coverage relating to the Site and the Improvements: (a) insurance against loss or damage by fire, lightning, vandalism, malicious mischief and other perils covered by a policy of all risk property insurance, in an amount not less than the full replacement value of the Improvements; and (b) commercial general liability insurance against claims for bodily injury, death and property damage occurring at the Site, which shall provide coverage in the amount of at least $100,000 with respect to any occurrence. At Colleges request, Owner shall promptly provide College with a true, correct and complete copy of such policies, certificates of insurance for such policies or other evidence of insurance required by this section in a form acceptable to College. The all risk property insurance policy required by this section shall provide that any losses shall be payable notwithstanding (1)any act or neglect by Owner or Owners agents, representatives, contractors or subcontractors, including, without limitation, College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College, (2)any waiver of subrogation rights by the insured, and (3)any change in title to or ownership of the Site. Owner hereby releases College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College from any and all liability and responsibility (to Owner or anyone claiming through or under Owner by way of subrogation or otherwise) for any loss or damage covered by property insurance or coverable by a customary all risk property insurance policy required by this section, even if such loss or damage shall have been caused by the fault or negligence of College or anyone for whom College may be responsible, including, without limitation, the Students, the Instructors, or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College. Owner shall defend, indemnify and hold College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College, harmless from and against all claims, losses, damages and expenses in connection with: (i) the inadequacy or illegality of any portion of the Plans and/or any Change Orders; (ii) any defects in any materials used to construct the Improvements, unless such defects result from damage caused by the Students or the Instructors; and (iii) any actions or inactions relating to the construction of the Improvements by any person other than the Students, the Instructors, or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College. Owners releases and indemnification obligations set forth in this section shall survive the termination of this Contract. 6. Inspection of Work. On or before __________________, _______ [e.g.,the date that is ten (10) days before the Completion Date], Owner and the Instructors shall inspect the Improvements to determine what portions of the Work, if any, are defective or remain unfinished. During such inspection, Owner and the Instructors shall prepare a punch list of any defective or unfinished portions of the Work. In addition, at anytime and from time to time during the performance of the Work prior to said inspection, if required by either Owner or College, then Owner and the Instructors shall inspect the Improvements to determine whether any portions of the Work performed prior to the date of any such inspections are defective. If there is a dispute as to any alleged defect or any punch list items, Owner and College agree that the final determination regarding any such dispute shall be made by Colleges Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. At anytime Owner may request, College shall provide Owner with a list of the members of Colleges Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. 7. Completion of Work. College shall use good faith efforts to complete the Work (including any punch list items prepared in accordance with Section5 of this Contract) on or before _______________, ________ (the Completion Date). 8. Compensation, Deposit, Service Charge and Reimbursement for Certain Expenses. Simultaneously with executing and delivering this Contract to College, Owner shall deliver to College a cashiers check in the amount of $_____________, made payable to College, as an earnest money deposit, which shall be nonrefundable. Subject to the completion of the Work in accordance with this Contract, on or before the Completion Date, or upon earlier termination of this contract as provided herein, Owner shall pay College, by a cashiers check made payable to College, the following: (a) the actual cost of all materials and supplies (the Materials) that have been used in connection with the Work, except for any materials that have been replaced as a result of damage caused by Colleges employees or students; plus (b) a service charge (the Service Charge) for the performance of the Work in the amount equal to _____% of the actual cost of all materials and supplies incorporated into or used in connection with the Work; provided that the Deposit and any Change Order Fee collected by College shall be credited to the Service Charge; plus (c) the amount owing to all subcontractors retained by College to build the Improvements; and (d) reimbursement for the mileage of the Instructors and Colleges vehicles used to transport the Instructors, the Students, and equipment and materials used in connection with the Work, in the amount of _____ cents per mile. Owners payment of the Service Charge shall be accompanied by a copy of invoices for all Materials, or other supporting evidence as College may require, to verify the correct amount of the Service Charge. OWNER AGREES THAT OWNER SHALL NOT OCCUPY THE IMPROVEMENTS OR THE SITE UNTIL OWNER HAS PAID COLLEGE ALL AMOUNTS OWING UNDER THIS SECTION. 9. No Representations or Warranties. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 136F.36, SUBDIVISION3, COLLEGE ELECTS NOT TO OFFER THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 327A. OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 327A DO NOT APPLY TO ANY PART OF THE WORK. OWNER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS CONTRACT, COLLEGE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING THE WORK. OCCUPANCY OF THE IMPROVEMENTS BY OWNER SHALL BE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE THAT OWNER HAS ACCEPTED THE WORK AS-IS, SUBJECT ONLY TO THE COMPLETION OF ANY ITEMS IDENTIFIED IN A PUNCH LIST PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 5 OF THIS CONTRACT. 10. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Contract shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto, or by mailing in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid , properly addressed as follows: If to College: If to Owner:  Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run two (2) business days after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. 11. Miscellaneous. The section headings or captions appearing in this Contract are for convenience only, are not a part of this Contract and are not to be considered in interpreting this Contract. This Contract, together with the exhibits and the addendum, if any, attached hereto, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and no other agreements prior to this Contract or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. This Contract may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed and delivered by Owner, and an authorized representative of College. This Contract shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. If any provision of this Contract or the application to any circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Contract and the application of such provision to any other circumstance shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and College have executed and delivered this Contract as of the date first written above. OWNER: By: (Print name and title) Date: By: (Print name and title) Date: COLLEGE: STATE OF MINNESOTA: Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities By: (Print name and title) Date: Verified as to allotment/encumbrance By: Title: Date: Exhibits: Exhibit A: Legal Description of Site Exhibit B: Plans and Specifications AG:2203361, v. 1 EXHIBIT A [Legal Description of Site] EXHIBIT B [Attach Plans and Specifications] HOUSE RENOVATION CONTRACT (State as General Contractor) THIS HOUSE RENOVATION CONTRACT (Contract) is made as of this ____ day of ________________, ______, by and between _________________________, [an individual resident of the State of Minnesota OR a _________________________ under the laws of Minnesota] (whether one or more, Owner), and the STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of ______________________ (College). RECITALS A. Owner owns fee title to land located in ________________ County, Minnesota, which has a street address of ____________________________________________, and which is legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the Site). B. Owner owns a house located on the Site (the House). C. College offers a carpentry program course, which is designed to give its students practical experience in constructing and renovating residential dwellings and related improvements. D. Owner desires to have Colleges first year carpentry program students provide certain services in connection with renovating the House, as specifically set forth in this Contract. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the agreements set forth in this Contract and other good and valuable consideration, and pursuant to the authority granted in Minnesota Statutes section136F.36, subdivision2 (2002), Owner and College agree as follows: 1. Work To Be Performed by Colleges Students; Supervision of Students. Subject to the provisions of this Contract, students enrolled in Colleges first year carpentry program (the Students), under the supervision of Colleges instructor(s) (whether one or more, theInstructors), shall provide usual and customary labor and equipment to accomplish the carpentry work (the Work) needed to complete the renovations to the House as shown and described on, and in reasonable accordance with, the final plans and specifications attached hereto as ExhibitB (thePlans), which are incorporated into this Contract, as modified by any Change Orders (defined in Section2 of this Contract) requested by Owner, and approved by College and the municipal or county building inspector, as applicable. College anticipates that the Work will commence on __________________, ________ (the Commencement Date), or as soon thereafter as College deems feasible. Owner acknowledges that the Work is to be performed by the Students, under the supervision of the Instructors, as part of an educational process, and that College shall not be held to any greater standard, duty or quality of workmanship than what can reasonably be expected under such circumstances. The Instructors shall supervise the Work. Owner agrees that only the Instructors or other employees, representatives or agents of College shall have the right to give instructions and directions to the Students. Owner shall contact the Instructors regarding any complaints, inquiries or suggestions relating to the Work. If Owner interferes with or attempts to instruct or direct any Student, and if such activity continues after College delivers written notice to Owner, then in addition to any other right or remedy College may have, College shall have the right at any time thereafter to terminate this Contract by giving written notice of such termination to Owner, and upon such termination, Owner shall pay College the Service Charge (as defined in Section8) and any amounts owing to all subcontractors retained by College for the Improvements (as defined in Section3), and thereafter, the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. 2. Change Orders. If Owner desires any changes or modifications to the Plans, Owner shall submit to College a written change order, on a form acceptable to College, which shall describe in detail the proposed changes or modifications and such other information relating thereto as College may require (the Change Order(s)). All Change Orders shall be subject to the approval of College and the municipal or county building inspector, as applicable. 3. Obligations and Responsibilities. (a) College Responsibilities. College shall act as general contractor in connection with the construction of the renovations and other improvements shown on the Plans (theImprovements), and in addition to other obligations and responsibilities of College set forth in this Contract, College shall be obligated and responsible for the following: Subcontractors. College shall contract or subcontract for all labor and services necessary to complete the Improvements, other than the Work, including, without limitation, all landscaping, electrical, painting and staining (except for such priming as may be expressly agreed to in writing by College), and plumbing work, if and to the extent applicable. The providers of all such labor and services (collectively, the Subcontractors) shall be duly qualified and licensed, if required by law. If College breaches any of its obligations set forth above, then in addition to any other right or remedy that Owner may have, Owner shall have the right to terminate this Contract if College fails to cure such breach within ten (10) days after Owner delivers written notice of such breach to College, and upon any such termination, Owner shall promptly pay College the Service Charge, and any amounts owing to all subcontractors retained by College for the Improvements, and thereafter the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. (b) Owner Responsibilities. In addition to other obligations and responsibilities of Owner set forth in this Contract, Owner shall be obligated and responsible for each of the following matters: (i) Vendor Accounts. Owner shall open accounts in Owners name with such material suppliers as College may deem necessary or desirable. The Instructors shall have the right to charge to such account all materials obtained for the Work. No materials obtained in connection with the Improvements, including, without limitation, the Work, shall be charged to the College. (ii) Utilities, Other Services and Access. Owner shall provide at the Site, on or before the Commencement Date, all utilities and other services that College deems necessary or desirable to perform the Work and all other work needed to complete the Improvements, including, without limitation, electricity, lighting, water, heating, telephone, toilets, trash disposal and snow removal. (iii) Permits, Approvals and Licenses. Owner shall obtain, no later than ten (10) days before the Commencement Date, all permits, approvals and licenses necessary to construct the Improvements. (iv) Compliance of the Plans and Change Orders with Laws. Owner assumes full responsibility for the compliance of the Plans and any Change Orders with all applicable laws, and with sound building and engineering practices. No approval of the Plans or any Change Order by College or the Instructors, Students or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College shall make College responsible for the adequacy, form or content of the Plans or any Change Order. If Owner breaches any of its obligations set forth above, then in addition to any other right or remedy that College may have, College shall have the right to terminate this Contract if Owner fails to cure such breach within ten (10) days after College delivers written notice of such breach to Owner, and upon any such termination, Owner shall promptly pay College the Service Charge, and any amounts owing to all subcontractors retained by College for the Improvements, and thereafter the parties hereto shall have no further obligations under this Contract. 4. Owners Representations and Warranties. To induce College to enter into this Contract, Owner represents and warrants as follows: (a) Authority. Owner has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Contract. This Contract and the obligations of Owner herein are valid and binding obligations of Owner, and are enforceable in accordance with the terms herein. (b) Title to Site. Owner owns fee title to the Site, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, easements and other matters affecting title, except as expressly set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof. (c) Financial Ability. Owner either has funds in Owners possession sufficient to pay for the total cost of materials and services to construct the Improvements, or has received a binding commitment from a lender for such funds to pay for such cost as and when due. Owner shall promptly provide College such information as College may request to verify the validity of any or all of the foregoing representations. 5. Insurance; Waiver of Claims; Indemnification. At all times during the term of this Contract, Owner shall obtain and keep in effect insurance policies for the following coverage relating to the Site and the Improvements: (a) insurance against loss or damage by fire, lightning, vandalism, malicious mischief and other perils covered by a policy of all risk property insurance, in an amount not less than the full replacement value of the Improvements; and (b) commercial general liability insurance against claims for bodily injury, death and property damage occurring at the Site, which shall provide coverage in the amount of at least $100,000 with respect to any occurrence. At Colleges request, Owner shall promptly provide College with a true, correct and complete copy of such policies, certificates of insurance for such policies or other evidence of insurance required by this section in a form acceptable to College. The all risk property insurance policy required by this section shall provide that any losses shall be payable notwithstanding (1)any act or neglect by Owner or Owners agents, representatives, contractors or subcontractors, including, without limitation, College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College, (2)any waiver of subrogation rights by the insured, and (3)any change in title to or ownership of the Site. Owner hereby releases College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College from any and all liability and responsibility (to Owner or anyone claiming through or under Owner by way of subrogation or otherwise) for any loss or damage covered by property insurance or coverable by a customary all risk property insurance policy required by this section, even if such loss or damage shall have been caused by the fault or negligence of College or anyone for whom College may be responsible, including, without limitation, the Students, the Instructors, or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College. Owner shall defend, indemnify and hold College and the Students, the Instructors, and any other representative, employee, agent or student of College, harmless from and against all claims, losses, damages and expenses in connection with: (i) the inadequacy or illegality of any portion of the Plans and/or any Change Orders; (ii) any defects in any materials used to construct the Improvements, unless such defects result from damage caused by the Students or the Instructors; and (iii) any actions or inactions relating to the construction of the Improvements by any person other than the Students, the Instructors, or any other representative, employee, agent or student of College. Owners releases and indemnification obligations set forth in this section shall survive the termination of this Contract. 6. Inspection of Work. On or before __________________, _______ (e.g.,the date that is ten (10) days before the Completion Date), Owner and the Instructors shall inspect the Improvements to determine what portions of the Improvements, if any, are defective or remain unfinished. During such inspection, Owner and the Instructors shall prepare a punch list of any defective or unfinished portions of the Improvements. In addition, at anytime and from time to time during the performance of the Work before said inspection, if required by either Owner or College, then Owner and the Instructors shall inspect the Improvements to determine whether any portions of the Improvements performed prior to the date of any such inspections are defective. If there is a dispute as to any alleged defect or any punch list items, Owner and College agree that the final determination regarding any such dispute shall be made by Colleges Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. At anytime Owner may request, College shall provide Owner with a list of the members of Colleges Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. 7. Completion of Work. College shall use good faith efforts to complete the Improvements (including any punch list items prepared in accordance with Section5 of this Contract) on or before _________________, _______ (the Completion Date). 8. Compensation, Deposit, Service Charge and Reimbursement for Certain Expenses. Simultaneously with executing and delivering this Contract to College, Owner shall deliver to College a cashiers check in the amount of $_____________, made payable to College, as an earnest money deposit, which shall be nonrefundable. Subject to the completion of the Work in accordance with this Contract, on or before the Completion Date, or upon earlier termination of this contract as provided herein, Owner shall pay College, by a cashiers check made payable to College, the following: (a) the actual cost of all materials and supplies (the Materials) that have been used in connection with the Work, except for any materials that have been replaced as a result of damage caused by Colleges employees or students; plus (b) a service charge (the Service Charge) for the performance of the Work in the amount equal to _____% of the actual cost of all materials and supplies incorporated into or used in connection with the Work; provided that the Deposit and any Change Order Fee collected by College shall be credited to the Service Charge; plus (c) the amount owing to all subcontractors retained by College to build the Improvements; and (d) reimbursement for the mileage of the Instructors and Colleges vehicles used to transport the Instructors, the Students, and equipment and materials used in connection with the Work, in the amount of _____ cents per mile. Owners payment of the Service Charge shall be accompanied by a copy of invoices for all Materials, or other supporting evidence as College may require, to verify the correct amount of the Service Charge. OWNER AGREES THAT OWNER SHALL NOT OCCUPY THE IMPROVEMENTS OR THE SITE UNTIL OWNER HAS PAID COLLEGE ALL AMOUNTS OWING UNDER THIS SECTION. 9. No Representations or Warranties. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION136F.36, SUBDIVISION3, COLLEGE ELECTS NOT TO OFFER THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER327A. OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 327A DO NOT APPLY TO ANY PART OF THE WORK. OWNER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS CONTRACT, COLLEGE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING THE WORK. OCCUPANCY OF THE IMPROVEMENTS BY OWNER SHALL BE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE THAT OWNER HAS ACCEPTED THE WORK AS-IS, SUBJECT ONLY TO THE COMPLETION OF ANY ITEMS IDENTIFIED IN A PUNCH LIST PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION5 OF THIS CONTRACT. 10. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Contract shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto, or by mailing in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid , properly addressed as follows: If to College: If to Owner:  Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run two (2) business days after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. 11. Miscellaneous. The section headings or captions appearing in this Contract are for convenience only, are not a part of this Contract and are not to be considered in interpreting this Contract. This Contract, together with the exhibits and the addendum, if any, attached hereto, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and no other agreements prior to this Contract or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. This Contract may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed and delivered by Owner, and an authorized representative of College. This Contract shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. If any provision of this Contract or the application to any circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Contract and the application of such provision to any other circumstance shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and College have executed and delivered this Contract as of the date first written above. OWNER: By: (Print name and title) Date: By: (Print name and title) Date: COLLEGE: STATE OF MINNESOTA: Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities By: (Print name and title) Date: Verified as to allotment/encumbrance By: Title: Date: Exhibits: Exhibit A: Legal Description of Site Exhibit B: Plans and Specifications AG:2152701 v1 EXHIBIT A [Legal Description of Site] EXHIBIT B [Attach Plans and Specifications] PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made as of ________________, _______ between the STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of _______________________________ (Seller), and _____________________________ (whether one or more, Buyer). RECITALS A. Seller offered the Property (as defined in Section1 below), for sale to the public on a sealed bid basis, subject to the terms of this Agreement, on __________________. B. Buyer was the highest bidder at said sale. AGREEMENT In consideration of this Agreement, Seller and Buyer agree as follows: 1. Sale of Property. Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy from Seller, that certain house constructed by Seller located on the __________________ campus of ______________________________ College, as more particularly identified on the House Specifications attached hereto as ExhibitA (the Property). 2. Purchase Price and Manner of Payment. The total purchase price (PurchasePrice) to be paid for the Property shall be the amount of $_____________. The Purchase Price shall be payable as follows: 2.1 $__________ as earnest money (Earnest Money), which shall be held by Seller in accordance with this Agreement; 2.2 $__________ in cash on the Closing Date (as defined in Section3 below). In addition to paying the Purchase Price, Buyer shall also pay to Seller, in cash on the Closing Date, sales tax in connection with the purchase of the Property in the amount of $______________ (Sales Tax). 3. The Closing; Inspection. The closing of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement (the Closing) shall occur on _____________, ____, (the Closing Date). The Closing shall take place at ____a.m./p.m. local time at the _______________ campus of the __________________________ College. On or before the Closing Date, but prior to the removal of the Property, Buyer and Seller shall inspect the Property to confirm that it has been completed in accordance with the House Specifications attached hereto as ExhibitA. 4. Closing Documents; Removal of House. On the Closing Date and upon Sellers receipt of the total amount of the Purchase Price and Sales Tax in accordance with Section2 of this Agreement, Seller shall (a)execute and deliver to Buyer a Quit Claim Bill of Sale conveying the Property to Buyer in the form of ExhibitB attached hereto and made a part hereof, and (b)deliver possession of the Property to Buyer. Buyer, at Buyers expense and in accordance with all applicable laws, shall remove the Property from the __________________ campus of the _________________________________ College on the Closing Date. Buyer shall bear the risk of any loss or damage to the Property from and after Sellers delivery of the Property to Buyer, including without limitation any loss or damage resulting from the removal of the Property. Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and against all costs and liabilities of any nature whatsoever relating to the activities of Buyer and Buyers agents in connection with the removal of the Property, including without limitation all costs and liabilities relating to damage to any real or personal property. 5. Casualty Before Closing Date. If loss or damage to the Property occurs before the Closing Date, for any reason, including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on Seller. If the Property is destroyed or substantially damaged (i.e.,if the cost of repair exceeds $5,000) before the Closing Date, this Agreement shall become null and void at Seller or Buyers option, which shall be exercised by giving written notice to the other on or before the Closing Date. If either Seller or Buyer exercises the option to void this Agreement in accordance with this Section5, the parties shall sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement in form and content acceptable to Seller, or such other instrument reasonably requested by Seller, and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. If any portion of the Property is damaged before the Closing Date and the cost of repair is $5,000 or less, Seller shall repair the Property within a reasonable period of time. 6. Sale AS-IS; Advice of Attorney. BUYER UNDERSTANDS THAT BUYER IS PURCHASING THE PROPERTY ON AN AS-IS PHYSICAL BASIS, WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY WITH REGARD TO PHYSICAL CONDITION, INCLUDING ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION, WORKMANSHIP OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. BEFORE SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT BUYER HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY SELECTED BY BUYER, AND HAS NOT RELIED UPON SELLER OR ANY OF ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES OR AGENTS CONCERNING ANY ASPECT OF ANY MATTER COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. 7. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto; or if mailed, in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, properly addressed as follows: If to Seller: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ If to Buyer: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run two (2) Business Days after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. 8. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Buyer may not assign its rights under this Agreement to any other person or entity without Sellers prior written approval. 9. Miscellaneous. Time is of the essence. The section headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement, and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. This Agreement, together with the exhibits attached hereto, and together with any addendum attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and no other agreements prior to this agreement or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed by Buyer and authorized representatives of Seller. This Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 10. Remedies. If Buyer defaults under this Agreement, Seller shall have the right either to (a)terminate this Agreement, by giving written notice to Buyer, and retain the Earnest Money as liquidated damages, or (b)seek specific performance of the Agreement by Buyer. If Seller defaults under this Agreement, Buyer shall have no right to seek damages from Seller for loss of Buyers bargain in failing to acquire the Property, but Buyer shall have the right either to (i)recover as damages from Seller all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and fees incurred by Buyer in negotiating this Agreement, obtaining financing and other similar activities in connection with this Agreement, or (ii)seek specific performance of the Agreement by Seller. Any action for specific performance of this Agreement brought by either Seller or Buyer must be commenced within thirty (30)days of the date that the nondefaulting party obtains actual knowledge of the default. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Buyer have executed and delivered this Agreement intending to be bound thereby. BUYER: By: (Print Name) Date: SELLER: STATE OF MINNESOTA: Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities By: Date: Verified as to allotment encumbrance By: Title: Date:  Exhibits: Exhibit A: House Specifications Exhibit B: Quit Claim Bill of Sale AG:2111032, v. .1 EXHIBIT A [Attach House Specifications] EXHIBIT B QUIT CLAIM BILL OF SALE FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the STATE OF MINNESOTA, by and through the Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of ____________________________ College (Seller), hereby conveys and quitclaims to _______________________________________________ (whether one or more, Buyer), that certain house constructed by Seller located on the ______________ campus of the _______________________________ College, as more particularly identified on the House Specifications attached hereto as Exhibit A. This Conveyance is being made on an ASIS PHYSICAL BASIS, WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY WITH REGARD TO PHYSICAL CONDITION, INCLUDING ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION, WORKMANSHIP OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This Quit Claim Bill of Sale shall bind Seller and benefit Buyer and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has caused this Quit Claim Bill of Sale to be executed and delivered as of this ______ day of __________________________, _______. STATE OF MINNESOTA Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities By: Print Name appendix c MnSCU System Procedure 6.7.4 for MnSCU Policy 6.5 INSERT: Technical College Carpentry Programs: Acquisition, Development and Sale of Real Property System Procedure 6.7.4 for MnSCU Policy 7.9 appendix D Guides DirectoryGuide Number Acquisition of PropertyD-1Approval Request for the Acquisition of Real PropertyD-2Purchase Agreement Information Sheet for Purchase of Real PropertySale of PropertyD-3Public Auction Procedure for Sale of Student-Constructed Structures [on Real Property or Built on Blocks]D-4Bidding Procedure Information Sheet for the Sale of a StudentConstructed StructureD-5Approval Request for the Sale of StudentConstructed Structures on Real PropertyD-6Purchase Agreement Information Sheet for the Sale of StudentConstructed Structures on Real PropertyD-7Purchase Agreement Information Sheet for the Sale of StudentConstructed Structures Built on BlocksD-8Approval Request for the Sale of Student-Constructed Structures Built on BlocksBuilding on Anothers LandD-9Approval Request for StudentConstructed Improvements to Real Property the College Does Not OwnD-10Construction Contract Information SheetD-11Receipt and Waiver of Mechanics Lien Rights Approval Request for the Acquisition of Real Property To: Office of the Vice Chancellor- Chief Financial Officer MN State Colleges and Universities 500 World Trade Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Facsimile: (651) 296-0318 Date:  From: Name of College: Telephone No: Facsimile No:  The following information is being provided in accordance with MnSCU System Procedure 6.7.4, Part2 for the approval of the acquisition of real property for the college carpentry program: 1. Address or Legal Description of Real Property: 2. Anticipated Costs: A. Purchase Price: B. Closing Costs: Title Insurance Closing Fee: Brokers Commission: Other: C. Taxes and Assessments: Taxes to be paid by College: Special Assessments to be paid by College $ $ $ $ $ $ $  D. Other:$ TOTAL:$  Attach completed Initial Site Assessment Checklist E1. Is there a well or private septic system located on the property? Well: ___ Yes ___ No Septic System: ___ Yes ___ No Approved: on (date)ORDisapproved: on (date) By virtue of this letter, President ____________________________________, of _____________________________________________________, is hereby delegated authority to sign any documents required to purchase the Real Property described on page1 of this Approval Request. All documents should be reviewed or prepared by the Attorney Generals Office prior to final execution. Dated: By: Vice-Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer Forward the completed form to the Vice Chancellor-Chief Financial Officer at the address above. AG: #2126919-v1 Purchase Agreement Information Sheet For Purchase of Real Property Date: _______________________ 1. Buyer (College) Information: Name of College: Address: Phone No: 2. Seller Information: Name(s) of Seller(s): Address: Phone No: If Seller is a business, who will sign on Sellers behalf: ( Attach copy of Resolution or Articles of Incorporation. Property located in ________________________ County. 3. Name of Realty Company listing the property, if any: Name: Address: Contact Person: Phone No: 4. Will Title Insurance be purchased for the property? ______ Yes ______ No If Yes, where will it be ordered from: Name: Address: Contact Person: Phone No: 5. Property Information: Legal Description: Address of Property: Property is located in ______________________ County 6. Is there a well or private septic system located on the property? Well: ____ Yes ____ No Septic System: ____ Yes ____ No 7. Attach completed Initial Site Assessment Checklist E1. 8. Purchase Price: Dollars ($ ) (Purchase Price in Writing and Numeric) 9. Amount of Earnest Money to be given, if any: $ 10. Projected Closing Date: 11. Allocation of Closing Costs: Paid by SELLER: (circle one in each category) Taxes: None All Half Pro-Rated Assessments: None All Half Pro-Rated Closing Fee: None All Half Pro-Rated If pro-rated, explain how: This form was completed by: Date: Phone No:  Please complete and fax to: Greg Ewig at the Office of the Chancellor (651) 296-0318. AG: #2147730-v1 PUBLIC AUCTION PROCEDURE For Sale of Student-Constructed Structures Date: ** The Following Information Needs to be Disclosed to Potential Buyers by Two Weeks Notice in a Local Newspaper 1. House Address of Property: 2. Legal Description of Property: 3. Minimum Bid, if any: 4. Bid Date and Time: Date: __________________________ Time: ____________ 5. Name of Auctioneer:* Address of Auctioneer: License Number of Auctioneer: * Attorney Generals Office will draft or review the contract with the auctioneer. MnSCU System Procedure6.7.4 requires that a licensed auctioneer be used unless special approval is obtained from the Chancellor. Please complete and fax to: Greg Ewig, Director of Real Estate, (651) 296-0318 AG: #2078861-v1 BIDDING PROCEDURE INFORMATION SHEET for the Sale of a Student-Constructed Structure 1. Amount of minimum bid required: Note: Should be in the form of certified funds or cashiers check$ 2. Minimum bid increments, if any:$ 3. Amount of down payment required with each bid: If bid is accepted, additional amount required to complete purchase, if any:$ $ 4. Is this property exempt from general real estate taxes? If No, how will the taxes be allocated? Paid by Buyer Paid by Seller Pro rata or 1/2 between Buyer and Seller Yes No 5. Are there any special assessments levied or pending for the current year? If Yes, how will the assessments be allocated? Paid by Buyer Paid by Seller Pro rata or 1/2 between Buyer and Seller Yes No 6. State Deed Tax of $1.65 per $500 of purchase price is paid by whom? Paid by Buyer Paid by Seller7. Will the home be transferred as-is or with a warranty? As-is Warranty8. Is there a well and/or private septic system located on the property? Well: Yes Private Septic System: Yes No No9. Will bids be accepted that include a contingency for any of the following: Sale of Buyers current home Buyers financing Other: None10. Include a copy of the House Specifications. Please complete and fax to: Greg Ewig, Director of Real Estate, (651) 296-0318 AG: #2126407-v1 APPROVAL REQUEST for the Sale of Student-Constructed Structures on Real Property To: Office of the Vice Chancellor- Chief Financial Officer MN State Colleges and Universities 500 World Trade Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Facsimile: (651) 296-0318 Date:  From: Name of College: Telephone No: Facsimile No:  The following information is being provided in accordance with MnSCU System Procedure6.7.4, Part2, for the approval of the acquisition of real property for the college carpentry program: 1. Address or Legal Description of Real Property to be Sold:  2. Method of Sale:  3. Name(s) of Proposed Buyer(s):  3a. Buyer(s) Connection to College, if any:  4. Proposed Sale Price: $ 5. Appraised Value (if appraisal obtained): $  6. Closing Costs to be Paid by College: $ 7. Net Proceeds from Sale: (Sale Price less Costs to acquire land and build house and Closing Costs) OR Anticipated Gross Expenditure: (If Net Loss) $  8. Anticipated Closing Date:  9. Are there any proposed contingencies for the Purchase Agreement: Yes No If Yes, complete Attachment A. 10. Will warranties, as described in Minn. Stat. ch.327A, be extended to Buyer(s)? Yes No If Yes, compete Attachment B.  Approved: on (date)ORDisapproved: on (date) By virtue of this letter, President __________________________________, of _______________________________________________________, is hereby delegated authority to sign any documents required to sell the Real Property described on page1 of this Approval Request. All documents should be reviewed or prepared by the Attorney Generals Office prior to final execution. Dated: By: Vice-Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer Forward this form to the Vice Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer at the address above. Attachment A Proposed Contingencies The following contingencies are being offered in connection with the purchase agreement for: (address or legal description of house) Check all that apply: _________ Financing Contingency (Sale contingent upon Buyers ability to obtain financing) _________ Purchase Agreement Contingency (Sale contingent upon Buyers ability to sell current home) _________ Other: Explain: _________ Other: Explain: Include this form with the Approval Request for the Sale of Student-Constructed Structures on Real Property Owned by the College Attachment B Warranty Attachment Warranty to be offered to the Buyer of (address or legal description of house) Check one of the following: __________ The college has specified a maximum dollar liability and will encumber the amount necessary to cover the maximum liability under the warranties until the warranties expire; OR __________ The college will purchase insurance through the Risk Management Division of the State of Minnesota that will specifically cover the warranties described in Minnesota Statutes chapter327A. Check one of the following: __________ Warranties will be offered as outlined in Minnesota Statutes chapter327A; OR __________ Describe the warranties to be offered: One Year: Two Year: Ten Year: Include this form with the Approval Request for the Sale of StudentConstructed Structures on Real Property Owned by the College (Guide D-5) AG: #2126925-v1 Purchase Agreement Information Sheet For The Sale of StudentConstructed Structures Real Property Date: 1. Buyer Information: Name(s) of Buyer(s): Address: Phone No: If Buyer is a business, who will sign on Buyers behalf: Property located in ________________________ County. ( Attach a copy of Resolution or Articles of Incorporation. 2. Seller (College) Information: Name of College: Address: Phone No: 3. Name of Realty Company listing the property, if any: Name: Address: Contact Person: Phone No: 4. Property Information: Legal Description: Address of Property: Property is located in ______________________ County 5. Is there a well or private septic system located on the property? Well: ____ Yes ____ No Septic System: ____ Yes ____ No 6. Purchase Price: Dollars ($ ) (Purchase Price in Writing) (Purchase Price in Numeric) 7. Amount of Earnest Money to be given, if any: $ 8. Projected Closing Date: 9. Allocation of Closing Costs: Paid by SELLER (circle one in each category): Taxes:NoneAllHalfPro-RatedAssessments:NoneAllHalfPro-RatedClosing Fee:NoneAllHalfPro-Rated If pro-rated, explain how: This form was completed by: Date: Phone No:  Please complete and fax to: Greg Ewig, Director of Real Estate, (651) 296-0318 AG: #737341-v1 Purchase Agreement Information Sheet For The Sale of Student-Constructed Structures Built on Blocks 1. Seller (College) Information: Name of College: Address: Phone No: 2. Buyer Information: Name(s) of Buyer(s): Address: Phone No: If Buyer is a business, who will sign on Buyers behalf: 3. Lender Information: Name of Buyer(s) Lender, if any: Address: Contact Person: Phone No: 4. Purchase Price: $ 5. Amount of Earnest Money received, if any: $ 6. Projected Closing Date: 7. Please attach a copy of the house specifications. This form was completed by: Date: Phone No:  Please complete and fax to: Greg Ewig, Director of Real Estate, (651) 296-0318 AG: #2203343-v1 APPROVAL REQUEST for the Sale of Student-Constructed Structures Built on Blocks To: Office of the Vice Chancellor- Chief Financial Officer MN State Colleges and Universities 500 World Trade Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Facsimile: (651) 296-0318 Date:  From: Name of College: Telephone No: Facsimile No:  The following information is being provided for the approval of the sale of personal property for the college carpentry program: 1. Description of Property to be Sold:  2. Method of Sale:  3. Name(s) of Proposed Buyer(s):  3a. Buyer(s) Connection to College, if any:  4. Proposed Sale Price: $ 5. Appraised Value (if appraisal obtained): $  6. Closing Costs to be Paid by College: $ 7. Net Proceeds from Sale: (Sale Price less Costs to acquire land and build house and Closing Costs) OR Anticipated Gross Expenditure: (If Net Loss) $  8. Anticipated Closing Date:  Approved: on (date)ORDisapproved: on (date) By virtue of this letter, President __________________________________, of _______________________________________________________, is hereby delegated authority to sign any documents required to sell the Real Property described on page1 of this Approval Request. All documents should be reviewed or prepared by the Attorney Generals Office prior to final execution. Dated: By: Vice-Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer Forward this form to the Vice Chancellor-Chief Financial Officer at the address above. AG: #2200488-v1 APPROVAL REQUEST For Student-Constructed Improvements to Real Property the College Does Not Own To: Office of the Vice Chancellor- Chief Financial Officer MN State Colleges and Universities 500 World Trade Center St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Facsimile: (651) 296-0318 Date:  From: Name of College: Telephone No: Facsimile No:  The following information is being provided in accordance with MnSCU System Procedure6.7.4, Part3(B) for the approval of student-constructed improvements to real property the college does not own: 1. Name(s) of Landowner(s):  1a. Landowner(s) connection to College, if any:  2. General description of improvements to be done by College: 3. Commencement Date: _________________________ 4. Proposed amount landowner(s) will pay to College to compensate College for the fair market value of Colleges contributions to the improvements: $ or ______% of the actual cost of materials and supplies incorporated into or used in connection with the work performed. ( Attach a copy of landowners deed to the subject property and a copy of the plans and specifications for the project. 5. Will a warranty, as defined in Minn. Stat. ch.327A, be extended to Buyer(s)? Yes No If Yes, complete Attachment A. 6. List the co-contractors and/or subcontractors and a description of their work: Co-Contractors / Subcontractors:Description of work:                Approved: on (date)ORDisapproved: on (date) By virtue of this letter, President __________________________________, of _______________________________________________________, is hereby delegated authority to sign any documents required to sell the Real Property described on page1 of this Approval Request. All documents should be reviewed or prepared by the Attorney Generals Office prior to final execution. Dated: By: Vice-Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer Forward this form to the Vice Chancellor-Chief Financial Officer at the address above Attachment A Warranty Attachment Warranty to be offered to the Landowner of (address or legal description of house) Check one of the following: __________ The college has specified a maximum dollar liability and will encumber the amount necessary to cover the maximum liability under the warranties until the warranties expire; OR __________ The college will purchase insurance through the Risk Management Division of the State of Minnesota that will specifically cover the warranties described in Minnesota Statutes chapter327A. Description of the warranties to be offered if different from standard warranties described in Minnesota Statutes chapter327A: One Year: Two Year: Ten Year: AG: #2145264-v1 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT INFORMATION SHEET Date: ___________________________ 1. College: Name of College: Address: Phone: ( ) 2. Landowner(s): Name(s) Landowner(s): Address: Phone: ( ) 3. Property Information: Legal Description: Address of Property:  Property Located in County  *Attach copy of landowners deed to the subject property. 4. Proposed amount landowner(s) will pay to College to compensate College for the fair market value of Colleges improvements: $ or ______________% of the actual cost of materials and supplies incorporated into or used in connection with the work performed which percentage shall be added to the actual cost of materials and supplies. 5. Will the College be reimbursed for mileage? _______ Yes _______ No If Yes, what is the rate per mile? _______ per mile 6. Will the College be acting as general contractor? _______ Yes _______ No If No, who will be hiring out for the work the College is not doing? 7. Amount of Deposit: $ 8. Will the College be doing the electrical work? Yes _______ No 9. Is there any work College will not be doing, which you would like specifically referenced in the Content? _____ Yes _____ No. If Yes, what? 10. Commencement Date: 11. Completion Date: 12. Will a warranty, as defined in Minn. Stat. ch. 327A, be extended to Buyer(s)? _______ Yes _______ No 13. List any encumbrances on the property (i.e., mortgages, liens, judgments): 14. Attach a copy of the Plans and Specifications for the Project. This form was completed by: Date: Phone No:  Fax completed form to: Greg Ewig, Director of Real Estate, (651) 296-0318 AG: #2140159-v1 appendix E Checklists Directory Guide NumberChecklistsE-1Initial Site Assessment ChecklistE-2Closing ChecklistE-3Minnesota Association of Realtors Purchase Agreement ChecklistE-4Preliminary Construction Considerations Checklist Initial Site Assessment Checklist Project Information. Project: County: Description: Parcel: Owner:  Does the Project Have Potential Contaminated Waste Involvement? Checklist to Assess Contamination Potential 1. Land Use History & Development: Setting (check one): Rural ______ Urban _______ Current Land Uses (check applicable): ____ Residential____ Commercial____ Industrial____ Agricultural____ Open Space____ Wetland____ Gravel / Mining____ Dump / Landfill____ Woods Previous Land Uses (check applicable): ____ Residential____ Commercial____ Industrial____ Agricultural____ Open Space____ Wetland____ Gravel / Mining____ Dump / Landfill____ Woods Adjacent Land Uses (check applicable): ____ Residential____ Commercial____ Industrial____ Agricultural____ Open Space____ Wetland____ Gravel / Mining____ Dump / Landfill____ Woods 2. Visual Inspection (indicate Yes or No): Storage Structures: Underground tanks Surface tanks Transformers Wells Sumps Ponds Drums Basins Landfills Other On-site septic tank/drain field  Site(s) Contamination (indicate yes or no): Surface staining Oil Sheen Odors Vegetation Damage Other Site(s) Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials (indicate yes or no) Buildings Sprayed on fireproofing Acoustical plaster Serpentine Pipe wrap _____ Friable Tape Site(s)  3. Optional Review of Outside Records Which May Indicate Past Land Uses: (To be completed when checklist numbers 1 and 2 indicate a potential for contamination). (Land Titles, Business Licenses, Insurance Records, Fire Hazard Maps, Tank Permits, Etc.) 4. Optional Review of Regulatory Agency Record: (To be completed when checklist numbers1and 2 indicate a potential for contamination). (Contact MPCA Site Assessment Unit, Program Development section for this information. They will check their files to determine if there has been a release of a contaminant at or near the project location.) The undersigned, after conducting a field inspection and/or record search for the subject property believes to the best of my knowledge that: _____ there is no apparent contamination potential; the project is considered clear; or _____ contamination potential exists, additional investigation is needed. Signed: By: Date: (print name) Title: State of Minnesota Colleges and Universities CLOSING CHECKLIST Responsibilities of College as Seller: Obtain the proper authority for the transaction. Obtain the proper authority to sign documents. Furnish Abstract or Registered Property Abstract to title company/closing agent selected by Buyer. Furnish title company/closing agent with evidence of authority to sign documents. Schedule Closing. Clear up any title problems. Furnish executed copies of the following: Quit Claim Deed; Affidavit; and Quit Claim Bill of Sale. Arrange for Utility disconnection. Payoff any mortgage liens currently on the property. Responsibilities of College as Buyer: Obtain the proper authority for the transaction. Obtain the proper authority to sign documents. Order title insurance. Before closing, obtain any inspections/environmental inspections on property at own expense. Buyer will select location of closing if purchasing title insurance. Furnish title company/closing agent with copy of purchase agreement. Furnish title company/closing agent with evidence of authority to sign documents. Bring funds to closing. Obtain a signed marked-up title commitment at closing. Furnish copies of the following for Sellers signature: Warranty Deed; Affidavit; and Bill of Sale. Connect utilities/water to the property. Negotiable Items: Determine if a survey is needed and, if so, who will pay for it. Determine who pays taxes. Determine who pays assessments (levied and pending). MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS( PURCHASE AGREEMENT CHECKLIST Potential buyers occasionally make an offer to purchase your carpentry houses using the standard Minnesota Association of Realtors( (MAR) Purchase Agreement form. The MAR form does not offer you as much protection as the Purchase Agreement prepared by our Office, and it contains provisions which the State cannot agree to. Our Office can quickly prepare a Purchase Agreement for you. In instances where you must use the MAR form, please have the following changes made to the Purchase Agreement: 1. Identify the Seller as: State of Minnesota, by and through the Board of Trustees of the Colleges and Universities, on behalf of (insert name of College) . 2. Add the following provision: Seller has the authority to enter into this purchase Agreement under Minn. Stat.136F.36. 3. Strike through the words _____________ Warranty Deed on line35 of the first page and replace it with Quit Claim Deed. 4. Strike through lines 8390 of page2 of the Purchase Agreement. 5. Add the following provision: Sellers closing documents shall be prepared by the Minnesota Attorney Generals Office and will be limited to a Quit Claim Deed, a Quit Claim Bill of Sale, and a Sellers Affidavit. 6. Add the following provision: Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement, Seller makes no representations or warranties regarding the Property and Buyer has agreed to accept and purchase the Property AS IS, WHERE IS. BEFORE SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT BUYER HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY SELECTED BY BUYER, AND HAS NOT RELIED UPON SELLER OR ANY OF ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEYS, REPRESENTATIVES OR AGENTS CONCERNING ANY ASPECT OF ANY MATTER COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT. 7. Add the following provision: This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. Add the following provision: The closing of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement shall occur on (insert date) (theClosing Date), or on an earlier date mutually acceptable to Buyer and Seller, at a location in ___________, Minnesota mutually acceptable to Buyer and Seller. Seller agrees to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date. 9. Add the following provision: Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto, or by mailing in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid , properly addressed as follows: If to Seller:  If to Buyer:  10. If you are paying a commission to a broker in connection with the sale, add the following provision: If the Closing occurs, Seller shall pay a commission in the amount of ____% of the Purchase Price to (insert name of broker) . Seller shall not pay any commission or other fees charged by any other real estate agent or broker involved in the purchase and sale contemplated by the Purchase Agreement. 11. If you grant a warranty to the Buyer, add the following provision: Seller agrees that the warranties specified in Minn. Stat. ch.327A, as now in effect, shall apply to the property; provided that Sellers total liability under this provision shall not exceed the coverage provided by Sellers Vendors Warranty Insurance Agreement with the Risk Management Division of the States Department of Administration, a copy of which shall be delivered to Buyer upon request. 12. If you have not yet received authorization from LauraM. King for the transaction, add the following provision: This Purchase Agreement is subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer of the Colleges and Universities. 13. An employee of the College must sign the Purchase Agreement verifying it as to allotment/encumbrance. The following signature block may be used: Verified as to allotment/encumbrance By: Title: Date: 14. Be sure that all blanks are filled in and, if language is crossed out in the Purchase Agreement, all parties initial the change(s). Your Realtor or broker should assist you in making these changes. We advise you not to enter into the MAR Arbitration form and to be careful about entering into a dual agency. Please contact our Office upon receipt of an offer from an interested buyer so that we may assist you in preparing the Purchase Agreement. PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS CHECKLIST Authority. Does your College have authorization from the Office of the Chancellor to purchase property, receive property as a gift, or sign a contract to build on someone elses property? If you are signing a contract to build on non-College land, does the other party have the authority to agree to the improvements?  Zoning. Is the land you want to purchase or build on zoned for the project you have planned?  Soil. Has the land been tested to determine if it can support a structure?  Environmental Issues. Is the property free of hazardous substances that could interfere with safety during construction and/or sale of the property?  Plans and Specifications. Are the plans and specifications sufficiently detailed to give a clear understanding of the type of house that will be built? If you are building on someone elses property, are these documents attached as an exhibit to your contract?  Building Permits. Have all required permits been obtained? Does the College have copies of all permits?  Setbacks, Easements, and Surrounding Property. Does a legal survey plat map from the local recorder/registrars office or other source show that the planned project is within local setback requirements, avoids all easements on the property, and is within the boundary lines of the property?  Subcontractors. Has the College lined them up, if required to do so? Has the landowner provided a list of subcontractors and their schedules, if the owner is lining them up? Are the subcontractors sufficiently insured? Has the College complied with all applicable bidding laws and system procedures, if it is hiring subcontractors?  Change Orders. If the College is bidding for a specific party, do you have a standard form for the party to request changes to the plans and specifications for the project?  Vendor Accounts. If another party is financing the materials, has the party or the College set up accounts with the right vendors? Is a mechanism for direct billing to the party in place.  Utilities, On-Site Equipment, Access. Are the items necessary to run the project, such as telephone, electricity, snow removal arrangements, and road access in place? If the College arranges these items, have applicable bidding laws and system policies been satisfied.  Grading and Other Site Preparation. Have all arrangements been made according to specifications?  Inspections. If the College or landowner wants to complete inspections after each phase of construction, is a timetable in place? Do you have a form for the landowner to sign waiving the right to order changes/repairs after each phases inspection?  Carpentry Program Advisory Committee. If needed under the purchase agreement to resolve possible disputes with the landowner, is a Carpentry Program Committee in place?  Record Keeping. Are forms available to track project progress, costs (including mileage, if necessary), and problems? Has a central storage location been designated? appendix F Minnesota Statutes chapter327A Minnesota Statutes Chapter 327A (2002) Copyright 2002 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. 327A.01 Definitions. Subdivision 1. Scope. As used in sections327A.01 to 327A.07, the terms in this section shall have the meanings assigned to them. Subd. 2. Building standards. "Building standards" means the State Building Code, adopted by the commissioner of administration pursuant to sections 16B.59 to 16B.75, that is in effect at the time of the construction or remodeling. Subd. 3. Dwelling. "Dwelling" means a new building, not previously occupied, constructed for the purpose of habitation; but does not include appurtenant recreational facilities, detached garages, driveways, walkways, patios, boundary walls, retaining walls not necessary for the structural stability of the dwelling, landscaping, fences, nonpermanent construction materials, off-site improvements, and all other similar items. Subd. 4. Initial vendee. "Initial vendee" means a person who first contracts to purchase a dwelling from a vendor for the purpose of habitation and not for resale in the ordinary course of trade. Subd. 5. Major construction defect. "Major construction defect" means actual damage to the load-bearing portion of the dwelling or the home improvement, including damage due to subsidence, expansion or lateral movement of the soil, which affects the load-bearing function and which vitally affects or is imminently likely to vitally affect use of the dwelling or the home improvement for residential purposes. "Major construction defect" does not include damage due to movement of the soil caused by flood, earthquake or other natural disaster. Subd. 6. "Vendee" means any purchaser of a dwelling and includes the initial vendee and any subsequent purchasers. Subd. 7. Vendor. "Vendor" means any person, firm or corporation which constructs dwellings for the purpose of sale, including the construction of dwellings on land owned by vendees. Subd. 8. Warranty date. "Warranty date" means the date from and after which the statutory warranties provided in section 327A.02 shall be effective, and is the earliest of (a) The date of the initial vendee's first occupancy of the dwelling; or (b) The date on which the initial vendee takes legal or equitable title in the dwelling. In the case of a home improvement, the warranty date is the date on which the home improvement work was completed. Subd. 9. Home improvement. "Home improvement" means the repairing, remodeling, altering, converting or modernizing of, or adding to a residential building. For the purpose of this definition, residential building does not include appurtenant recreational facilities, detached garages, driveways, walkways, patios, boundary walls, retaining walls not necessary for the structural stability of the building, landscaping, fences, nonpermanent construction materials, off-site improvements, and all other similar items. Subd. 10. Home improvement contractor. "Home improvement contractor" means a person who is engaged in the business of home improvement either full time or part time, and who holds out to the public as having knowledge or skill peculiar to the business of home improvement. Subd. 11. Owner. "Owner" means any person who owns a residential building on which home improvement work is performed, and includes any subsequent owner of the residential building. HIST: 1977 c 65 s 1; 1981 c 119 s 1-5; 1986 c 444; 2001 c 207 s 8 327A.02 Statutory warranties. Subdivision 1. Warranties by vendors. In every sale of a completed dwelling, and in every contract for the sale of a dwelling to be completed, the vendor shall warrant to the vendee that: (a) during the one-year period from and after the warranty date the dwelling shall be free from defects caused by faulty workmanship and defective materials due to noncompliance with building standards; (b) during the two-year period from and after the warranty date, the dwelling shall be free from defects caused by faulty installation of plumbing, electrical, heating, and cooling systems due to noncompliance with building standards; and (c) during the ten-year period from and after the warranty date, the dwelling shall be free from major construction defects due to noncompliance with building standards. Subd. 2. Warranties to survive passage of title. The statutory warranties provided in this section shall survive the passing of legal or equitable title in the dwelling to the vendee. Subd. 3. Home improvement warranties. (a) In a sale or in a contract for the sale of home improvement work involving major structural changes or additions to a residential building, the home improvement contractor shall warrant to the owner that: (1) during the one-year period from and after the warranty date the home improvement shall be free from defects caused by faulty workmanship and defective materials due to noncompliance with building standards; and (2) during the ten-year period from and after the warranty date the home improvement shall be free from major construction defects due to noncompliance with building standards. (b) In a sale or in a contract for the sale of home improvement work involving the installation of plumbing, electrical, heating or cooling systems, the home improvement contractor shall warrant to the owner that, during the twoyear period from and after the warranty date, the home improvement shall be free from defects caused by the faulty installation of the system or systems due to noncompliance with building standards. (c) In a sale or in a contract for the sale of any home improvement work not covered by paragraph (a) or (b), the home improvement contractor shall warrant to the owner that, during the one-year period from and after the warranty date, the home improvement shall be free from defects caused by faulty workmanship or defective materials due to noncompliance with building standards. HIST: 1977 c 65 s 2; 1981 c 119 s 6; 2001 c 207 s 9,10 327A.03 Exclusions. The liability of the vendor or the home improvement contractor under sections327A.01 to 327A.07 is limited to the specific items set forth in sections 327A.01 to 327A.07 and does not extend to the following: (a) loss or damage not reported by the vendee or the owner to the vendor or the home improvement contractor in writing within six months after the vendee or the owner discovers or should have discovered the loss or damage; (b) loss or damage caused by defects in design, installation, or materials which the vendee or the owner supplied, installed, or directed to be installed; (c) secondary loss or damage such as personal injury or property damage; (d) loss or damage from normal wear and tear; (e) loss or damage from normal shrinkage caused by drying of the dwelling or the home improvement within tolerances of building standards; (f) loss or damage from dampness and condensation due to insufficient ventilation after occupancy; (g) loss or damage from negligence, improper maintenance or alteration of the dwelling or the home improvement by parties other than the vendor or the home improvement contractor; (h) loss or damage from changes in grading of the ground around the dwelling or the home improvement by parties other than the vendor or the home improvement contractor; (i) landscaping or insect loss or damage; (j) loss or damage from failure to maintain the dwelling or the home improvement in good repair; (k) loss or damage which the vendee or the owner, whenever feasible, has not taken timely action to minimize; (l) loss or damage which occurs after the dwelling or the home improvement is no longer used primarily as a residence; (m) accidental loss or damage usually described as acts of God, including, but not limited to: fire, explosion, smoke, water escape, windstorm, hail or lightning, falling trees, aircraft and vehicles, flood, and earthquake, except when the loss or damage is caused by failure to comply with building standards; (n) loss or damage from soil movement which is compensated by legislation or covered by insurance; (o) loss or damage due to soil conditions where construction is done upon lands owned by the vendee or the owner and obtained by the vendee or owner from a source independent of the vendor or the home improvement contractor; (p) in the case of home improvement work, loss or damage due to defects in the existing structure and systems not caused by the home improvement. HIST: 1977 c 65 s 3; 1981 c 119 s 7; 1986 c 444 327A.04 Waiver and modification limited. Subdivision 1. Except as provided in subdivisions 2 and 3, the provisions of sections 327A.01 to 327A.07 cannot be waived or modified by contract or otherwise. Any agreement which purports to waive or modify the provisions of sections327A.01 to 327A.07, except as provided in subdivisions 2 and 3 of this section, shall be void. Subd. 2. At any time after a contract for the sale of a dwelling is entered into by and between a vendor and a vendee or a contract for home improvement work is entered into by and between a home improvement contractor and an owner, any of the statutory warranties provided for in section 327A.02 may be excluded or modified only by a written instrument, printed in boldface type of a minimum size of ten points, which is signed by the vendee or the owner and which sets forth in detail the warranty involved, the consent of the vendee or the owner, and the terms of the new agreement contained in the writing. No exclusion or modification shall be effective unless the vendor or the home improvement contractor provides substitute express warranties offering substantially the same protections to the vendee or the owner as the statutory warranties set forth in section 327A.02. Any modification or exclusion agreed to by vendee and vendor or the owner and home improvement contractor pursuant to this subdivision shall not require the approval of the commissioner of administration pursuant to section 327A.07. Subd. 3. If a major construction defect is discovered prior to the sale of a dwelling, the statutory warranty set forth in section 327A.02, subdivision 1, clause (c) may be waived for the defect identified in the waiver instrument, after full oral disclosure of the specific defect, by an instrument which sets forth in detail: the specific defect; the difference between the value of the dwelling without the defect and the value of the dwelling with the defect, as determined and attested to by an independent appraiser, contractor, insurance adjuster, engineer or any other similarly knowledgeable person selected by the vendee; the price reduction; the date the construction was completed; the legal description of the dwelling; the consent of the vendee to the waiver; and the signatures of the vendee, the vendor, and two witnesses. A single waiver agreed to pursuant to this subdivision may not apply to more than one major construction defect in a dwelling. The waiver shall not be effective unless filed for recording with the county recorder or registrar of titles who shall file the waiver for record. HIST: 1977 c 65 s 4; 1981 c 119 s 8 327A.05 Remedies. Subdivision 1. New home warranties. Upon breach of any warranty imposed by section 327A.02, subdivision 1, the vendee shall have a cause of action against the vendor for damages arising out of the breach, or for specific performance. Damages shall be limited to: (a) the amount necessary to remedy the defect or breach; or (b) the difference between the value of the dwelling without the defect and the value of the dwelling with the defect. Subd. 2. Home improvement warranty. Upon breach of any warranty imposed by section327A.02, subdivision3, the owner shall have a cause of action against the home improvement contractor for damages arising out of the breach, or for specific performance. Damages shall be limited to the amount necessary to remedy the defect or breach. HIST: 1977 c 65 s 5; 1981 c 119 s 9 327A.06 Other warranties. The statutory warranties provided for in section 327A.02 shall be in addition to all other warranties imposed by law or agreement. The remedies provided in section 327A.05 shall not be construed as limiting the remedies in any action not predicated upon breach of the statutory warranties imposed by section 327A.02. HIST: 1977 c 65 s 6 327A.07 Variations. The commissioner of administration may approve pursuant to sections14.05 to 14.28, variations from the provisions of sections327A.02 and 327A.03 if the warranty program of the vendor or the home improvement contractor requesting the variation offers at least substantially the same protections to the vendee or owner as provided by the statutory warranties set forth in section 327A.02. HIST: 1977 c 65 s 7; 1981 c 119 s 10; 1982 c 424 s 130; 1995 c 233 art 2 s 56 327A.08 Limitations. Notwithstanding any other provision of sections 327A.01 to 327A.07: (a) the terms of the home improvement warranties required by sections 327A.01 to 327A.07 commence upon completion of the home improvement and the term shall not be required to be renewed or extended if the home improvement contractor performs additional improvements required by warranty; (b) the home improvement warranties required by sections 327A.01 to 327A.07 shall not include products or materials installed that are already covered by implied or written warranty; and (c) the home improvement warranties required by sections327A.01 to 327A.07 are intended to be implied warranties imposing an affirmative obligation upon home improvement contractors, and sections327A.01 to 327A.07 do not require that written warranty instruments be created and conveyed to the owner. HIST: 1981 c 119 s 11; 1997 c 7 art 1 s 126 AG: #742577-v1   (Footnote Continued On Next Page.)   PAGE  PAGE 2 * MnSCU has the exclusive permission of the Attorney Generals Office to reproduce this handbook in part or in whole. i PAGE 12 PAGE  Appendix A PAGE 3 PAGE  Colleges and Universities Carpentry Program PAGE  Form B-1 PAGE  PAGE 8 Form B-1 Form B-2 PAGE 7 Form B-2 Form B-2 Form B-3 Form B-3 Form B-4 PAGE  PAGE 8 Form B-4 Form B-4 Form B-4 Form B-5 PAGE  PAGE 9 Form B-5 Form B-6 PAGE  PAGE 2 Form B-6 Form B-7 PAGE  PAGE 7 Form B-7 Form B-8 PAGE  PAGE 8 Form B-8 Form B-9 PAGE  PAGE 5 Form B-9 Form B-9 Form B-9 PAGE  Page  PAGE 3 of 2 MnSCU:20080909GE Colleges and Universities Guide D-1 Carpentry Program PAGE  Colleges and Universities Carpentry Program Guide D-1 Colleges and Universities Guide D-1 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 1 of 2 Guide D-3 Colleges and Universities Guide D-3 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 1 of 1 Colleges and Universities Guide D-4 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 1 of 1 Colleges and Universities Guide D-5 Carpentry Program PAGE  Page  PAGE 2 of 2 Colleges and Universities Guide D-5 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Colleges and Universities Guide D-5 Carpentry Program Colleges and Universities Guide D-6 Carpentry Program Colleges and Universities Guide D-6 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 1 of 2 Colleges and Universities Guide D-7 Carpentry Program PAGE  Colleges and Universities Guide D-7 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 1 of 1 Colleges and Universities Guide D-8 Carpentry Program Colleges and Universities Guide D-8 Carpentry Program Page 1 of 2 Colleges and Universities Guide D-9 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 3 of 4 Colleges and Universities Guide D-9 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 1 of 4 Page 4 of 4 Colleges and Universities Guide D-10 Carpentry Program PAGE  Page  PAGE 2 of 2 Colleges and Universities Guide D-10 Carpentry Program Page  PAGE 1 of 2 Guide D-11 PAGE  Colleges and Universities Carpentry Program PAGE  Colleges and Universities Checklist E-1 Carpentry Program PAGE  PAGE 2 Colleges and Universities Checklist E-2 Carpentry Program Colleges and Universities Checklist E-2 Carpentry Program PAGE  Colleges and Universities Checklist E-3 Carpentry Program PAGE  PAGE 2 Colleges and Universities Checklist E-3 Carpentry Program Colleges and Universities Checklist E-4 Carpentry Program Colleges and Universities Checklist E-4 Carpentry Program Appendix F Page 1 Appendix F Page  PAGE 7 PAGE  *+,f    # ' ( , E I b f z ~  # . 9 : L U s w } ;hR{hHh}bh h15: h15h1 h1>* h15; hG$h1 h1CJ h1CJh~5:CJh15:CJh15:CJh~h15:CJh~h15;CJh}b5;CJ4+,\ |r !" $xa$gd'`kd$$Ifl$$0$4 la $$Ifa$$a$$a$gdnQ ׀΍  ' ( I f ~  ' P x   2 !t" "!t"^ !"^ !"^ !"}    - 2 F K \ ` a r v w - 8 P U i r R S U V Y h1CJ h15CJh15:CJ h15:CJh15;CJhhlTh/h1:CJaJh15:CJaJ h15: h15hR{h}bh1h=2 K a w  - V i   h^h h^h !" 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